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Noel Borthwick

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Noel Borthwick last won the day on December 15

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  1. No melodyne is a completely different installer and it isn't appropriate for product center to sniff out other companies products. Installing cakewalk's version of melodyne won't have any detrimental effect on the studio version because they handle that automatically. Iow it will not affect your studio license.
  2. Generally, most promo's tend to be for new customer acquisition. Also, it requires a bunch of backend work to implement promo's that extend existing customer subs , so most companies don't do it this way.
  3. This is not an error. There were different tiers for the BandLab sale and indeed just a few licenses at $0.99 so that's not a typo. If you had bought in at the right time you would have got it at that price. Its important to note that this promo is a general Bandlab offer - its not directly targeting Cakewalk users. It's very common marketing technique for companies to have holiday promo's like this. Google does volume limited promo's like this all the time as well.
  4. Rolling back is not going to solve anything if the problem is external. If you post a crash dump file we can tell you why its crashing.
  5. There has already been a dedicated thread for redist issues for ages. We don't need more threads. This is a Windows problem not a Cakewalk issue. Its happening to other apps as well. All we can do is guide users to solve the problem themselves. All our latest installers automatically attempt to repair the redist. There isn't anything further we can do. If anyone has problems beyond this I suggest contacting Microsoft support.
  6. @icu81b4 clip gain does not apply to clips that have region effects. Region effects read raw audio data directly from the clip. If you want to use clip gain you will have to bounce to clip first.
  7. Although sonar can have very long projects in absolute time, there are limitations to musical time. This is an area that can be improved. PS. when we adopted wav64 as a wave file format back in Sonar 7 we tested really long projects. I remember testing files that were a month long and running test recordings for many days.
  8. Have you actually tried the same project in cbb? If you can share a link to the project file with us we'll take a look.
  9. That's the assigned project file song title. You can change it from the media browser.
  10. I believe mpeg 4 audio files should import into Sonar as long as windows sees the codec. What problem specifically are you seeing.
  11. Zip or save it as a cwz file and upload to any file share service. Then send a pm with the link.
  12. Perhaps send a copy of the project with the non responsive clip envelope.
  13. Its 100% backwards compatible. It just won't import old bugs However, there is no good reason to uninstall the old cbb. The footprint is quite small and its handy if you ever need to compare how something works as compared to the old version.
  14. After further investigation, we are in the process of updating our installers to auto repair a broken redist installation. This should help alleviate ongoing issues with corrupt redists. If you have the problem, please download and run our latest redist installer which now attempts to restore a broken C++ redist installation. Our main Sonar and Next installers (as well as CbB installer) should be also updated shortly with similar capabilities. Also read the main article on this for more information.
  15. After further investigation, we are in the process of updating our installers to auto repair a broken redist installation. This should help alleviate ongoing issues with corrupt redists. If you have the problem, please download and run our redist installer which now attempts to restore a broken C++ redist installation. Our main Sonar and Next installers should be also updated shortly with similar capabilities.
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