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  1. Very few users post deal links to what they use. The vast majority of users don't post anything at all. Most people certainly don't click through every post either, but just skim the headlines and click on what interests them. And right-clicking and opening in a new window is quicker than jumping back and forth through emails. You also got a lot of information about plugins and their manufacturers that you didn't know about before (at least I did not). You also occasionally got discount codes that you didn't get by email. For this reason, the deal forum here was a very good place to go, because there were a few who posted a lot, from which quite a few people benefited...including me. Now that Cakewalk has reconsidered its policy, which is fine with them, things are different now. The "super deal posters" in question have gone and are now posting elsewhere. And it was clear to me that I would now bookmark this page so that I could quickly find out about the most important things. Once a day, everything at a glance, done within seconds. So you have to look at this topic a little more deeply to do it justice...as unimportant as it is, of course.
  2. Wookiee is closing every other Deal-Thread, but with this one he is fine. Now I know why Larry is not onboard here anymore. Sad days for all the deal friends...
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