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Robert Bone

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Everything posted by Robert Bone

  1. Thanks, am looking for an amp modeling plugin for a guitar player, but it seems like more to it than feasible, because of the nature of 12 string high 2 strings not being doubled at the octave level, but are simply doubled B and E. I think this will need a real 12 string or samples, to meet my needs. Bob Bone
  2. Yup - that was the 1st option I suggested, renaming that VST32 folder temporarily, until the corrected VstScan program is brought in, with the next update. That would give instant resolution to the issues - option 2 in my earlier post, is also viable, OP's choice. Bob Bone
  3. Howdy - does anyone know of a good amp modeling plugin sound of an electric 12-string? I am trying to match the sound of Mike Rutherford's double-neck electric 12-string sound, as heard in Genesis songs like: Firth of Fifth, Squonk, Cinema Show, and lots of others. Bob Bone
  4. Just a thought - I just checked on my system, and the B3 V2 comes in both a VST3 and a VST2 version, from Arturia. By default, Cakewalk will present the VST3 version. Some other plugins, in the past, have been a bit flaky in their VST3 versions, while the VST2 versions worked perfectly. SO - I suggest you try going into Preferences, and removing the check from the paramater in VST Settings where Cakewalk 'hides' VST2 versions of plugins when there are also VST3 versions available. This should then allow you to load up the VST2 version of the B3 V2 plugin, to see if that makes any difference. Please consider doing the above, as a test, and post back your results. Thanks, Bob Bone
  5. Howdy - so, I inserted that exact same Redtron_SE plugin, into a new project, and it played just fine, so whatever is going on, it would seem to be with your system. Please tell me what version and build your Windows is - is it completely current on maintenance? How about the drivers for your audio interface? Up to date on maintenance? I think if we examine your configuration, maintenance levels, and possibly settings, we might figure out why this same plugin weirds out on your system, while playing just fine on mine. Bob Bone
  6. Howdy - I have 3 versions of the Redtron, all 32-bit. Can you please detail PRECISELY the name of the dll executable file for the one you have, and also give me the version info (hover your mouse over it in its folder in File Explorer, and it might display that for you), and give me its size, and I will see which one of mine that matches up to. I just inserted one of them into a new project, and it plays just fine. Bob Bone
  7. You are correct - the last time I had checked, the original hotfix you refer to had accidentally not included the corrected vstscan.exe version, but I just checked, and they look like they updated things on Feb 24, but the explanation is a bit murky on whether the build now contains the updated vstscan, or if users have to follow the link in the updated section for the hotfix, to get that corrected vstscan. Here is the text from the hotfix thread post, explaining that: "Update Feb 24 2020: Folders with 'VST3' as part of the name ('VST32', etc.) are treated as VST3 folders and fail to scan VST2 plug-ins. Note: If you installed the Build hotfix prior to February 24, 2020, it did not include the updated VST scanner. To get the latest VST scanner, download it from here , then copy the VstScan.exe file to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities. Lastly, perform a VST scan in Cakewalk (Edit > Preferences > File - VST Settings)." SO, @FJ Lamela, the explanation on the thread for the Current Release 2020.01 Build 28 thread is a little confusing to me, with regard to the correction of the hotfix, so if you are running the most current release (2020.01 Build 28), and still having your issues, you may not have the corrected vstscanplease, and there is a link in that post, for the corrected vstscan. I apologize for any confusion - either from me, or from the thread's explanation of the fixed hotfix Here is the link to the Current Release 2020.01 Build 28 thread: Current Release 2020.01 [Updated Feb 24] Bob Bone
  8. If it had been connected to a different USB port, in the past, and set up in Preferences as a valid midi input device, you may need to remove the check on it in Preferences, then click Apply, then save your project, then reopen the project, and add that keyboard back into Preferences as a midi input device. The above is what I have to do when the hidden internal 'mapping' in Windows, for a given midi device, changes because of a move to a different USB port. This is a GIANT pain in the rear for me, but the above steps seem to get things working again, for me. There may be some other set of steps to resolve this issue (IF you are having the same issue that I have), but anyways, give the above a try and see if that clears things up for you. Bob Bone
  9. Is there a listed code in the message box that pops up? Please post that, if present. Bob Bone
