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Everything posted by balinas

  1. 5.72 pounds after the cash I had saved so carefully. Now lets go give it a spin! Not sure if 'spin' is really appropriate here as it will be installed on a SSD.
  2. I already have a bunch of folks running around in my head. What chaos could inviting 4 more cause?
  3. I do have v10 of the Super Tap. This offer allows me to use v11, so I guess this might be an ‘auto-WUP!’
  4. Oops!! Wrong link to the right spam!!
  5. The points weren’t in my account initially. I browsed around the site, then a box opened declaring me as the recipient of some 30 points! Took about 45 seconds of browsing.
  6. Thanks mucho! Glad I waited a day before ordering this! Now for the adaptor.
  7. Do not have young children around if you ‘accidentally’ type in PAS5 into an internet search box! You won’t believe what comes up! @cclarry I assume this code is for the Proaudio site.
  8. At the bottom of the ProAudioStar page are some consideration ads for additional accessories. Wow, for the AC adapter and the cable, just add an additional $90!! Probably just an oversite. The gift for the DIGIBOGO3 code gives an 'invalid' for this selection. The ProAudioStar price for the pedal alone is excellent. The $179 for the 3 items is not. I have only seen the $89 price for used pedals. But this does bring up one of those irritants i have with ProAudioStar. More often than not, a discount/code listed in their emails or even on the product description do NOT work, even within hours of getting the email offer. Calling them or chatting, has only gotten me the run around, and the words, 'oh, that offer expired.' But I just got the darn email an hour ago! 'Sorry, it is no longer good." 'Next!!'
  9. Thanks much!! I appreciate your comments.
  10. Is the 'Pro' edition worth the upgrade price?
  11. This just so reminds me of those stifling long couple of weeeks this past summer when I was verboten from writing any further reviews on Amazon. No reason, no explanation. No references to any supposed bad reviews. I inquired 3 times. On the third attempt to start a dialogue, I reminded Amazon that all reviews I filled out were completed on items that i I had a confirmed purchased. Also added that I would not be purchasing any further items until my permission to review was returned. in less than 24 hrs, I was happily reviewing a three pak of reusable cat food lids. I have purpose again! Don’t really, but I do scream that in the toaster oven reflective glass each morning as the cats receive their morning rations. This return to Larry of his constitutional given rights and liberties, is a ever so bright beacon in this time of social distancing.
  12. The original ‘Bacon Busker!’
  13. Wow. A download progress meter on the opening Waves Central screen. And it actually works. Well, it actually moves and appears to be reflective of a state of download. And when I see an indication that something is actually working, I can go into that reflective state, and know that it has all been exactly as I desired. There was one plugin update for 'Sibilance.' And when I clicked to update, another, apparently functioning progress bar that works!
  14. Maybe a 12 for 1 group buy!!
  15. I agree that we should have an option to 'filter presets by owned modules' as suggested by Jacques. This simple addition would seem to show that IKM does make substantial changes based on user feedback. I did have to laugh at Peter's explanation that the design of AmpliTube was 'based on user feedback.' Which one user was that? Perhaps there was a user feedback choice of 'barely tolerable' in the initial feedback surveys! Almost 2 pages of 'user feedback,' and I haven't been convinced that any user liked the preset browser the way it is currently setup in AmpliTube. Perhaps when the choices were more limited, the current preset browser may have been relatively easy to ignore. Now, I find the browser a pain very darn near my sit bones.
  16. Not sure that I will get that, but it is the better price I have seen for This.
  17. Thanks to Matt for this timely updated information! The download was 584 MB on my NI app.
  18. Thanks! Not that my vocals need any tweaking at all. But a program like this is nice to have if just for the next performers reassurance that we can fix some mis-vocalization. Every now and then, I amuse myself listening to my purposeful misdirections!
  19. I have tried this out, but it didn’t seem very helpful at the time. Any one have more success with this, as opposed to Melodyne?
  20. I don’t have the M-audio equipment. But I used the VS100 for many years. It worked very well with Cakewalk/Sonar. One of preamps started getting noisy, which prompted me to get something else. Really depends on your budget, how much a VS100 would cost you, and how old the VS100 is.
  21. Trying a different computer. Same OS and Win Defender settings. Installed without an issue. Now to try it out!
  22. Trying to download the demo, I keep getting a viral massage potentially consistent with a really bad hemicrania. "Failed - Virus detected https://d16.pl/pub/install/Syntorus 2 - 2.0.0 (x64).msi " This was for the 64 bit WIN app. Has anyone gotten this message, and has anyone run this installation anyway?
  23. I haven't registered my recently purchased update to 10.5 Cubase. I think I will wait to register/activate it until right before 11 comes out. Frankly, between SOv4 and Cakewalk, I am well covered for everything my little brain can come up with.
  24. My wallet is just not the reactive blind beast it used to be. While not much thought pre-purchase, there now is a slight pause programmed on the credit card macro. this would be tempting if the PC version were imminent. ?
  25. These are the best prices on their material that I have seen in 2 years. Not sure that allows me to get anything right now, unfortunately.
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