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Robert Bone

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Everything posted by Robert Bone

  1. Tried this, it named the 2nd instance with a '2', even though the name of the instance was quite different.
  2. I concur - I suggest trying setting the ThreadSchedulingModel to '2', and see how that works - that is what I use, and I am quite pleased with it at that setting. Bob Bone
  3. Well, I got FL Studio when I got it for my son, as that was the one he wanted to use, and the same for Pro Tools. I picked up Studio One when Gibson terminated Sonar, but was pleasanly surprised, elated actually, that Cakewalk got resurrected by the FABULOUS owner of Bandlab. Ableton I picked up for free, and I got a new one, Luna, from UAD because of my Arrow Thunderbolt 3 interface. So - I had, and have, no particular interest in trying to become proficient in the multiple DAW products I have - sometimes I get into Studio One, mostly to look around. I never was a big fan of Pro Tools, but a lot of the studios have it, so I picked t up a while back. The only way I get into any of them, is to explore their strengths, and possibly then, to use them, should something be 'easier' to do there, rather than in Cakewalk, but far and away, Cakewalk is ABSOLUTELY my favorite one of all of them, and I go back to the days of the original 12 Tone Systems Cakewalk, in the days before Windows existed. Bob Bone
  4. You were clear - my brain had melted when I read your post - after close to 8 hours on the phone and remote, helping 2 friends of mine - brothers, get up to speed with music production. It is 12:36 AM here, and I literally just got off the phone with one of the brothers, and had worked with the other one from a bit past noon, until 7:30 PM, then picked up the 2nd brother a little after that. My brain is not speaking to me anymore. Bob Bone
  5. @Fawudd may have left the forums for Reaper. Perhaps he will circle back. I would recommend you run with Windows maintenance current. And if Fawudd returns, I will try to ask him what version he is running.
  6. I am going to circle back and try to focus on this thread, to try to figure out what to look at. I am on the phone, at the moment, helping a friend get up to speed on using Cakewalk, so it will be a couple hours - maybe less - and then I will be able to focus on this thread. I have been on the phone, or going back and forth in writing, with several different folks, since 2:00 this aftenoon Bob Bone
  7. I would guess the printer is connected via WiFi to the router, and then your computer sees the printer as a network device.
  8. But now I am confused - you say you have a wireless connection between this computer and a printer? SO - must be a WiFi driver somewhere, unless it is using Blue Tooth and not WiFi. *I would think
  9. I am no expert on those Miniport device entries - but would not imagine those would cause issues being enabled.
  10. I, too, own multiple DAW products - Pro Tools, Ableton, Studio One, FL Studio, Cakewalk, and as you say, each have their strengths and weaknesses, or differences. What some folks do, is to use multiple DAW products to work on a given project - doing the midi work in one, some of the audio work in another, perhaps a 3rd for some of the editing or sequencing, etc..... The products are tools, and having and using them does not have to be exclusive one versus another - you can do some of the work in one, and some of the work in another. Bob Bone
  11. The notion behind temporarily disabling WiFi drivers, is that some WiFi drivers can interfere with the kinds of streaming audio tasks that Cakewalk and other DAW software does, and can mess up te audio. The disabling of the WiFi drivers should only be temporary, after which you would test out any effect on your audio in Cakewalk. Once you have determined whether or not having them disabled makes your audio issues clear up in Cakewalk, you can enable the WiFi drivers again, in Device Manager. IF you found that having the WiFi drivers temporarily disabled while using Cakewalk, then you might just want to incorporate the temporary disabling if them, just ahead of launching Cakewalk, and after finishing with your Cakewalk session, just reverse the process - enabling the WiFi drivers again. Worth a quick test to see Bob Bone
  12. When you created the new drum map, and you type its name in the Presets text box, then that enables the Save button, to the right of the Presets text box, and you need to save the drum map, and then create or overlay, the track template you had previously made. So, if you did not do the above, then you may need to create the drum map again, in a new project that has the track template inserted, so create the drum map in that new project, save it, and again make sure the midi track Output is assigned to use that new drum map, and then again create or overlay the track template, which should now properly have the drum map in it, and you should be all set to run the test,
  13. Sure - observation - more to this than meets the eye, because I was just setting up a set of steps to reproduce, and I used SI-Drum instead of Addictive Drums 2, but it did not produce the problem, so I have to now ferret out why this worked, when my Addictive Drums 2 project exhibited the issues. DOH! SO - I will try to figure out why one worked and the other didn't, and when I get that figured out, I should be able to put together a set of steps for you.