  10. Option 1) Temporarily rename your VST32 folder, to something that doesn't start with VST3 - the new logic that was added to skip scanning of the Common Files\VST3 folder for VST2 plugins, currently comes up with a partial match when it sees a folder that starts with VST3 - like your VST32 folder. I have the exact same name for my VST32 folder. They are working on some kind of fix to that new scanning logic, so that this issue goes away, so whenever they publish that fix, you should be golden, and in the meantime, just renaming your VST32 folder until then, should fix you up instantly. Option 2) Noel published a VSTscan.exe version with corrected logic, in another thread, quite quickly actually, after this scan logic bug was discovered. I have the link posted below, to the post from Noel, which has a download link for that VSTscan.exe version. I would suggest you first rename the current vstscan.exe (it lives in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities folder) to something like vstscanOLD.exe, and then download the newly-published corrected vstscan.exe from this link, and move it to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities. Here is the link to Noel's post, with the download link for the corrected vstscan.exe: Post with corrected vstscan.exe download link from Noel Bob Bone
  11. By the way - can you please list all of the 32-bit plugins you have had these issues with? Just curious, perhaps one of us knows of a 64-bit plugin that might give you the sounds or effects processing you are trying to use. Thanks, Bob Bone
  12. What is your ASIO Buffer Size? If you have not yet done this, I suggest you have your antivirus either temporarily disabled while in Cakewalk (and do not access internet if so), OR add Exclusions/Exceptions to your antivirus software, so that it doesn't scan: Cakewalk Projects folder, Cakewalk Content folder, any Sample Library folders (just have to include the parent folders, and it will also exclude any sub-folders contained in any parent folder). With antivirus software running, without the above exclusions/exveptions, then every time Cakewalk or a loaded synth or effect reads or writes any files in those folders, the antivirus software will dutifully scan each file, for viruses. Since all of those files are either static (meaning really just read only, like sample files), or are created during the Cakewalk project session, there is no need to scan all of those, every time they are accessed. It just slows down and impedes the streaming audio performance, and can cause audio hiccups at times. Further, unless you are downloading compressed files/folders directly from the web into the folders I named above, all of the files would have gotten scanned as you were downloading them, because the antivirus software checks files as it is downloading them - exceot for compressed ones. If you download any compressed files/folders, to your Downloads folder, and THEN extract the files, prior to moving them to any of the above named folders or sub-folders, then they WILL get scanned at that time, so when you access them repeatedly while in Cakewalk, even though they are excluded from being scanned - you already know they are clean. Anyways, the above may help, and even if it does not clear up this particular issue, if you were not excluding those folders and their sub-folders, then you should still see a performance boost on loading or writing files to and from those folders, so it is still well worth doing. Incidentally, have you tried temporarily disabling your WiFi drivers, just ahead of launching Cakewalk? Some WiFi drivers really jack up the latency and cause audio issues. You would either have some sort of a physical switch, or a function key, (usually) to turn off WiFi or turn it back on again - and this is the easiest way to do it. If no such physical or logical switch is present, you can go into Device Manager and disable the WiFi drivers there - do NOT uninstall them - simply disable them,. and then when done with your Cakewalk session, you can enable them again, or if you had used the switch, use it again to turn the WiFi back on. This might help, too.... Bob Bone
  13. What happens to your issues if you test the bypassing of all effects? To test this, hit the letter 'E' on your computer keyboard, and that is a shortcut key to disengage (bypass) any of the effects loaded into the project. After doing this, please play your 32-bit plugins again, and see if the issues disappear when the effects are bypassed. Post back here with the results of that test. Don't worry - after completing your test, simply hit 'E' again to again process your effects. ('E' just toggles effects processing on/off). Also, please list some info on your computer's specs and settings - desktop/laptop, memory, audio interface make/model, project sample rate, project audio Driver Mode (ASIO?, WASAPI?) Bob Bone
  14. I was just indicating, generically, that the circuits on controllers can start going flaky as they age and/or get bumped around enough, etc..., since someone had posted about that possibility, as it definitely did happen on my system, until I turned off Mod Wheel data transmission on that controller. Bob Bone
  15. I had an M-Audio controller start doing that, mod wheel data. The circuitry just went funky, and I stop it by disabling the mod wheel data transmission in the controller. Bob Bone
