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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. One important caveat to bear in mind with USB mics is that you cannot use them in ASIO mode so low latency input monitoring is generally not an option. To use a USB mic you must use WASAPI shared or wasapi exclusive mode. The latter will give you lower latency but it really depends on the audio interface since many pro audio interfaces have abysmal performance in wasapi mode. It's not a deficiency if wasapi but more that driver vendors don't bother properly optimizing for it. In general USB mics are not a good pro audio solution for this reason.
  2. Yes that was the reason. If you download the latest update this issue has been already fixed. Hidden buses will no longer cause preview drawing to stop working.
  3. @mkerl If the smart tool is on you need to click in the LOWER half of the clip for this behavior because this only applies to comp mode. The lower half of the smart tool has the comp tool functionality which implements this behavior. If you want to click anywhere and seek to beginning you will have to select the dedicated comp tool. Also make sure you are clicking on clips in take lanes since this only applies there.
  4. Hi @Jack Stoner I've been doing a bunch of tests here with switching presets a lot while playing and did not see any crashes yet. I tested multiprocessing, 64 bit processing as well as load balancing and everything seemed pretty stable. In fact it was an improvement over prior versions of Ozone.
  5. Thanks for sending the dumps and follow up Dick. A little explanation for others on the thread. I suspect on Dick's system he may need to do a full rescan since for some reason API2500 is stalling the scan. That isn't the source of his issue however. While a background scan is underway the scanner will periodically (ever 50 plugins or so) communicate with Cakewalk and notify it to refresh its cache of plugins. This is done so that you can immediately start using new plugins even while a scan is underway. However if you have lots of plugins installed this notification can be expensive since Cakewalk has to reload the plugin inventory which can take a few seconds. During this process the UI can get blocked. This is the freeze that he was encountering periodically since he has over 1500 plugins on the system. For a subsequent update we'll optimize this so the UI doesn't get blocked by this operation so it wont be an issue anymore. One more mystery solved
  6. No we don't force the theme since it would prevent you from using custom themes and switching lenses.
  7. Hi guys, Yes the Basic lens was updated so if you were using the stock one it would have changed. The theme being forced with the Basic lens was an oversight. That has been fixed in the latest hotfix.
  8. If you download the latest update this has been addressed.
  9. What do you mean by "disabled". Are you bypassing the VST3? Are you getting the crash on loading the project or on saving? @Jonathan Sasor was able to reproduce some crashes with this plugin.
  10. @Zoltan G. Zeisky I'm currently working with EastWest to try and get to the bottom of this issue. Can you verify whether you are using both the VST2 and VST3 versions of the plugin simultaneously in the same project? That is generally not a good idea.
  11. Hello @Florian Cedard thanks for sending the diagnostic dumps. I looked at all your dump files. In all of them there is only a single issue that is actionable by us, The rest are all plugin bugs. Here is the analysis for each file if you are interested. All your crashes are caused by mainly 2 plugins. STL Tonality - Howard Benson.vst3 and Superior Drummer 3 I suggest you contact the respective plugin vendors and report it directly to them. You can send them the dump files associated (as indicated below) for their analysis since there isn't anything we can see on our end that would cause these crashes. The stacks are 100% inside the plugins. In short, many crashes are caused by bugs within plugins themselves and there is nothing the host can do to prevent them. For such issues its in your best interest to contact the plugin developers and notify them about the issue with the dump file of course. Tell them what DAW you were using so that they can validate their products with Cakewalk as well. ---------- Stay Back_10072019_213100 > 00007ffde1da5094() Unknown Non-user code [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for STL Tonality - Howard Benson.vst3] Annotated Frame STL Tonality - Howard Benson.vst3!00007ffde3a5a811() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. ---------- Stay Back_09282019_175852 [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for Superior Drummer 3.dll] Annotated Frame > Superior Drummer 3.dll!00007ff9ce65b281() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. ---------- Stay Back_09282019_151247 [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for Superior Drummer 3.dll] Annotated Frame > Superior Drummer 3.dll!00007ff9ce65b281() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. ---------- Perfect Religion_10082019_184104 > 0000000000000000() Unknown Non-user code [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for STL Tonality - Howard Benson.vst3] Annotated Frame STL Tonality - Howard Benson.vst3!00007ffde2cba811() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. ---------- Never Look Down II_10012019_223746 Cakewalk crash - fixed ---------- Endless Disease_10092019_163216 Crash in a waves DLL C:\ProgramData\Waves Audio\Modules\AdditionalDLLs_x64\mkl_waves.dll > mkl_waves.dll!00007ffdd3fb50b3() Unknown Non-user code. Binary was not built with debug information. 0000000098768c40() Unknown Non-user code ---------- Compo Intro Concert_10022019_170820 Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF9D3F6B281 (Superior Drummer 3.dll) in Compo Intro Concert_10022019_170820.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000000 [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for Superior Drummer 3.dll] Annotated Frame > Superior Drummer 3.dll!00007ff9d3f6b281() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found.