  14. @Fawudd - thank you for the kind words. I was hoping you would have coordinated that final set of testing, following the implementation of the changes to your desktop settings, because the issues you are/were experiencing are due to local environmental/configuration conditions, and because when you and I had spoken on the phone, all of our investigation was centered on your Surface Pro, which was using Cakewalk via the Windows audio drivers, rather than your audio interface. (I recommend that you begin using your audio interface with your Surface Pro, by the way, because the audio interface takes the processing burden off of the computer, and that will always help) That had been the last thing I had asked of you, to have you reach back out to me when you were ready to test out the corresponding changes you were going to apply to your desktop - if I recall correctly, you had to attend to a scheduled phone call or conference call, but were going to apply the recommended changes to the desktop. If you should decide to give me the opportunity to take a look at the desktop, I believe we would be able to get your audi issues resolved - so I urge you to consider that, because were it not for your audio issues, you would have gone with Cakewalk based on what you like about it. If you do end up deciding to let me do that, just shoot me an email, or text, or a message from here, and we can work out a time to do that. In any case - best wishes for success Bob Bone
  15. So, @scook provided a link, a few posts above, to the Go dialog, where you simply enter the time you want to jump to. You can be super precise, or just enter a measure number, and in that case it would jump you to beat 1 of that measure. And, current Now Time is shown in the Transport Module, with several display formats available: Here again, is the link to the documentation for the 'Go dialog'. The shortcut key to bring up the 'Go dialog', is the letter 'G'. Go dialog
  16. Worth trying, in the morning, thanks. 12:30 AM and I think I turned into a pumpkin at Midnight - actually, more like a plumpkin. DOH! Maybe nobody thought someone would bring in a 2nd instance of a drum synth, in a track template - but since they do already rename additional synth rack entries when there are multiple instances of the same plugin, ie Kontakt 1, Kontakt 2, Kontakt 3, etc.... and since they already know they are processing a track template, as the source of the additional instance of Addictive Drums 2, it sure seems logical to me that they could connect the dots, as it were, to name the drum map's Output Ports that were pointing to Addictive Drums 2 1 (1st instance of AD2 when drum map was created), to match the name of the instance of AD2 that they renamed from Addictive Drums 2 1, to Addictive Drums 2 2. Would the above be considered an actual 'bug'? Because, the CbB renaming of the synth rack AD2 instance, effectively 'breaks' the drum map - actually it results in the drum map pointing to the wrong AD2 instance. Or, would asking the Bakers to adjust the drum map Output Port entries, so that they point to the renamed AD2 instance, be a Feature Request? Or, do I need to learn more about drum maps, because I took a swing and a miss? Bob Bone
  17. Hence, me posting their offer here - GREAT price for Windows 10 Pro, for less than half of the retail version of Windows 10 Home. No-brainer for me, as well - I now have 2 new copies of Windows 10 Pro - one for the desktop I am resurrecting for the nice young married couple I have known for over 5 years - (they are just getting started, so money is tight), and I will keep the 2nd license for when I build my next desktop in a year, to replace the oldest one of 3 that I have (which is also running Win 10 Home, so upgrading to Pro with the new build is a no-brainer). I am SUPER stoked lots of folks have found the deal useful - it is quite legit, and just a fantastic offer. Bob Bone
  18. Firstly, whatever DAW you find that best meets your needs, and feels like a good fit - THAT is the DAW to go with. We all have our own ways of approaching music production, and we all have different levels of technical awareness, different sorts of 3rd-party plugins, and preferences, etc.... SO - my thought would be, that whatever DAW you happen to be in, getting the tracks recorded, at decent levels, so that you can move on to mix, seems pretty universally common-sensical, and in the mixing phase of a project, plugins work the same - same knobs etc., whichever DAW they are in, and such. And then any differences for editing functionality, automation, and all that - the different DAW suites DO present similar funactionality, with differences in how tasks are accomplished, and lastly, in general terms, one might be easier to do some audio-related tasks, while another may excel at doing things with MIDI data. I would say, as an observation in general, that someone trying to force any of the DAW programs to do things that it wasn't meant to do, or finding fault with any of them because something did not go as expected, when insufficient consultation with the avaiable documentation, can be rather unfair, if that is how somebody is approaching using any one of the DAW products. Each of them does do things a bit differently, so even if someone has some level of understanding of one or more of them, and tries to brute force one that they are not familiar with, to try to do something - when they have not bothered to even take a cursory tour of either the DAW or its documentation - well, that to me would be expected to result in less than the ideal or desired outcome. At the end of the day, whatever it all distills down to, for each of us, is what matters, so whatever anyone's choice, or choices, ends up being - WAHOO! Make music and be happy in doing it, and sharing it.
