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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. i think the solution would be some new replacement for tts-1 included VSTi that auto-maps the user's MIDI, like until recently , when opening a MIDI file, it (tts-1) would be mapped and let the user playback immediately without any messing about with config and other such hoo-har, first.... "workflow" an al' tha' - any chance of this being an upcoming feature?
  2. yeah i understand it was roland's shout, just hoping to hear there's some replacement coming along
  3. @msmcleod any plans to replace tts-1? it's decline does seem to be causing some hoo-har
  4. do you have some syncing app that includes your record folder, like one drive or google drive?
  5. he and arthur lee are two artists i admire that i never thought i'd get to see play live, but did
  6. sounds like a memory leak? try running task master while running sonar and see what it shows?
  7. try this link https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/34103-how-to-roll-back-to-a-prior-version-of-cakewalk/ it's the same post, but just the link
  8. moving documentary from 2005 is on archive.org, doesn't embed but there's the link https://archive.org/details/youre-gonna-miss-me here's a direct download https://archive.org/download/youre-gonna-miss-me/Youre_Gonna_Miss_Me.mp4
  9. and around again, The Gabbard Brothers - "Little Mama"
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