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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. Again, through chat: "Actually, only a couple of very specific legatos were not carried forward. Over 95% of the same content is still there." They did send me an invoice for Adagio 2.0. Thanks again for the info! EDIT: and, Adagietto is now in my account ☺️
  2. I just chatted with 8Dio and was told ... Hawk: Hello there. Everything in adagio and adagietto is in anthology. Me: Okay, so no reason to purchase or download these correct? Hawk: Not specifically no
  3. I had to look back but found that I bought this for $49 back in 2017. Good set for $24. Looks like Funky Guitar 2 & Funky Bass are new to the list.
  4. I tried, I really tried, but ... Now, I'm pi$$ed. I paid $11 - $0.38 = $10.62 back in February, I could've saved a buck had I waited! Maybe wait 'til BF? BTW, thank you PB for letting me know (obviously 1. I use this a lot & 2. I need therapy!
  5. Correct, however, you can see what does come with it HERE as opposed to Music Studio and Suite versions.
  6. Yep, buried pretty good https://support.solidstatelogic.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4849510029085-Plug-in-Downloads#plug-in-downloads-0-0
  7. You can also use the 20% off everything code, JULY4 to make it $48. Not sure you can stack another 20% as I haven't received the coupon.
  8. Win 11 Pro, BBCSO Pro Everything but the player updated to v1.7 as posted above. Yes, I have several logs but most of them are without errors - I've posted two below with and without. Unfortunately, I don't know at which point and log file the player successfully updated. I think it was when I reinstalled Core but I don't know which log file that is. Log without error - (first attempt to update) this was at the point player still showed as 1.5 Log with error Log without error (most recent) - this was at the point player showed 1.7 (most recent) It's interesting and confusing looking at the various player and patch versions listed within the log which don't all show 1.7.
  9. ...code still works.
  10. I have no errors listed in the log files. SA installer has always seemed a little funky if not slow to finish updates/installs. Sometimes taking a few times of closing and opening to make it stick not unlike my old Chevy truck door!
  11. I think that's what did it for me after a lot of trial and error. Thanks! The plugin now shows as 1.7 when opening inside the DAW and the plugin doesn't show in the list inside SA installer. No piano for me.
  12. Evidently, Spitfire is not keen on sharing that info.
  13. Fwrend


    So.... no big deal?
  14. +1, my feelings as well. What business is it of Deskew if an official reseller gave a discount - this is like saying screw PA and you and demanding the FULL retail price after "legitimately" purchasing it. I purchased GP3 listed at $69 for $44.99 after completing a survey for $25 off. Below is how I purchased GP4. Guess which crossgrade price they'll offer me - $199; $99; $70!? Again, depending on the Deskew/PA agreement, Deskew got the same money from PA whether PA used their own provided Loyalty/Survey Vouchers or not. Of course, I'm assuming and it may have been calculated proportionally, but it still stinks. The only caveat I see is that Deskew wisely distinguished the two versions from the start, i.e. PA version vs. direct purchase version even though they basically were the same. MAGIX used a similar technique recently with their "buy Samplitude ProX 7 for $299 and get ProX8 free." IF you purchased directly from MAGIX. I purchased X7 Suite for $159 through Safe Harbor in May. When X8 was released, MAGIX told me that it didn't apply to me since I didn't purchase it through them. SH told me to send them the invoice anyway and request the upgrade. I was pleasantly surprised to find my X8 serial in my inbox the next morning. It would be nice if Deskew would concede but I'm not holding my breath. At least they're consistent? I really like the program which allowed me to setup a live system using a Dell Micro PC, interface, and Behringer Motor 61 which I used to play VSTi's as well as mix FOH (3 layers of 8 motorized faders) and IEMs with VST FX (controlled by 3 layers of 8 knobs) and control playback of backing tracks (from the 3 layers of 8 pads and transport controls). Really pretty remarkable. But still.....this sucks.
  15. You have to establish an account. Once setup, you will have access to his free eBooks. EDIT: I was asked to link to my forgotten Teachable account which I had from getting Mixbus Mania! You don't have to link but it helped remind me about the MB tutorial.
  16. It is obvious it is for everyone. I am a continuing student of mixing and mastering so I chose Other and explained exactly that. Absolutely nothing wrong/deceptive with taking advantage of this opportunity. Looks like the code won't work until the Webinar is Live per this statement. "When you join us live, you will be given access to Focusrite's FAST Bundle of powerful AI plugins, including FAST Compressor, FAST Equaliser, FAST Reveal, FAST Verb and FAST Limiter, 100% free!"
  17. You can see exactly what you get on the comparison page. It would depend on what you need and would use. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/rx/features.html#compare
  18. For the record, I have zero iZotope products in/on my iLok system. Ozone 10 Advanced (VST3) opens fine in Reaper. I've been using iZotope products for a very long time and have never authorized to iLok - don't know if that is why??
  19. Yep, there have been a few pass through the forum. It would be great to have them stickied to the top of the Deals forum - perhaps two, FX & VSTi.
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