  19. Before I even start this - PROFOUND apologies for the length of this post - it is rather hard to explain, so sorry about that. OK - maybe I just do not know what I am doing, regarding using a track template that I set up for a friend of mine, for Addictive Drums 2, which included several pieces, and multiple audio tracks for those kit pieces, and a drum map. Components created for the track template, which were created from a new CbB project and exported as a track template, included: 1) An instance of Addictive Drums 2, with a custom AD2 map created to assign particular note numbers to particular kit pieces, to be able to map properly between his Alesis DM Pro drum module note numbers, and the correct kit pieces in AD2. The AD2 instance also had alterations to its mixer window, to send each kit piece to a separate output channel. 2) A track folder. and audio tracks in the track folder, for each of the kit pieces coming from the multiple outputs from the AD2 instance, so that there was an audio track assigned to each audio output channel from the AD2 mixer, so a Kick Drum audio track assigned to the AD2 audio output channel containing the AD2 Kick Drum audio, etc.... There was also a MIDI track in the track folder, which had Input set to Omni, and Output assigned to a drum map that I had built and saved, with the note numbers to map to the kit piece note numbers from the AD2 instance. This CbB drum map was created and saved, pointing to the instance of AD2 used when the track template was created. OK - so my friend has a number of existing projects in CbB, going back a couple of years in the making, where he set up those projects to use a simple instrument track, most of the time, for whatever AD2 instance he brought in, where all the kit piece audio was contained in the single stereo audio portion of the simple instrument tracks. When I showed him how much nicer it would have been, for him to have set it up to where each of the AD2 kit pieces had its own audio track(s), he decided he wanted help setting up a number of track templates, like I outlined above, to accomplish splliting the AD2 audio into separate tracks for each kit piece. So far, so good. SO - yesterday, we built a couple of the track templates for 2 of the different kits and presets he used from AD2, so that each kit and preset would have its own track template, with the split tracks, etc...., so that he could go back into his CbB projects, and replace the original simple instrument track, in a given project, with the appropriate track template with the split tracks for the same AD2 kit. Well, in the course of showing him how this would work, we opened up one of his existing projects, and I inserted the correct track template, and THIS is where I either don't understand something, or perhaps there is a bug in CbB's use of drum maps in track templates, because for whatever reason - whether a bug or I missed something, The issue: since there is already an instance of AD2 in the existing project, when I insert the track template, to bring in all the tracks and buses, and another instance of AD2, and the custom AD2 map, and the CbB drum map I had built and included in the track template, well, CbB does NOT adjust the AD2 instance pointed to in the drum map. I was expecting CbB to have internally adjusted the drum map AD2 instance numbering, to match the numbering CbB gave the track template AD2 instance that got inserted into the Synth Rack. SOOOO - the original project had an AD2instance, called "Addictive Drums 2 1", and when the new instance came in with the inserted track template, the new AD2 instance was given the name "Addictive Drums 2 2" by CbB, however, the track template's drum map on the MIDI track for the track template, was built pointing to an AD2 Synth Rack instance called "Addictive Drums 2 1", and the drum map's output port was NOT internally adjusted by CbB, to match the name given by CbB to the new AD2 instance that came in with the track template, SO, the result is that the when the new track template's MIDI track MIDI icon is clicked on, to open the AD2 instance associated with the track template, because the drum map is incorrectly pointing to an AD2 instance called "Addictive Drums 2 1", which points to the original AD2 instance from the existing project, which is entirely incorrect. It gets worse. SO, to get the drum map, brought in by the track template, pointing to the 2nd AD2 instance (Addictive Drums 2 2), I have to open up the Drum Map Manager for the track template's drum map, and then change the Output Port in it, to point to the 2nd AD2 instance, which will only then properly route MIDI data from the track template's MIDI track, to the 2nd AD2 instance. Well, this presents an additional problem, because I now have, in the project, a modified drum map, that will always have unsaved changes to it - because of the alterations to the Output Ports for each of the rows in the drum map. Maybe the above is not an issue, except this project will always just have those drum map modifications, which seems rather odd - I think that I should not have had to even alter that track template drum map - I think that if CbB has the wherewithal to know it