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Noel Borthwick

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  1. Yeah cant switch mid project in Sonar. However you can in Cakewalk Next since it supports hybrid sample rates in the same project.
  2. You can run all our products offline. They however require to be occasionally activated which requires an internet connection. We also have an offline activation procedure to facilitate this.
  3. John, you are conflating the ASIO driver and ARM64. ARM64 applications themselves require ARM hardware to run. The Windows ASIO driver is not connected with ARM although initially it may be released only on Windows ARM.
  4. This is an application hang and based on the two dump files you provided are not in Sonar code itself. One of your dump files is from an old release not the latest. The relevant information is below. In both cases the hang is in ucrtbase which is the windows universal C runtime. I assume that you are running Windows 11? Exception Code: CFFFFFFF (Application Hang) OS_VERSION: 10.0.26100.1 STACK_TEXT: ntdll!NtGetContextThread+0x14 ntdll!LdrpGetFromMUIMemCache+0x1cc ntdll!LdrResGetRCConfig+0x464 dbgcore!g_DownlevelShlwapiL1CallsDesc <PERF> (dbgcore+0x37048) ucrtbase!__crt_stdio_output::string_output_adapter<wchar_t>::write_string+0x4e ucrtbase!__crt_stdio_output::output_processor<wchar_t,__crt_stdio_output::string_output_adapter<wchar_t>,__crt_stdio_output::format_validation_base<wchar_t,__crt_stdio_output::string_output_adapter<wchar_t> > >::state_case_type+0x98 ucrtbase!__crt_stdio_output::output_processor<wchar_t,__crt_stdio_output::string_output_adapter<wchar_t>,__crt_stdio_output::format_validation_base<wchar_t,__crt_stdio_output::string_output_adapter<wchar_t> > >::process+0x169 ucrtbase!__stdio_common_vswprintf_s+0x1ba Based on this stack, I'm pretty sure you somehow have mismatched system dlls caused by something installing old components. You have a lot of third party plugins in your project. Perhaps one of the installers put a bad redist on your system. If this is the cause as it appears to be based on past problems like this, there isn't much we can do other than pointing you to this article to do a clean install of your redists. You can also try loading your project in safe mode and skip plugins to see if somehow one of them is causing the issue.
  5. Potentially but only if it is a USB audio 2 class compliant device already. USB 1 devices are not supported.
  6. There is no way that the latest update turned it on. Ripple edit has defaulted to off in every version of Sonar. You may have accidentally turned it on by clicking on the wrong menu item sometime. Keep an eye on this graphic to know if ripple edit is enabled. When its off it should show this:
  7. I have the spark Mini and have recorded into Sonar with it using their ASIO driver. Recording works fine but input monitoring isn't great since the latency is too high with it.
  8. Well X86 is not going to go away soon so there is nothing to worry about. Microsoft is heavily invested in ARM and the next generation of PC's is moving towards ARM so its good for everyone to have options. ARM is vastly more power efficient so very well suited to mobile use. Also there are some high-powered desktop ARM solutions on the horizon as well. https://wccftech.com/qualcomm-snapdragon-x2-cpus-to-feature-up-to-eighteen-oryon-v3-cores/ https://www.windowscentral.com/hardware/cpu-gpu-components/next-gen-snapdragon-x-elite-core-count-leaks-heres-what-we-know-so-far
  9. Note that you need a PC has an ARM chipset like the new Microsoft CoPilot PC's or from another vendor. ARM software or drivers will not work on X64 hardware.
  10. Most driver vendors would likely release ARM64 drivers soon I imagine. RME and Yamaha have shipping drivers, and I expect other vendors would follow. Even if your vendor doesn't release a driver my hope is that the Microsoft inbox ASIO driver would cover those bases. That would actually be cool not just for ARM64 but in general for devices that don't have ASIO drivers at all, resulting in some users using ASIO4All. Whether its bundled as part of the ASIO driver package or included separately depends on the manufacturer. Currently its a separate download from RME.
  11. It's kind of low risk. X64 apps run fine on ARM64 devices via Microsoft's emulation layer which is actually surprisingly good. Today the main blocking factor is to ensure that your audio interfaces have ARM64 drivers. Once Microsoft releases the inbox ASIO driver this will be less of an issue. I'm running the RME ARM64 ASIO drivers and the Steinberg UR22. Both go down to very low latency 48 and 32 samples and can play without glitching on Next and Sonar for ARM64.
  12. There will soon be no need for wrapper ASIO drivers or custom drivers that have no special functionality, since Microsoft is adding an inbox ASIO driver. From what I know, as long as you have a class compliant USB 2 audio device it will work with this new Windows ASIO driver. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/windows-music-dev/making-music-on-windows/
  13. Regarding documentation are you sure you are referring to the latest documentation? You can access the online documentation from the help menu in Sonar itself. There is also the full documentation PDF here. Regarding TTS1 as others have said its no longer distributed both in Sonar and CbB since Roland discontinued it. If you had an old version of Sonar you could find it there. There are many free replacements if all you need is a GM instrument for demos or composing. One example is this.
  14. Please respond in the linked thread.
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