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Everything posted by balinas

  1. At this price, I can verify that Pro Q3 would be an excellent entry into FF.
  2. Awesome to see some life and crazy functionality being developed for the MCU and C4! now if this could only port over to a few other daw’s!
  3. I picked up V2 and V3 the other day. There are quite a few presets that I can use, so it is a nice addition to the Raptors Pro presets I had bought before under Gibson Cakewalk.
  4. No special emails here. But I do have $3.74 in points ready to spend from previous purchases!
  5. Yes. This program is something very helpful, and shows the usb/port connections that I have been wondering about. Seems that Device Manager in Win10 doesn’t show some of this info, or if it does, it is definitely more obscure and impossible for me to interpret.
  6. Apparently just a few things were added back. Reading the forum, still a few people irritated with lack of what used to be there. And no ARA2 support yet.
  7. At the JRR shop, it seems to show all FabFilter products at 40% off https://www.jrrshop.com/fabfilter?dir=desc&order=news_from_date oops! Just saw someone already posted this! Guess it was worth saying twice!
  8. Yesiree. Got it as well with the last Group Buy! And these deal postings are always a reminder to trial it compared to some others.
  9. Magix site says it has Sound Forge Pro 11 as part of the ‘suite.’
  10. Not sure what it is either! But it wasn’t there at 12 noon today when I updated something else through N Access. I will go to NI tomorrow and check it out.
  11. Interestingly the Windchimes that came with v4 continues to crash on loading , but the Windchimes that comes with v3 works perfectly. And currently just a few others don’t work right now. No biggie. Overall I like it as I just get going with the layering and other possibilities there are. I did order the usb stick as to download the 250g would be expensive through my provided.
  12. Are they the free ones? They have a number of free plugins, and they show up in my account as well. Brusfrei is great as a noise gate.
  13. Installed both updates. Over the next week I will load some instruments and keep track of what happens. I am not sure if any crash dumps are created, but I really wouldn’t know where to look for them.
  14. Still quite a few instruments that instantly crash the stand alone Sample Tank4. Should I be keeping track and reporting these, or would IKM just assume it is my system and setup?
  15. And here I thought it was a reference to watching how many pints and quarts one was consuming in an English pub before noon!
  16. Thanks. Fan speed on 'Q' is about 1205 to 1275 RPM. Fan speed on 'P' is 1457 up to 1900 under load. I do note a higher pitched whine when it got to 1850, but before that the sound was about the same. It seems I am a little limited with CPU fans as the motherboard is a little older, and I have to use a CPU fan with those Intel push pins as there are no nuts/mounts on the back side of the motherboard to hold a different fan with screws. I am trying to hold off on removing the motherboard just to put a mounting bracket back there. At that point, I would probably just get an updated mobo. thanks again!
  17. That makes sense. Thanks very much for your response. I will see how the CPU temps run on the Q setting. Then try it on the P setting as well.
  18. I had to get a new Intel Socket 1366 Copper Core/Aluminum Heat Sink for my computer. The old one wasn't cooling as effectively as it had been. This new one cools much better! On the side of the unit is a small switch labeled "P" and "Q". Does anyone know what this might do? There are no instructions/manual, and I can't find anything on the Intel site. Thanks!
  19. Same error message. Hopefully just a glitch, as I still look something up occasionally.
  20. Here is an article by Craig Anderton that may help. But the answer is yes. http://blog.presonus.com/index.php/2018/11/30/friday-tips-keyswitching-made-easy/
  21. Try this but it appears the same: https://sendy.acoustica.com/w/2RX0o6Of5FxvYVLwt2k4EQ opened right up on my phone. Perhaps it was a temporary server glitch on their end. It is never the connection speed on my home internet as my internet provider repeating to me!! ?
  22. Thanks for this heads up. I went ahead and did the update, even though I don’t have any NI hardware. Didn’t even think about it adding more automatic startup services! i will go through and disable them as well.
  23. The only thing I saw so far is a setting in the 'Master' tab. 'Low' is low sensitivity that matches the output level of single coil pickups. And a 'High' sensitivity setting where 'high sensitivity matches the output of humbucker pickups.'
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