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Robert Bone

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Everything posted by Robert Bone

  1. Well, I went to the Display Settings (right-clicked on Desktop, then clicked on Screen Resolution), and displayed the choices. The recommended resolution is at noted above, 3840 x 2160, which is why I had to bump up the Scale to 200%. When I left it at that resolution, but reduced Scale back to 100%, then even though nothing was of a usable size, the Piano Keyboard DID display properly then, but the entire screen was too small to be able to do anything at all. SO, the displayed alternative resolutions included one that was precisely HALF of the recommended resolution - 1920 x 1080, and that seemed reasonable, even medicated, I can divide by 2, and that should be the instant solution to my woes. Not the case. With the screen resolution set to 1920 x 1080, and the Scale set to 100%, even after logging off of Windows and logging back in, then opening a brand new CbB project, inserting a soft synth, assigning the midi input to use Omni mode of the Virtual Controller, when I then clicked on View > Virtual Controllers > Piano Keyboard, it STILL displays like that messed up image I had posted originally, with the incorrect displayed octaves, and not all controls displayed, etc.... SOOOOO - Support Folks - I will open a ticket, and supply all the details, and perhaps someone could take a look at tweaking the auto-display logic for the Piano Keyboard window for Virtual Controllers, it does not appear to properly auto-detect at a Windows Screen Resolution of 1920 x 1080, with Scale set to 100%, and the same for higher resolution settings with the Scale bumped up beyond 100%. I don't normally use the virtual controller, but I do have about 137 soft synths and effects to install, (I was good all year), and I would endure quite a bit of pain to sit in the office chair long enough, to test out everything, by the time I would cycle through checking things out, and the cats like to take LOTS of naps, so if there is any way to tweak that auto-detect logic, it would SURELY make a huge and beneficial difference to me. 10 herniated discs kind of limits the amount of physical moving around - even to just sit upright for any length of time in a chair. (I would put in a bunch of good words with Santa, on your behalves......) The cats could mostly care less, either way, but deep down (OK it might be WAY WAY WAY deep down), they would thank you too, or not - they are very aloof. Bob Bone
  2. I was finishing up typing my update post, when yours posted. The issue seems to be caused by my changing the Windows resolution settings page's Scale size from its normal 100% up to a value of 200%, because I use a giant HDTV, and its recommended Resolution setting of 3840 x 2160 then renders all icons, text, and everything else, far too small for me to use. CbB seems to lose its mind, when it auto-detects the display size of the window it generates to display the Piano Keyboard, and that is where it is at, at this point. SO - looks like I have to kick the cats out of bed, and move to use a different HDTV I have set up next to my real midi controller used for recording, or muck around with trying to find a Windows screen resolution setting where I don't have to change the Scale value to 200% of normal. Bummer Bob Bone
  3. UPDATE - 3840 x 2160 (Recommended) Scale of text, apps, and other items is set to 200% It seems my scale alteration to make text and such appear at 200% seems to have not been gracefully handled by the CbB automatic sizing of the displayed Piano Keyboard for the Virtual Controller. When I changed the Windows Scale size back to 100%, then went back into CbB and closed/opened the Virtual Controller Piano Keyboard, it properly displayed, although it is absolutely unusable at that size, on my HDTV. Because I am disabled, I spend large numbers of hours in bed, I use a 65" HDTV as a computer display monitor, at the foot of the bed, and this allows me to do a lot of CbB work while more comfortably positioned then my sitting in my office chair. Because I use the recommended Display Setting resolution of 3840 x 2160, all text and icons and well, everything, shown on the screen at that resolution is WAY beyond too tiny to be usable, so I bump up the Scale to 200% and everything is wonderfully visible and usable. Until now, that is. Do I have to vanquish the cats and move to the office chair, and use a different HDTV with a smaller resolution to get the Piano Keyboard window to auto-detect a size that works for it, in CbB? OR, do I have to find some other resolution for Windows, where I do not need to change the Scale to 200%? OR, is this something the Cakewalk tech support folks can tweak? Bob Bone
  4. OK - I have two cats trapping me in my bed, whilst I run through a bunch of software installs - plugins, mostly, and so I cannot currently play notes on my not-as-handy-as-it-was-supposed-to-be midi controller. This being the case, and the cats being too cute and cuddly to vanquish, I am using the CbB built-in Virtual Controller, for the 1st time, to allow me to sound some notes on the new Hybrid Synth plugin I just installed. To do this, I assigned the Virtual Controller as the midi Input device in the midi track for the synth, in Track Inspector. I then clicked on View > Virtual Controllers > Piano Keyboard, and as expected, got the pop-up window with the Piano Keyboard. Problem - the window size is not large enough to properly display the Piano Keyboard. I have not thus far been able to figure out how to resize the window to display all the controls and the correct number of octaves. I will paste in a screen clip of the entire window, in all of its glorious smallness. Anybody know how I can get this to display properly? Thanks - Bob Bone - picture below:
  5. Jim makes a GREAT point above - you MUST make sure your motherboard's M.2 slot is PCIe 4.0, whereas many/most seem to still be PCIe 3. No matter which drive you are looking at, you have to match that drive to the PCIe generation/level (3.0 or 4.0) supported by the motherboard. I happen to have 3 of the Samsung 970 EVO SSD's, and they ROCK - that uses M.2 PCIe 3 slot. I would love to move up to the even faster PCIe 4.0 M.2 drives, next time I upgrade to a new motherboard. For now, I am QUITE happy with the blazing speed of the Samsung 970 EVO drives I already have. Bob Bone
  6. Howdy, Eric. I waited for almost 90 minutes, and I just checked and it showed up in Native Access, so go twitch in a corner for a bit, like I did - and it WILL show up. I am sure it is because their site is getting hammered for this and other holiday stuff. Bob Bone