  16. I route each drum kit piece to its own audio output channel, from the VSTi, and then I associate a separate audio track to each of those, while the midi data is always contained in a single midi track. I have a 2nd midi track, also routed to the drum synth, that I use for any click track events, such as a 1 or 2 measure song count in, and possibly at other ppoints in the song, where a click track would be helpful. All of the tracks and buses, and any effects (parallel comp, etc.), are all exported as a Track Template, which I do for every drum kit as I set up for and use for the first time. Additionally, all of the drum kit audio tracks, and the 2 midi tracks, are contained in a Drums track folder. The principal use of using a drum map for any kit in my approach, is for making it easier for me to see which kit pieces are triggered by which note numbers, in the Step Sequencer, which is where I happen to do my drum sequencing. Same principal for Piano Roll View - I just prefer using the Step Sequencer. If you happen to use Addictive Drums 2, Noel has a drum map built for the standard AD2 drum mapping, which is super helpful, as there are a zillion mapped notes for all kinds of non-standard (non-GM) choices, like the Hi Hat shaft, for instance. That map can be found at: http://www.noelborthwick.com/cakewalk/2015/02/06/drum-maps-ad2-in-sonar/ He has another set of posts on how to sound more like a real drummer, using AD2, at: http://www.noelborthwick.com/cakewalk/tag/addictive-drums-2/ Bob Bone
  17. I just specify None for the Input parameter on my midi tracks, and that equates to Omni in Calewalk, so that when that midi track's Input Echo is toggled On, that midi track will process midi data from any midi device. So I do not specify anything but None on any of my midi tracks, and it all works just fine. The only situation where the above would not work as needed, would be if I were recording more than one midi track at the same time, using multiple midi controllers, where each midi controller needed to trigger notes from specific midi tracks - so if I was for some reason recording midi strings on one track, at the same time I was recording a midi lead on a different midi track, using two midi controllers, only then would I have to get more specific, assigning each midi controller to specifically send midi data to one midi track or the other. (I have never in 30+ years of recording midi keyboards, been faced with that situation - I would simply record each midi track separately, and then using Input values of None work just fine). Bob Bone
  18. Could you also save the project as a Project Template, to save all of the settings and tempo/meter changes, plus all tracks and buses, without any track data? Bob Bone
  19. My guess is that you possibly have the midi controller plugged into a different USB port on the computer, OR some other USB device was plugged in to a different port, and this may have caused Windows to internally remap what devices go to which ports (it uses some sort of numbered system internally, I think). Anyways, even though Cakewalk Preferences may show your controller, if you are getting no detectable midi activity pressing keys on the controller, in Cakewalk, you might consider: 1) Making sure USB ports have the same devices plugged into where they USED to be plugged in, OR 2) Remove the midi controller as a midi input and output device in Cakewalk Preferences, in any affected project, then click Apply, then add the midi controller back in, as an midi input and output device, and then after again clicking Apply, see if you now have midi activity again, when pressing notes on the controller. If so, save the project, and make note of what devices are plugged into which USB ports, in case things move around again in the future. Please note, that on the 2nd option above, you might have to save your project, and close and open Cakewalk again, in between removing the midi controller in Preferences, and adding it back in. So, if step 2 above still doesn't square things for you, then indeed try removing the midi controller from the project in Preferences, clicking Apply afterwards, then saving the project with the midi controller gone, closing Cakewalk and opening it up again and going back into the project, THEN add the midi controller back in, click Apply, and if the midi controller now triggers sound again, save the project with the midi controller re-added. Not sure if this s what your issues are, but it might be the case, and if so, then the above is one way to correct it. (or if you followed step 1 instead, and put devices back into the same USB ports they were in before any got moved, or new devices had shifted the internal mapping between devices and ports, step 1 might fix you up). Hope the above works, and isn't too confusing. Bob Bone
  20. And, @JonD when you are ready, just let me know, and I will upgrade my Dropbox to a bigger size, and that will give plenty of room to hold that file, and others that I could use the space for. THANKS! Bob Bone
  21. I would like it as an ISO image, if possible. I can then mount it and point to it as the source for getting the NetFx3 feature enabled. The only thing is - it MUST have the NetFx3 Feature installed on it. If you could check that, I would SURELY appreciate it. If you need the DISM commands for that let me know. I will see about the size of my Dropbox account, to make sure I have enough room for you to upload it. THANKS! Bob Bone
  22. Yup - I know we can do that - convincing him that is going to work is the trickier part. I will keep at it with him. Bob Bone
  23. Thanks - MY computers all run Win 10 and are super happy about it. This is my friends computer, and he is afraid to touch the OS because he uses it when working from home. Bob Bone
  24. @JonD, From what I have read, the available Microsoft >NET Framework Verification Tool only starts with version 3.5 SP1, and up, of the framework, so not sure if it will fix the initial install of 3.0 that the 3.5 SP1 then updates. I will look into that. Bob Bone
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