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Everything posted by Robert Bone
I was only asking you to temporarily bypass your currently loaded effects, only long enough to see if bypassing them made a difference with the dropouts. So - I again ask you - please click the FX button, to temporarily bypass your effects, then hit Play, let it run for a minutes, then go ahead and hit the FX button again to engage all the loaded plugins again, and report here with whether or not your project played back properly when the effects were bypassed. It is a test that you could complete in less time than it has taken me to type this post. I am not asking you to not use effects - I am only asking that you bypass them, to determine whether or not something with one or more of your effects is causing your issues. The FX button is just to the right of the metronome button, just right of the Transport Module at the top center of the screen. Bob Bone
Is it that you don't find AD as a VST synth in the Browser Pane? Perhaps it is under the Uncategorized category? I have both Addictive Drums and Addictive Drums 2 (64-bit for both) running happily in Cakewalk by Bandlab, and Sonar Platinum. Bob Bone
Please detail exactly what you have plugged into what, what buttons are pushed, etc., so we can help you figure this out. Here is the Quick-Start Guide for it - I don't see any sort of actual complete user manual, on the Behringer site, so this looks like it: https://media63.music-group.com/media/sys_master/ha3/hb8/8849665064990.pdf By the way - the above link is where the link to the guide on Behringer's site took me, so it is actually their guide - don't know what this 'media63.music-group.com' site is, but it is where their link took me. Bob Bone
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I also think this whole thread is instructive - at least for me - as I will start asking about any tweaks or modifications folks may have made, to either Windows, or to Cakewalk parameters, a lot earlier in the diagnosing of weird issues like this thread presented. One of those 'note to self' moments. Bob Bone -
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I changed mine, a while ago, from the default 1, to its current 2 - that works wonderfully, and my system is quite stable (haven't crashed in almost 2 years), so I am quite happy to wait for the go-ahead from Noel, before attempting to use the new value of 3 they added. My desktop uses an AMD Ryzen 1950x Threadripper, so has boatloads of cores, and it is quite happy cranking away on the setting of 2. Bob Bone -
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Well, there are other reasons for dropouts, as well. Why don't you fire up a separate thread so we can work through it without repurposing this thread? Kewl? I will keep an eye out for it, and try to assist you. I suspect there are some other things more likely to be causing frequent dropouts for you, so go ahead and post that and we can get to work fixing you up. Bob Bone -
I concur - you can install Cakewalk by Bandlab right alongside your existing Sonar install, without issue - most of us that have Sonar keep it, because that allows any of the bundled plugins that came with Platinum to also work in Cakewalk by Bandlab. You just create a Bandlab account, download and install the Bandlab Assistant, launch it, click on Apps, then install Cakewalk from there, and in a 2nd install, add in the Studio Instruments, if they weren't already present by your having Sonar installed. Bob Bone
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Glad you are sorted out, and I was happy to help. We are all family. Bob Bone -
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
The ThreadSchedulingModel is handled and managed by Sonar/Cakewalk, and they had added an 'aggressive model', that is represented by the number '3' for that parameter - where it used to have possible values of 0, 1, or 2, with 1 being the default. The release notes for Cakewalk's 2020.01 release notes introduce the new 'Aggressive' parameter value of '3', and also quite clearly indicate that this new scheduling model is experimental, and that some folks might experience issues if using it: From the release notes: "Optimizations Experimental aggressive task scheduling model We continue to work on improving our multi-threaded engine performance and have added a new "aggressive" task scheduling model. The aggressive task scheduler utilizes more efficient task management that can result in better multi-processing and fewer thread context switches. This feature is still experimental so report back if you notice any improvements or problems when using it." Bob Bone -
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
