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Everything posted by puddy

  1. I want to find out; what happened to the promise that Cakewalk by Bandlab would stay/remain free?? Looking at the conversations in this forum, it appears that most of the members are quick to forget or might be having some sort of amnesia; there was a clear communication from the owner of the company, which I do not have to repeat. I am however seeing that those that have queries in this regard are seen as being 'free loaders', etc. This does not have to be so. Did the owner come back and announce a change of plan? Some people are expecting a free Cakewalk software, not because they are freeloaders, but because it was promised. I would like to see an announcement that Cakewalk by Bandland has stopped being free. Thank you. its puddy
  2. No ... my stance was to support someone who saw some shortcomings with the user interface... of which are glaring... otherwise i like the program//software. thank you
  3. I am not understanding what you have written, not in its entirety.... but all that i had written was in honesty. and what you are thinking i dont care about. english is not my mother toun gue
  4. Oww, I figure. But all that you raised is irrelevant, as there was never any dispute to it. Just makes me wonder if you DENY the points raised on the original post. Thank you
  5. @Clovis Ramsay Your posts are valid, thank you. I will not even get into "cakewalk bias", which to me borders into some sort of denialism...
  6. Thank you, the first note now does register on the step clip. (Moving that resultant clip however still changes step sequencer view to console view). Regards,
  7. 27.11 b15: First note of the step sequencer does not register in the step clip, in the arranger. Moving a step clip in the arranger changes step sequencer view to console view (the step sequencer and console are docked) Thanks
  8. This is true and I can't agree with you more, it's amazing how I think this is the least of priorities. I ended up buying studio one artist (it's not even extremely affordable where I'm from, about R1 200.00 black friday) cause I tried but gave up tolerating the UI. I'll surely keep an eye on cakewalk cause the fundamentals and feature sets are okay.
  9. A 64/32 bit vst2/3 drum sampler. Multi out, per pad pan, pitch and AHD envelope control. You can change the UI size plus set the default side. https://apisoniclabs.com/
  10. What I' trying to say is, leaving the color scheme as is but reduce overall brightness of the theme... (I'm getting a closer effect when I'm reducing the brightness of my Laptop screen) Many thanks
  11. Thanks for this theme... it will probably be my default theme going forward. I havent seen anything like this one. If it is not much trouble with you, would experiment with a bit darker greys, please... Thanks
  12. Looks like there are and it does open them.
  13. I'm really impressed with the Akai MPC Beats, how it does what it does. This could be 'my perfect' music/beat making software. Thanks to Akai
  14. I ? percent feel the same as you do. Okay for me music making is a hobby (for now) but there's nothing worse than opening cakewalk and glaring at it's UI. Sure I keep updating and hoping for the day that the look would be modernised.
  15. I agree with you... In fact, reworking the whole GUI is what I would prioritize if I was at the helm...
  16. Hi @cclarry are you selling a waveform 10 account in kvr? If so is it still available? Thanks
  17. puddy

    Waveform 10 Free

    If this hasn't been shared already. Waveform 10 promo on computer music mag, Issue 274.
  18. Lunga, hope you good... thought I could just greet since I'm also from the RSA enjoying this beautiful day... Have a blast, much love!!
  19. Hi, @ChernobylStudios I'm still standing by my view. After an encounter with your malicious video, I found out that you are/were a long time user of Cakewalk, something that added to my disappointment. Just so you get a glimpse of my background, I'm an Electronic Engineer by qualification, spent five years as a junior in component level repairs, more than two years at a power utility , then up to now at a telecoms company. A career of more than 15 years. You should somehow rest assured that I know what I am talking about. U surely have a lot of experience with Cakewalk, something comparable and somehow exceeded by some of the users in this forum. The logical assumption is that u made videos out of your free will and good heart, and those that contacted you for help were probably on that understanding. The most logical thing is that is that if want employment from Cakewalk you would contact them and present your case! Without bashing the company that you clearly would like to get a slice of pizza from! In fact, who said you gotta be an ambassador of Cakewalk? Your same fans or Chanel subscribers that you have been bashing the DAW infront of? YOU DO NOT DESERVE ANY COMPENSATION, no wonder you are this angry... I still maintain my view, You should just go away....
  20. Hi Davydh, I hope you'll forgive/correct me if I'm not getting this right. Shouldn't fixing bugs be about issues reported by users with no relation to specific priority individuals... sure, everything prioritized according to severity of course. Also, one would be forgiven to think that making of an illustration/tutorial video by an individual will almost always be out of a good heart... (unless of course under employ, where you'd have to get paid for services rendered). Maybe I'll never get it. Thanks and regards
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