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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. I'm still on Analog Lab V. I do like it well enough that hopefully I can afford to jump on the Collection train at some point. Thanks for the report Jim!
  2. FYI, in IK Product Manager under Manage Products/Software/MODO DRUM/Products, I have MODO DRUM (version 1) and MODO DRUM CS (which I obtained to update to 1.5). The full version 1.0 gave me 10 kits (I believe) which currently show Unlocked in MODO DRUM standalone. These include: Studio, Jazzy, Rock Custom, Grungy, Djentleman, Black Oyster, Bubinga, Plexi, Extreme, & Reference. EDIT: I meant to mention that in IK PRODUCT MANAGER under Sounds, only 9 kits show - missing is Studio as you guessed. However, it does show as a kit in the product itself so logic would follow that you are correct.
  3. Just to keep it clear Jerry, you mean SE (and not CS) as there is no CE correct? ?
  4. Absolutely agree!
  5. Same case here. The updated APD sale page speaks volumes and at least clears up some things - thanks BTP! One good thing about this thread - it relieved some GAS on this old soul. I'll just wait for another group buy or holiday sale for the new kits - it's not like I don't already have enough drums to (or not) work with! ?
  6. So, why aren't APD selling MODO DRUM 1.5 (13 kits) instead of MODO DRUM SE (5 kits)? Why can't IKM aka Pete just make a simple clarification or at least clear confirmation? Why would one have to rely on customer experiences regarding a confusing or at least mis-worded sale conflicting IKM's own site when IKM's own representative can't address it clearly? But thanks User 905133, your response does lend weight to the speculation and for that I am grateful!!
  7. LOL Pete, this is what is so frustrating, i.e. non-answers like yours - clarifying nothing. What exactly has been confirmed? Are we to assume that you are referring to Pollux's post or referrals to another thread in which other questions were never answered? EDIT: where is Larry when you need a good rant!!?? All seriousness bantering aside Pete, I do appreciate your participation and resilience here in the basement. ?
  8. Right? I think the answer is yes: 1. it would give you (& me, having 1.5) the three kits we are missing bringing the total number of kits to thirteen. Since I got the CS version, it only provided the 1.5 update and not the new kits. 2. to those who have 1.0 (any version) it would upgrade to 1.5 and all thirteen kits. (still confused on this but seems to be). 3. it would give those without MODO Drums the full 1.5 version with all thirteen kits (still confused because page states SE but includes 13 kits). @Peter - IK Multimedia can you confirm or deny?
  9. Personally, I have MD 1.0 and purchased (or chose during the GB) CS to upgrade to 1.5. However, my point was the version confusion on this APD deal, i.e. showing the SE version while describing the full 1.5 version. The confusion may very well be on the IKM side which isn't surprising. Still wondering if someone without either version can purchase this APD item (MODO Drum SE) and indeed have all 13 kits? As SE contains only 5 kits and the regular 1.5 version contains 13 as stated above. Makes no difference, just curious. EDIT: corrected SE & CS versions as needed.
  10. Yes, but still doesn't explain why this sale is for SE which only has 5 kits (including the three new ones) but states that all 13 are included.
  11. I am a bit confused by this sale as it purports to include 13 kits whereas the SE version only comes with 5 kits? Can someone who didn't have MODODrum verify how many kits they get? If all thirteen, that's one heck of a deal!! I already have 1.5 and have all kits except the new ones, i.e. Silver, Metal, & Brit Custom so $13.33/ea is still a pretty good deal. Here's what I see on the IKM website (logged in).
  12. Assuming you mean this product? https://www.mediahuman.com/audio-converter/ BTW, thanks Erik, wasn't familiar with this and a user-endorsed free program is always welcome!
  13. Nope, just the normal loyalty one: The minimum spend for the code 2022-07-6A5KXLXP is $75 and it expires on July 29 at 11:59 PM PST.
  14. Not for me. I've tried changing settings but to no avail. Yeah, I've got BBCSO Core but just haven't jumped on Unify - but the time will come.
  15. I still can't open in Edge nor Chrome. Shows as "Not Secure." Does the sale include Unify? EDIT: never mind. I see a "day or two" includes today
  16. Got the serial as well. Aside from not being able to assign an ASIO driver, I'm rather impressed with this. Here are two quick examples of the splits in 2 (43 seconds: Full, Vox, Track) & 5 (52 seconds: Full, Vocal, Drums, Bass, Piano, Other). Blessed Assurance Consume Me EDIT: I've used iZotope Music Balance some which certainly gives you more options but for what it does, Simple Stems is aptly named for the quick and easy split.
  17. EDIT: my point was that the saved gig files would call up VST's provided by the Deskew version but aren't included in the PA version and whether those provided plugs would expire along with the demo version.
  18. We’re writing to let you know that we’ve just released Lounge Lizard EP-4 v4.4.2. PLEASE NOTE—This update is recommended for all users on all platforms. Best regards, The AAS team Fixes * Fixed audible click when switching between some presets. * Fixed VST3 plug-in editor resize in Acoustica Mixcraft. * VST3 could show the wrong version number in the Finder. * When working with VST3 parameter automation, some DAWs showed random characters in the parameter value.
  19. I assume uninstalling the DEMO version would also delete those dependencies/sounds? I found the Deskew version of the gp.templates file in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Gig Performer\Templates The PA version is in C:\Program Files\Plugin Alliance\Gig Performer 4
  20. Thanks for the tip! I'm curious as to whether these saved gigs will continue to work after the Demo expires and/or whether you have to keep both versions installed to continue use? Time will tell I suppose. EDIT: I also wonder if there is a way to merge the two single Template files into one providing templates from both the PA and Deskew versions. I can open the files in Notebook but don't have the first clue as to how to proceed.
  21. It seems all their bundles and singles are on sale if indeed these are sale prices and not just their normal verses retail prices. Unless your focus is Midas vs. TC plugs? Seem like really reasonable prices if I didn't already have so many similar options. Bundles
  22. $179.10 or nothing!! Here is what you gain going from Standard to Advanced (from their Comparison Page) Dialogue Isolate Ambience Match Dialogue Contour Dialogue De-reverb De-rustle Spectral Recovery Center Extract De-wind Wow & Flutter Deconstruct Azimuth EQ Match Leveler Surround support
  23. Looks like it has been replaced by the Mix & Master Bundle. News HERE
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