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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. ? ..puttin' a damper on my forum hopping!! Thanks IEd!
  2. The Samplitude Forum site seems to be Offline (since about Thursday) and inaccessible. Can you confirm or is it just me??
  3. Cool, now we're on to showing our favorite Reaper layout!! (only the up to date version (5.97)!
  4. Which one's for No. 1 and which for No. 2? ….just wondering!
  5. FYI, text for the link is correct but the link embedded is this thread LINK
  6. Good info. On first read I thought "this is quite involved" but in practice it really takes no more than a minute or two. Only thing or two I would add is: 1. Don't think you have to record the whole length! Record a bar or two, trim to a complete bar. Ctl+L the clip (or right-click and choose Groove-clip Looping). Now just left-click and drag the right edge of the clip to the length needed. 2. To save time next time: add the Metronome Aux track (steps 1-5) to your favorite default template and Save! Thanks Morten!
  7. Frankly, I think you're overcomplicating the mix-> master process. Doing as you describe would basically give you what you have in your project now. While msmleod's suggestion would help, you would still have to do two separate exports, i.e. one for individual tracks (which negates the need for freezing as this would be done on export) and one for busses. However, this defeats the purpose of stems in the first place. Stems would require the requisite Busses setup with ALL tracks going to their respective busses Doing this, you would end up with much fewer tracks to deal with but a little more flexibility at Mastering. In my mind, routing is the issue, not export. Do your routing (even if you have the odd track going to a bus with nothing on it) and export Busses as shown below. You may know all this and I may be missing your intent (my apologies) so in that case nothing else comes to mind. Perhaps you could direct us to a Live tute you refer to. EDIT: if you're simply wanting the ability to adjust the dry/wet mix of Buss FX post export, you could setup two busses for each grouping - one dry and one wet. At least this way you are still minimizing/consolidating tracks for Mastering but giving you additional flexibility? But if so, why not just apply Buss FX in the Mastering project?
  8. ...you might also want to add The Wrecking Crew to your watchlist!
  9. Interesting read from Pro Tools Expert on Pro Tools MAC/PC use. Pro Tools Expert Poll
  10. Yes, this will continue to be a head-scratcher. I've read the stated purposes and still wouldn't know where to place a question or issue. And I can't help but think that traffic around this forum is stifled because of it - I know that I no longer find much pleasure in just browsing the mix and non-sensical layout of discussions. Before, I could at least know that when I was in the hardware portion, we'd be discussing various hardware discussion and issues and in the software forum, etc., etc. Sorry, but without further logical separation of topics it will always be confusing-er.
  11. Typically, you would run the apps locally on the machine you're running. I don't think that I've used the web-based version other than for Android but I still had to load the app. Sorry that probably doesn't help. As an aside for non-profits, you should check out TechSoup if you haven't already. Great prices for non-profits on software and refurbished hardware. EDIT: I take back what I said about web-based. Actually, I forgot that you can open the files within OneDrive which is part of 365. I just tried that and it opens fine. This is how I share some editable files with other musicians.
  12. Lol, he does talk about Chris - very cool, thanks for posting Zo!
  13. Hmm, shouldn't the heading state TLA instead of CLA? ? ...just sayin'
  14. Nice, thanks for the share! Where's Noel & the Bakers?? I'd like to hear them next time!!
  15. I can't remember where I got this one (2016) and I haven't used it yet but perhaps it can help. https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aqmdxt0-uEjh1XlsvTPQFNGEE4YM
  16. Updated here without incident - like Larry said, very fast! Thanks!
  17. I only noticed when reading about it mentioning the single switch for the LP and Pad.
  18. Here is the correct pic....thanks for posting!
  19. Agreed. This forum is "categorically" bland. I'm really not a negative person or whiner but the old forum with all it's quirk was my favorite place to browse - I knew where to look for what. I like the new home but it is becoming my least favorite place to browse. Reminds me of a Steven Wright quote: "I went to a general store but they wouldn't let me buy anything specific."
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