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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. Thoughts? Being only a closet guitarist (lean more Classic Rock/R&B than Heavy Mtl), which would you recommend at the $199 level? Looks like I'll have two freebies left and won't buy-in again. I have everything IK (minus Space Delay which isn't an GB option & the full Miroslav) so these are my choices: Joe Satriani Dimebag Darrell CFH X-Drive X-Space X-Time X-Vibe
  2. Yes, you can. It qualifies as soon as you register it to your account. I bought in once online using Jampoints and one time from the Custom Shop using Gear Credits.
  3. Always tempted by this as I enjoy using UVI with my True Keys and Bohemian instruments. Does the price get any better than this, like over the holidays?
  4. Yep, it took 2 or 3 months of not using my voucher to get me back to a $25 voucher this month. It's always a fine balance of patience, cash, GAS, & price of desired plug. I feel derelict not using my voucher for so long - unworthy! ?
  5. Nope, I have three activations available for each of my plugs in my one and only PA account. This is from the Support page: Also, from the Activation Manual: Our Licensing System Plugin Alliance products use a proprietary licensing system that is completely software based. No hardware license dongle, special drivers, or serial numbers are required to run any of our plugins. Everything is handled from within the software product. All of your licenses are stored in a single file located on your computer or USB flash drive. A full license unlocks a plugin for an unlimited amount of time. You get a full license whenever you purchase a new plugin from our website. These licenses can be activated on up to 3 devices. If you want to use more devices, you can purchase additional licenses to add 3 more devices with each license."
  6. Actually don't need a USB stick. I've had and have used all of my plugins on my Home DAW, Work DAW, & SurfacePro 4 without issue and no dongle from the start.
  7. Correct. For me, it is C:\Users\<my name>\Documents\IK Multimedia\IK Product Manager as shown but you may also want to look in C:\Users\Public\ Public Documents\IK Multimedia\IK Product Manager folder which I think is the default? BTW, this is also a great time to copy the .zip files to a backup drive so you don't have to pay IK $10 to renew downloads when they expire.
  8. Fwrend


    That was my thought. I use a separate drive for drums which I started doing after getting XO.
  9. Love this: "All proceeds donated to charity. 100% of proceeds from sales of the library will be donated to Blueprint for All — supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in the UK (fka The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust)." https://www.spitfireaudio.com/originals/#media-toolkit BTW, where do I get the "Play Like @Simeon Amburgey Plug?"
  10. I had thought of starting a PA Voucher Xchange thread :). Spoiled GAS sufferers seem to never quite be satisfied. e.g. I've got a $50 voucher but a $25 or $75 would work better for me ATM for what I need want which would bring out-of-pocket to $24 as opposed to $49. Always a toss-up. ..and no @Bapu, I don't need picks or strings ?
  11. Same. I'd be happy to trade with someone.
  12. Found this here on page 2 and didn't see it resolved/confirmed. Thanks @InstrEd!! EDIT: Still, a NO-Brainer deal buying in at $199 (to get what I want) for $155 (after JamPoints) at this point is 17 products at $9.12/ea which, for me would include Hammond B-3X, Lurssen Mastering Console, MixBox, MODO DRUM and SampleTron 2! EDIT2: To furtherize my strategy, I am now choosing the most expensive Sampletank instruments I can so that if/when I use all of my freebies, I can purchase another GB BuyIn at a lesser tier with my remaining Gear Credits to pick up the remaining less expensive sounds.
  13. Lol, me too but was thinking I'd try to get a confirmation before finally pulling the trigger. @Peter - IK Multimedia??
  14. Sorry, probably redundant but...does purchasing Cinekinetik or Electromagnetik on sale at $149 buy you in at $199?
  15. Valued most likely because you had purchased the "collection" at one time. Mine all show as $19/ea. Though tempted, I've never purchased a completed "collection."
  16. My H-Comp expired last month. Everything else is good until March '22. I will probably pick up AR RS124 (only one I'm missing from the collection) for $29 and WUP one more time. Of course, that's after I cash in on the IK GB
  17. Would that be somewhere between a traditional Chartreuse and Citrine? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors:_A–F
  18. Thanks! NewBlueFx Refocus
  19. Same here. If allowed, I would be happy to donate my serial number since I already have it? PM me if someone wants to try.
  20. In fairness to @Peter - IK Multimedia, he did state on page 11 the following (not that anyone would remember or read back 85 pages to find it! ?) Reading the GB page copy, one might think that the second freebie happens at the 12,000 tier but then the graphic makes it all clear by showing that the 12,000 tier brings 12 freebies - Yay! But, the graphic only shows tiers 8,000 through 20,000 and "So on." So, the inference, logical conclusion, and obvious behavior of the counter shows that distribution happens 1 = 1-1999 ; 2 = 2000 and "so on." But wait, that math doesn't work because that process only takes us to 24,000! (as someone noticed). Marketing typo or genius just to drum up a 96 page thread - @Bapu would be proud! Anyone know of a local Pedantic's Anonymous group?
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