The ThreadSchedulingModel parameter has to do with workload distribution of CPU core threads, and is described in the online documentation under the Aud.ini online help. The new parameter value of '3' sets the distribution model to 'aggressive', and was indicated somewhere to potentially yield unpredictable results. Please note that the online documentation covering modification of the Aud.ini file quite clearly indicates that making some configuration changes can sometimes cause issues, and it recommends not modifying the file unless directed to, so from my perspective, anyone who DOES decide to modify the Aud.ini file - be prepared to undo changes, if adverse issues arise. The ThreadSchedulingModel parameter defaults to '1', and possible values are 0-1-2-3. Here is the online help blurb on this paramater: "This variable goes in the [Wave] section and controls the interaction of the main audio thread and worker threads on multiprocessor systems when the Use Multiprocessing Engine option is enabled. Depending on the system, a particular model may result in less glitching and better overall performance. The values are as follows: 0 = Same as previous versions of Cakewalk. 1 = (default) Better thread balance. Model is more efficient and can provide cycles for other tasks. 2 = Additional worker thread is created. This may result in improvement with Quad processor systems or higher. Not recommended for Dual processor systems. 3 = Agressive" Bob Bone -
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Please edit your initial post, to show 'Solved'. Bob Bone -
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks - nothing out of whack with those settings. It seems odd that were it to be something with CbB itself, we would see more reports of similar issues, but there just aren't, so I am temporarily stymied. What do you have plugged into your audio interface? (Mic? guitar? external keyboard's audio output?) Is Windows maintenance completely up to date (not missing any cumulative maintenancve that might not have gotten automatically installed)? Please go into System Information and provide you Windows Version and Build. What happens if you just play some imported CD track? Does it crackle every so often, or only when you have something plugged into your interface? Here is a thread where someone had increasing latency - might be worth a read: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/10708-201912-major-latency-problem/ I will try to think of some other things to look at. Thanks, Bob Bone -
Is your Windows Update maintenance all completely current? Bob Bone
What Amp Simulators are you using this days?
Robert Bone replied to Feral State Sound's topic in Instruments & Effects
There are a bunch of free ones at http://www.igniteamps.com They appreciate donations, should you decide you are going to use any of them. Bob Bone -
SOLVED! Latency Continually Getting Longer?
Robert Bone replied to fnordpow's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Any plugins loaded into your project? If so, which ones? Driver Mode: ASIO? What is your ASIO Buffer Size set to? What Sample Rate? What are CbB-reported latencies, shown in Preferences? Bob Bone -
[Bug] Memory not freeing up on closing projects
Robert Bone replied to MikeyT's topic in Feedback Loop
Howdy 1) If the Now marker doesn't advance during playback, check to see if Scroll Lock has been hit (try hitting Scroll Lock to see if the Now marker then starts moving again) - also, if the Picture Cache folder gets a lot of stuff in it, it can cause this - you can go into the Picture Cache folder and clear its contents, as Sonar/Cakewalk will rebuild anything it needs there - there is no issue if you delete the contents of the Picure Cache, because it is just where Sonar/Cakewalk stores the temporary representations of audio files, and they get rebuilt as needed. 2) If the drivers for your audio interface don't release after shuttung down Sonar/Cakewalk, by the time you try to open another project, this can cause issues with launching that additional project. Sometimes, it takes a bit for the audio interface drivers to release. You could try looking for audio interface drivers in Task Manager, and killing that, or other folks either power cycle their audio interface, or they disconnect and reconnect the audio interface's USB cable. That usually does the trick. Some folks also found success with logging off and back in, to Windows, which also seems to resolve it. My guess here, is that the audio interface drivers may be at issue. Anyways - please try the above, Bob Bone -
Hi - I had asked you for some details in an earlier post - can you please answer the following? from my earlier posts: "Also, is your Windows up to date on all maintenance, as well as your Cakewalk version, and any firmware or software driver updates for your audio interface?" and: "Also, do your issues go away if you temporarily bypass the effects? (Hit 'E' on your keyboard or hit the FX button ub the Transport Module, to toggle effects processing for the project Off/On.) Perhaps you have one or more effects loaded, like a convolution reverb or one that uses linear-phase processing, and those are really meant for use during mixing/mastering, and by temporaily turning them off perhaps you can expose that as something to look at." Bob Bone