  7. Been more than an hour. I will check back tonight.
  8. Well _ I will give it a while - it has been at least 10 minutes thus far, and it does not show up, nor is it showing up when I look at the My Products under my account online. I keep refreshing Native Access, but not there yet. I imagine a boatload of folks may be doing the same thing as I, and that the NI site is just real busy.
  9. Just saw your reply - I am hoping to get patience for Xmas, but would like it now. hee hee
  10. I clicked on the Get RAUM link, then went to Native Access, it is not showing up as available to install.
  11. Never mind - I see solved in the subject line. More coffee, coming up
  12. Just want to make sure - everything is working now? Bob Bone
  13. I have always closed Cakewalk/Sonar prior to changing the ASIO Buffer Size, so the buffers get refreshed. Bob Bone
  14. I have no solution for the current issue - thought I would pass along what I do to avoid that kind of loss. I create and keep a Project Notes folder within every project folder, and in addition to any text or Word docs, with notes, I also create and maintain a doc that contains info on what instruments and presets are used in the project. I also sometimes save off presets for those that are either tweaked to the point of being difficult to replicate, or were created from scratch. (an example would be a complex layered sound, that uses multiple tweaked instruments from multiple plugins - very difficult to have to recreate). The above info has come in handily, for the same kind of issues I have had with 'dead' plugins - it at least can help me recover to a point close to what is needed to be able to continue working on a project. I am sorry I don't have a solution that recovers the info on this particular project you are having this issue with, but hopefully for you, or others that come across this post, it might help recovery efforts for some similar future issue(s). Bob Bone
  15. Huh??? Wow - the original post did specifically mention Dim Pro - wow. Well, that explains a lot, I suppose, and is pretty funny, actually. Bob Bone
  16. I do not seem to own that expansion pack - which is odd, because I have loads of them. I actually do not have Dim Pro installed, because I have Rapture Pro, and that plays all the Dim Pro sounds, in addition to any Rapture Pro sounds. I tried to load the two customized patches you posted above, but they do not seem to play in Rapture Pro, on my system. Bob Bone
  17. Seems fair to me, to try to help out - I too have asked folks to identify a patch for certain sounds - the gear the band or artist was using didn't seem capable of producing a sound I was clearly hearing being played. I often try to precisely match the sounds - and instruments used to produce them, when covering songs - like from Genesis or Pink Floyd . Since I too am asking folks to help me research sounds - it seems a completely reasonable thing to help others with that same task. Bob Bone
  18. I went through hundreds of presets and my brain melted. I will continue in the morning. Bob Bone
  19. I concur on the filter sweep. I use a similar sound very subtly underneath everything else, in a Genesis cover version of Misunderstanding. It is not on Dim Pro though. I too am looking through my Dim Pro sounds, to see if I can find something that might work for you. Bob Bone
  20. Is maintenance up to date, on Windows, as well as system drivers and such? Audio interface? BIOS? If any of those plugins can run in stand-alone fashion, do they open up properly outside of Cakewalk? Do you have any other VST/VSTi host program, like another DAW, you could try to open them in, to see if they work OK there? Bob Bone
  21. If you still have ASIO4ALL installed - You might want to try uninstalling it, and then check your driver settings in Cakewalk, to make sure everything is set correctly for your other audio interface, and see if that helps any. Also - after trying the above - you might consider seeing if your issues go away when you bypass any effects that are loaded into your project - you can do this by simply hitting the letter 'E' in your project, and that will toggle on/off any effects loaded into the project. If your issues go away with the effects bypassed, then you will want to see which one or more of your loaded effects (in the project - not all the ones installed on your computer), are causing your issues. After testing with the effects bypassed, if you hit 'E' again, the effects will once again be available in the project. Bob Bone
  22. This plugin seems to have 32-bit and 64-bit versions with its download. Is it possible you are running the 32-bit version? If so, perhaps it doesn't play well in a 64-bit host.... Just curious Bob Bone
  23. Gotcha - I just wanted to make sure I understood which sound you are looking for. I will circle back and take a listen and look, sometime in the early afternoon. I am knee-deep in getting a bunch of remote-recorded drum tracks merged into the master versions of their projects. In addition, it looks like I am at least 2 quarts low on motor oil, by which I mean coffee. (having a slow-motion morning) Bob Bone
  24. I have not checked it out - I have a bunch of really nice pianos, and any one of them is better than anything anyone recorded on since the 60's, so I kind of slacked off on trying to get the next best piano library - I actually just recently canceled my EastWest Composer Cloud X or Plus or whatever their super-sized one was called - it was 5 mic positions and 48k x 24-bit - I just pretty much use the ones in Kontakt, that came with Komplete 12 Ultimate. Those sound great. I might go check the Embertone one out though, to hear what 32 velocity layers brings to the table - Bob Bone
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