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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. If, like me, you're not familiar, check out this tutorial.
  2. Just as an aside: I was curious as to where the sounds were stored and the setting for downloads wasn't clear on that fact. However, it really works rather well. Just change the download location under Settings and all the work is done for you - it's automatically moved and set. Nice!
  3. While that is one way, you can also either logout or just quit the Portal which removes it from the task manager. EDIT: then again, I just realized the point was the Portal running automatically when using Capsule but the same happens when you run the Portal unless you.... :))
  4. Maybe I'm missing the intent, but I rarely use the "Installation Manager." I have before but only when there is a mass update. All I do is go to my products and download the plugin installer for the plug I need/want, unzip it and run the executable. I usually open up Reaper (because it's the quickest DAW to open), instantiate the new plug, it requests activation, I click Online ('cause I'm still online at that point), it activates and works from there on out. AFAIK, the manager is not required.
  5. I can't recommend Jim Rosebury at StudioCat.com highly enough. He builds three models that you can customize. Maybe a bit pricey but the support is PRICELESS
  6. Thanks Bit, good reminder! I only had a little over 100MB in the folder you alluded to. However, I did find a couple of GB in Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins. Steinberg is another irritant, but I usually stay aware to the suggested paths when installing plugs but as mentioned, Avid and sometimes Steinberg ignores those preferences.
  7. Wish it was clearer! My upgrade offer is $249 and I already have Analog 4 & V as well as sundry bits & packs. The V Collection site shows 28 included instruments:
  8. Yeah, because they are digital cameras - what's an "f-stop?"
  9. Haha, while the OP (of the nipple thread) was factual, I figured someone would sensor. One's jocularity is another's offense! And BTW, I am a Spam eater. Mom used to take it and grate it with cheddar cheese, mix with mayo & seasoning, spread it on hamburger buns and put it in the broiler. When you're feeding seven kids on a limited budget and all, you get creative! My grandkids thinks it's great - they love spiced ham sliders!!
  10. Same here. Actually with owned plugins hid, NX - Virtual Mix Room is the only available plug that shows. However, I do need the AR RS124Vintage Tube Comp to complete my AR collection because it came out after I purchased the collection. It is still available for $29.99.
  11. Praying for you both as well as the care givers!!
  12. Correct, you can't "Claim" it again but the code still shows to the right side (green area) of the perk. At least it does for me. However, it no longer works. Perhaps SMP remembers that I used it the first time even though I didn't follow through and won't let me repeat?
  13. Hmm, strange. I would say the deal is over but my G3 account says expires August 1, 2022. The Redeem link (SheetMusicPlus) worked this morning though I did not purchase, it showed the discount. However, now it does not. I suggest reaching out to Groove3 support. BTW, Microsoft Edge found promo code FT2R2P which gives a $94.90 discount bringing it to $854.10.
  14. Same here. Only had 12 S2 presets. I opened IK Product Manager and clicked on Register Product, entered Authorization Number received from AudioPlugin Deals, then installed. All presets present.
  15. I haven't read this whole but get the gist (I believe) from reading just the last few pages. With all due respect to Reid (who's posts I enjoy/support) and all the members in both camps, though this sub forum falls under the General Discussion, it really doesn't make sense for these posts to be in the deals forum when there are places like Production Techniques and The Coffee Shop threads regardless of which has the highest traffic. The problem I see is that for the moderators to be fair, equal treatment should be given to all users. To that extent, where is the line drawn? Obviously, what is allowed for one should be allowed for all?
  16. Makes sense. I've used SMP many times and it is legit obviously.
  17. Interesting that it is provided through SheetMusicPlus.com. $759.20 - Nice offer!
  18. Yep, while I've had success with the $50, the $75 has never come at a time I really needed wanted something. PA really has this figured out, but I do love their plugs.
  19. Now I feel violated! What kind of Loyalty are they appreciating with a generic code? Anyone have a generic $75 code to share? I'd sure like that new Sculpt plug! ?
  20. Sucks for those that regularly use Accusonus products (I just never jelled with them). But, refreshing to be able to actually get rid of plugins rather than only acquiring them - no-brainer cleanse.
  21. I missed out on getting Cubase during the Gibson debacle and have always been irritated with SB's non-response to inquiries about providing some (if even minimal) discount for current SB customers to purchase Cubase. I have long-had WaveLab Pro, Absolute, & SpectaLayers. Only Crickets. I'd still like to have it (if only gas) but have a hard time justifying the crossgrade price of $369.99 with the DAWs I have and money I don't have.
  22. That explains so much - your GAS expertise is impressive!
  23. Just curious what NBFX Transitions you had/purchased? TotalFX comes with Transitions 5 Ultimate and wonder if these just replaced the ones you had or if there were none available or you had some missing which you noticed.
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