Kewl - would like to review the tweaks. I am following this thread, so I will get notified of replies. I was a programmer for 38 years, and have built my own computers for about 20 years, I suppose - long time anyways, and have built a bunch for other folks, though lots of those were for general use, and not specifically for music production. Happy to look at any current specs, as well as any potential components or pre-built computers you are contemplating for a new computer. I notice you had increased the "buffer playback setting of 512 to 768" and that is a different buffer than the ASIO Buffer Size. I am interested in what your current ASIO Buffer Size is, and I would like to know specifically what plugins you have loaded into the project, as well as whether or not you see any difference if you do the bypassing of your effects (FX button), to rule out plugins being the issue. Also, is your Windows up to date on all maintenance, as well as your Cakewalk version, and any firmware or software driver updates for your audio interface? Thanks, I will try to keep an eye out for your responses to the above questions. Perhaps we can get you squared away. The GOOD news is, since there is not a general complaint about your issues, coming from folks using Cakewalk, that means this is most likely a situation with the causes being within your local environment, so if we take a look at details - maybe we can figure it out. Bob Bone
I have to make a fairly long phone call, so apologies for having to post this without opportunity to review the results. You can also take a look at some of the results from a Google search on the following terms: VSTSCAN bex64 Perhaps one of those results holds an answer for you. Bob Bone
I also did a quick check on the BEX64 error - in general terms, and one thought was to change the failing application's Properties, to set the compatability-mode for Windows 7. Here is a link to that page - might be worth a try. VstScan.exe normally lives at: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities, right-click on it and go to Properties, and set the Comptability-Mode for running in Windows 7, and give it a shot. https://steamcommunity.com/app/225540/discussions/0/487876568239148234/ Bob Bone
I copied your above problem information into Google's Translate French into English function, and thought maybe posting it here would help folks who do not speak French something they could read, and possibly offer ideas on:
Well, whether or not an individual user would need the editing and scripting power of Kontakt, it has the largest available catalog of both commercial and free sample libraries out there. I just checked before typing this - I currently have 185 freeware and inexpensive 3rd-party libraries fpr Kontakt, in addition to the ones that come with Komplete 12 Ultimate plus the symphonic ones. Bob Bone
You can use curves, or straight lines, or draw your own, with automation on either the master bus or some other common bus just before the master. (I just apply it to the master bus, but that's just me - not sure why someone would want to go through the extra inserting of another bus just for that purpose, but it is a big planet, so who knows). Bob Bone
I am curious - can you please detail the tweaks you made to Windows 10? Some info out there is not accurate, and some just does not apply anymore, so I would like to see what you have tweaked, if you don't mind posting that. Also, do your issues go away if you temporarily bypass the effects? (Hit 'E' on your keyboard or hit the FX button ub the Transport Module, to toggle effects processing for the project Off/On.) Perhaps you have one or more effects loaded, like a convolution reverb or one that uses linear-phase processing, and those are really meant for use during mixing/mastering, and by temporaily turning them off perhaps you can expose that as something to look at. So, IF you, for the above, or any other reason, need a larger ASIO Buffer Size for mixing/mastering, go ahead and jack up the ASIO Buffer Size to either 1024 or even 2048, and see if that does the trick. I record at no higher than 128 samples for my ASIO Buffer Size, and I always set it to 1024 or 2048 when moving on to mixing./mastering, and I switch between a small and a large buffer whenever either recording or mixing/mastering. It's just the way it works best. Having a large buffer when mixing/mastering does not adversely affect my projects, because I don't care if it takes a moment longer before starting playback, as I am not trying to sync new recording to existing tracks, I am simply playing back the project, and having a super large buffer helps give the more robust effects enough room to properly do their processing. Bob Bone
Do you have an audio interface? Because if you do not, you will likely not find any satisfactory performance. The process of converting anoalog sounds into digital data, or the other way around, requires a boatload of calculations and such, and if that is all left to be handled directly by your computer's CPU, it will bog down, and cause you to have a very frustrating experience. What fixes that, is to buy an external audio interface, which is purpose-built to contain circuitry to do all of those conversions back and forth between analog and digital, and its software drivers take care of splitting that work off of the CPU and it routes all of that data to the audio interface to handle it. There are still some considerations for configuring your audio interface - so if you DO have an audio interface, please list the make and model of it, and we can look at your settings. A decent audio interface, with a couple of mic/instrument inputs, connecting through USB, can be picked up for around $150, and they go up in price when you start looking at additional inputs and such. Bob Bone