  12. Yes we can repro it. Its a bug in the UI. We'll fix it.
  13. Thanks @Pete Brown As Pete says indicates that device isn't really designed to be used inside DAW's. Its mainly for playing back MIDI files in Windows and such. Also the GS synth and WASAPI don't play together well when the DAW is using WASAPI mode (thats why I asked) According to the dump file the user is running 10.0.14393 I don't think Johnbee58 was running with the GS synth. He just commented that it wasnt hanging for him lol.
  14. Hi @Marcos Kleine, Firstly, thanks for sending your dump file, it makes it easy to locate the source of the problem. I looked at it and the issue is not related to this Cakewalk update. Its appears to be a hang in the Microsoft GS WaveTable synth which you have selected as the MIDI output device. I have tried that device recently and found it to be very unstable. I ran into that exact same hang after stopping and starting playback multiple times. The hang occurs when Cakewalk is sending a MIDI message to the device as indicated below. The device goes unresponsive and hangs the application. To solve your problem, don't use the GS WaveTable synth. You can try using TTS1 which is a GS synth as well. Also one clarification. Are you using WASAPI or ASIO? I will forward this information to Microsoft in case its something on their radar. ntdll.dll!NtWaitForAlertByThreadId() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. ntdll.dll!RtlpWaitOnAddressWithTimeout() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. ntdll.dll!RtlpWaitOnAddress() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. ntdll.dll!RtlpWaitOnCriticalSection() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. ntdll.dll!RtlpEnterCriticalSectionContended() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. ntdll.dll!RtlEnterCriticalSection() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. wdmaud.drv!CWasapiRenderer::GetCursors(__int64 *,unsigned __int64 *,__int64 *,unsigned __int64 *) Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. wdmaud.drv!CMicrosoftGSWavetableSynth::GetTimeNow(__int64 *) Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. wdmaud.drv!CMicrosoftGSWavetableSynth::SendMIDIEvent(struct MIDI_TIMESTAMP *,unsigned int,struct MIDI_TIMESTAMP *) Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. wdmaud.drv!SwModMessage() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. wdmaud.drv!dspsL() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. WINMMBASE.dll!midiMessage() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. WINMMBASE.dll!midiOutShortMsg() Unknown Non-user code. Symbols loaded. > Cakewalk.exe!CMidiOutHardware::Send(unsigned long dwMsg, int nEventBus) Line 224 C++ Symbols loaded. [Inline Frame] Cakewalk.exe!CMidiOutDev::Send(int) Line 217 C++ Symbols loaded. Cakewalk.exe!sendResets(CMidiOutDev & dev, int nPort, int bResetOnlyBasic) Line 4265 C++ Symbols loaded. Cakewalk.exe!CTransport::zeroControllers() Line 4302 C++ Symbols loaded.
  15. @Dick Kloosterman could you please capture a dump file while the app appears frozen? I may be able to see what is taking long. To do that follow the instructions in this FAQ and zip and upload the dump file to any file sharing service. Then send me the link please. Do not upload the file to this forum since it will be too large.
  16. Hi @Florian Cedard unfortunately the dump file is corrupted when I download it. Please don't directly upload to the forum since it may not work properly. Instead upload the file to something like DropBox, Google Drive or OneDrive and then send me the link please.
  17. @Florian Cedard this article has simpler and more up to date information on capturing a dump. Please use this instead.
  18. Also @Zoltan G. Zeisky have you tried installing and testing with the latest hotfix that came out last night? Let me know if it still crashes there.
  19. @Zoltan G. Zeisky the dump file is for us to diagnose. You won't be able to analyze it on your end. Dumps from task manager are not minidumps but are full memory dumps so if you have lots of RAM it can be large. If you zip the file it will get a lot smaller. Then upload it to any file sharing service like google drive or dropbox and PM me a link.
  20. @Marcos Kleine can you zip the file and upload it to dropbox or any other share you use and PM me the link please.
  21. @Marcos KleineCould you please capture a dump from task manager while it appears hung and send it to me? That may show what is causing it. There is info here about how to capture a dump.
  22. It may be project specific. See if it also happens in SONAR fwiw. In any case well fix it for the next release.
  23. Thanks for reporting it. The feature actually works but it looks like there is an old bug (also in Platinum) where if the clip start is scrolled out of view the left click wont go to the clip beginning. We'll look into fixing it for the next CbB release.
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