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Everything posted by balinas

  1. I did write, looking for a significant bonus thrown my way in exchange for purchasing it. Like I would love another year’s pass to Groove3, like I got last year! But haven’t heard back yet. Probably just saving my bonus until there are several more Groove3 videos that resonate with my learning needs.
  2. Waves V12 show up for me, but the V10 that I had been using are not showing up in Waves Central. Perhaps there was a way to update to V12, but also keep all the V10 installed as well for older projects? I don't remember seeing that as an option, but I do see Waves has now installed all of the aaxplugin versions! Arghh sometimes I say to meself!
  3. If anyone needs it, here is the link: https://www.bandlab.com/products/desktop/assistant Frankly, I dont know if this is the most recent update or not. I downloaded and installed, then ran BLA. Immediately it says there is an update available. Hmmm..... So I click on update, and sure enough, it does update correctly this time. Sorry, but I can't give credit to BLA for a smooth update, especially when I have to reinstall BLA just to get it to pretend to update! Back to baseline, and awaiting the next piece of software to present its Gordian knot update process. Waves has been a good one for this. IKM follows in a close second at times, and NI updates are hit or miss recently. Sometimes all these updates seem like that headless chicken policy making South Park episode!
  4. Update through the app is stuck in circles here. Of all the updates to Bandlab over the last few years, only one has ever proceeded smoothly through the app itself. A functional chord track in Cakewalk would probably bring me back full time. But on to other updates and downloads right now!
  5. Making some progress here. I received this back this afternoon: "Thanks for your patience while we got back to you. Thank you for your patience. After some discussion and looking into this matter, we are prepared to issue you a replacement flash drive. In the interim, software such as Lurrsen Mastering Console and Modo Bass can be downloaded via the internet as they are not as large as the Sampletank 4 or Miroslav 2 content packs." And there were no additional links to other IKM promotions! So I replied with a confirmation of my physical address. In the meantime, I will continue having some fun with MODO Bass that was small enough to download. If they dont want the old USB stick back, I think I will open it, put in some lead sinkers and have fun with that as a real paper weight!
  6. This is the response I received today from IKM support: "Thanks for your patience while we got back to you. Thank you for your patience. We have contacted our team about your situation. Please stand by. Feel free to sign up for our Newsletters to receive updates directly in your inbox: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/newsletter/ Check out these promotions while they last!: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/index.php?N=promos We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If you still have any question, interests, or concerns, please reply to this email and an agent will get back to you as soon as possible. Please make sure to reply to this email and do not open another support ticket." IKM should have stopped with the line "Please stand by." Offering me to sign up for a newsletter and then pushing more promotions weren't quite what I was interested in when I submitted this ticket. And then the line "We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions" makes no sense whatsoever. Frankly, this response answers NONE of my questions, and only opens up my thought of why I even purchased this to begin with! Has IKM 3rd party contracted with Steinberg to take over their support responses now?
  7. Thanks! I will look at that. The satellite service runs quicker after 3 AM, and they increase the GB’s one can download at that time as well. I just try not to be awake at that time!
  8. Thanks. I did download MODO Bass and installed that smoothly. I dont have the bandwidth to download much of the others, and that is why I went for the boxed versions to begin with. Still waiting to get any response back from Support. The other sad part is that the USB stick isn't even heavy enough to be an effective paperweight! ??
  9. balinas

    XLN updates

    my software may be up to date, but sadly, I am not.
  10. @Peter I jumped on the Total Studio 2 Max Maxgrade, which seemed like a good deal to round out my IKM instruments using JamPoints. The Boxed version came in 2 days, and that was great! The USB stick would only work in 1 of the 6 USB ports I tried it in, all powered, and all which work with ALL my other USB sticks, instruments and external harddrives. I could see the WIndows install exe, and started the install specifically for MODO Bass, Miroslav, Larsen. Each for VST, VST3 and standalone and in the suggested directory from the install program. Installed started but for each each one, I was quickly met with an error message, and I have attached a screen shot of two of them. Install had to be aborted. I tried an install to another harddrive with the same result. It seems that the IKM USB stick is faulty, or the files on it are faulty. I sent a message to support, but thought you might have another idea to get this installed. Thanks!
  11. Thanks. I am confused. But I wont be going any further, except to unsubscribe to BPB, if that is even possible. Frankly not worth it to me.
  12. oops. Posted wrong linked! Removed and retired! Thanks for all your patience.
  13. +1, unless content issues are part of the need for on-going fixes! I haven't really bothered to check if there are any real changes in the content with each update.
  14. Just another reason to keep it on your PC! Kidding aside, this is a great update!
  15. Dear Forum members, We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the second maintenance update for Spectralayers Pro and Elements 7, version 7.0.20. Besides including several fixes to minor issues, version 7.0.20 comes with many improvements as well as functionality additions to the tools introduced in SpectraLayers 7. We recommend all SpectraLayers 7 users to install this update as soon as possible. You can download it from the Steinberg website and via the Steinberg Download Assistant. For detailed information, please refer to the corresponding version history.
  16. I don’t see these on sale very often. How do you use them in your production? As they are in a proprietary format, do you convert them, or use them through the Elastik player?
  17. balinas