has to adjust the naming of the 2nd AD2 instance that comes into the project from the insertion of the track template, well, I think CbB has the information needed to ALSO adjust the drum map Output Port data for each row in the drum map, to point to that 2nd AD2 instance that came in from the track template insertion. Even if I wanted to save the manually altered Output Port changes - to point to the 2nd AD2 instance, I cannot save those changes to that drum map in the Drum Map Manager, because of how the Drum Map Manager uses the Preset text box for drum map names. The way you save a drum map in the Drum Map Manager, is to type a name in the Preset text box, click Save, to create a new drum map. There does not seem to be a way to modify an existing drum map, and have the Drum Map Manager overwite that drum map with the modifications. If I type in the same name of the drum map that got loaded into the project by the insertion of the track template, rather than giving a means of overwriting that drum map, it tries to LOAD the unmodified drum map again, which is an issue, because it knows the current drum map (same name now as what it is trying to load), was modified, so it pops up a warning message, telling me that I will lose the drum map modifications if I allow the drum map to load. SO, there is no way to save those changes, if I actually wanted to do that. So, to me, it appears that CbB track template insertion logic, for track templates that include a drum synth instance, and a drum map, where there is already an instance of the same drum synth in the project where the track template is being inserted, is faulty, because it fails to internally adjust the naming of that drum synth instance associated with the drum map, to match the altered instance name of that drum synth instance inserted into the Synth Rack. Con someone please try to digest the above, and tell me if there is some better or different way of getting that dynamic adjustment to happen correctly? Or do I just make manual adjustments and leave them modified for the project, but unsaved? Is the lack of internal adjustment to the AD2 instance in the track template's drum map Output Port data a bug in CbB? I would like to know - because I have to explain it all to my friend, and we have about a dozen such track templates to craft, and then I have my own to create for MY projects, so hopefully you guys can straighten me out. Bob Bone
  20. Couldn't you also restore the deleted files, by going into the Recycle Bin? Bob Bone
  21. I would encourage you to look through the Tutorials forum, as well as the Table of Contents of the online documentation. Here is a link to a section of the documentation, for recording: Recording section of the online documentation
  22. By the way, @Ralph Graham WELCOME to the Cakewalk community, these forums are a GREAT place to get help, and to learn. The Cakewalk documentation is also quite robust, even displaying context-sensitive content - in addition to having it available offline, you can also hit the F1 key on your computer keyboard, to pull up available documentation that is associated with where your mouse is on the Cakewalk screen. The letter 'Y' on your computer keyboard toggles on/off the Help Module, which when On will be a square window containing helpful information that changes automatically based on what your mouse is hovering over, and additionally, most of the buttons and knobs will also have a short pop-up display of the name of the button or knob, when you hover your mouse over them. There are many YouTube videos out there, covering just about all of the functionality of Cakewalk, from basics to advanced editing, and in these forums, there is a forum containing Tutorial videos, created by other forum community members. Best wishes for great success with you using Cakewalk by Bandlab (often abbreviated as CbB in the forum posts), for music production, whether you are new to it all, or having music production experience with other recording software. Bob Bone
  23. Yup - there is an Apps tab, on the Bandlab Assistant - upper right. Click on that, and then the Cakewalk install button is at the bottom right. Here is a screen shot (Mine says Open, because I have the most current release of Cakewalk installed already) - also, if you click on the drop-down arrow on the right side of the Install button, there is also an option to install some free Add-Ons, which include several soft-synths, like: SI-Bass, SI-Drum Kit, SI-Electric Piano, SI-Strings :
  24. Kewlness - I don't have that one, but in addition to CbB, I have Pro Tools, Ableton, FL Studio, Studio One, and Studio One (I think that's all of them - my brain melted some number or hours ago). Have a great weekend - filled with music
  25. It is all about what works for you - should you ever decide to take another look at Cakewalk by Bandlab, I would hope that you can get whatever audio issues you were having with it resolved - I happen to have multiple DAW software suites installed - and each have different methods of performing common functions for music production. Best wishes for success with your music projects Bob Bone
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