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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. i'm sure another so-oriented forum will appear, altho i've had little reason to hardly ever visit the current one
  2. Super Furry Animals - [A] Touch Sensitive
  3. Dusty Springfield - Son of a Preacher Man
  4. tbf, it's more as the album's called 777, so that gives me, what, 5 bonus points in total? ðŸĪŠ
  5. they do, but only if the installer tells them so, "SxS" side-by side versions, but tbf the newer versions usually manage all the old versions' functionality
  6. which version does cakewalk install? just a quick reinstall, it's 2019
  7. The UFO Club - Bo Diddley Was The 7th Son
  8. yep, just send an email with the 100th like post url to rewards@cakewalk.whatever 😘
  9. do like, reminds me of transglobal underground/loop guru, in the second/updated version i find the brushy percussion a bit harsh, and maybe generally a bit more space between instruments/loops good job sir
  10. i think mr @T Boog needs to refresh the thread before sharing 😂
  11. "duh" was unnecessary, the op just needs to be guided to the sonar forum ðŸĪ·â€â™€ïļ https://discuss.cakewalk.com/forum/51-cakewalk-sonar/
  12. fun fact, this was the original song playing over the opening scene in the movie donnie darko, was later changed to an inxs tune in the "directors cut"
  13. Sonic Boom - Rock n Roll Is Killing My Life (suicide cover)
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