    I have gotten several things from them at good prices. Delivery was prompt. I have never needed to return anything because of non-functioning items. I read a few years ago of others having difficulty getting replacements. I did find their ‘deals’ emails frustrating though. Twice I received an email from them offering an excellent price on something I was looking at. Usually on a Sunday afternoon, of all days! I went to their website to order (within a few hours of getting the email) , only to find the deal had ended before I even received the email. other than that, buying something from them was smooth.
  18. Right now I have no idea when this was updated, but this is what I found on their website: "Current Versions PACE Versions: PITCHMAP AU/VST/VST3/RTAS/AAX: Windows: 1.6.3p Mac: 1.6.4p"
  19. PITCHMAP: Re-Write Mixed Music on the Fly our award-winning polyphonic pitch processor PITCHMAP lets you shape musical audio like never before. Add this indispensable tool to your arsenal now, at a massive discount! USD 99/EUR 99* BUY NOW! http://www.zynaptiq.com/newsletter/lm.php?tk=QmFydCBCYWxpbnQJCQlid2JhbGludEBlYXJ0aGxpbmsubmV0CQkyMTgJUE1fc2FsZV9zZXAyMAkxNDg0NQljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.2checkout.com%2Forder%2Fcheckout.php%3FPRODS%3D24242240%26QTY%3D1%26CART%3D1%26CARD%3D1%26SHORT_FORM%3D1%26ORDERSTYLE%3DnLWs5ZXPnLo%3D%26SHOPURL%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fsecure.2checkout.com%2Forder%2Fproduct.php%3FPRODS%3D24240990%2C22073132%2C22073415%2C24242124%2C24241343%2C24241875%2C24242240%2C24419100%2C24242467%2C24242303%2C24419239%2C24419377%2C24431963%2C24419489%2C24419666%2C24432228%26QTY%3D1%26SHORT_FORM%3D1%26ORDERSTYLE%3DnLWs5ZXPnLo MORE INFO http://www.zynaptiq.com/newsletter/lm.php?tk=QmFydCBCYWxpbnQJCQlid2JhbGludEBlYXJ0aGxpbmsubmV0CQkyMTgJUE1fc2FsZV9zZXAyMAkxNDg0NQljbGljawl5ZXMJbm8=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zynaptiq.com%2Fpitchmap%2F Has anyone ever used this? Seems interesting, but does it really produce usable results? Which I know is really up to each individual listener!! I did sign up for the demo version, which should allow me to use it for 30 days. Which is interesting, as the sale ends in 14 days.
  20. $11.84 in US dollars. You gotta love that exchange rate!
  21. I am continually amazed as to how it takes me to find out about some of these updates! That, and I totally forget this had already been posted!
  22. Scaler 2.1 is available at PluginBoutique !
  23. To me, it appears that Melodyne and SpectraLayers pro7 can be used in SoundForge14 through ARA2. Those 2 programs appear in the 'Tools' menu. Curious RevoicePro4 doesn't appear here. Currently it doesn't appear that SoundForge14 works directly in ARA2 with StudioOnev5, but if I edit a clip with SpectraLayers 7 (through ARA2 in SOv5), I can then further edit the clip with an 'external editor' such as SoundForge14. Then save it back into SLpro7, and finally into SOv5. Perhaps there is an easier work around for this right now. Seems to me that all computer programs are parts and pieces of an overarching computer super-program that we are ever so slowly coming to discover/develop.
  24. Cant wait to get my wallet out for a few of these babies!!
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