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Larry Jones

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Everything posted by Larry Jones

  1. The sad truth is that a dedicated audio interface with ASIO drivers is the first step toward reducing latency. The good news is that such interfaces can be had for less than $100. Meantime WASAPI is the best driver for you. Also, make sure you have not inserted processor-intensive plugins (such as phase linear compressors) anywhere in your project. In fact, turn them all off to see if that helps, than maybe you can find the culprit(s).
  2. Is your computer a desktop or a laptop? Off-the-shelf or custom built? What is the brand? Do you know how many slots your motherboard has for RAM? If it's a desktop it's pretty easy to replace the RAM (memory). Take the case apart and look for something like these, which will be plugged into the motherboard. Don't know how you ended up with 9GB of memory, but standard best practice is to use an even number. In your case I like @razor7music's suggestion above: Get 16GB. This might mean you'll have to buy a couple of 8GB "sticks," but they are pretty affordable these days and it will make a big difference in your DAW. This is all more difficult on laptops because they're tiny and everything inside is proprietary, but either way this is a very minor bit of mechanics, and if you're not comfortable doing it yourself any PC technician can do it for you in a few minutes. Try to find a small shop, instead of some big chain store where they keep your PC for three weeks and overcharge you. EDIT: Not all RAM is the same. If you're going to do this yourself, pull out the ones that are in there and use them to make sure you get the right kind for your computer. I'm not enough of an expert to say more on this, but surely someone will be along here soon to give you more information.
  3. What @scook is saying is you have to have at least one synth inserted into your project to play MIDI previews.
  4. I've used Ccleaner (free version) many times. It seems to help, and it hasn't messed up my system yet. Windows registry is a fragile bird, so use at your own risk.
  5. Steev went away a few weeks ago because he wrote something political in this forum. I guess he wasn't banned, but probably warned. I imagine he resented that.
  6. Warning: Off-topic comment. In the 1980s LA producers went crazy over a box called The Aphex Aural Exciter. At first you couldn't buy them -- you had to rent them. Then when they became available to buy you discovered that the critical electronics inside were sealed, so you couldn't reverse engineer the product. Nobody knew exactly what they did, but somebody famous used one (Linda Ronstadt, maybe) and after that everybody had to have one. It did seem to add some kind of sheen to vocals. Eventually we figured out that it distorted certain high harmonics and added them back to the signal. I think the BBE Sonic Maximizer works like that.
  7. I'd vote for being able to rearrange the synth rack and tabs in the multidock. I'm going to look for a "feature request" forum and see if you've already posted there.
  8. @Johnbee58 Maybe this will shed some light: Possibly at some time in the past you have globally bypassed "bins of this type." Looks like you can undo that with a right click in a bin set to the right type of effect. Link.
  9. I've never really paid attention to that button, but I guess it's the button that turns all effects on or off for that specific track. If it defaults to "off," I'm sure it comes on automatically when you insert a VST on the track. @Johnbee58 are you saying that FX inserted on a track are off by default and you have to toggle that button to hear an effect?
  10. I'm not an Apple user, but they (Macs) have Core Audio drivers built in. You may still need a dedicated audio interface, but if it's compatible with the Mac it won't require ASIO drivers. My information is five years old so it's possible that a new Mac has built-in hardware that can handle music production, but if you are using Boot Camp to load Windows and run SONAR, you are basically using a PC and boom! You're back to external audio interface and ASIO drivers.
  11. Hey John - Here's the straight dope right from the horse's mouth. Good luck!
  12. Where do I look to find out which releases are which, and when a targeted release turns into a broad release?
  13. We did the original demoes for the "Los Angeles" album by X. The album that was eventually released sounds pretty much exactly like those demoes. We were one of the first places in town to book punk bands. I think a lot of established places didn't want those dangerous troublemakers trashing their studios and raping the receptionist. Turns out they were mostly nice kids who didn't carry knives and cleaned up the studio after themselves. No comment on the coked-out has-beens.
  14. Andy, you really are Old School. If you use the Snipping Tool, you already have cropped it the way you want, and you can "Save As..." right from there into your Pictures folder. No need to two-step it through Paint.
  15. My phone gave me an easy choice whether to read the original post in Spanish or English. I selected English and the translation was decent, and I finished reading it and everything was beautiful. I don't know if the same thing happens on a computer, but with technology like this, why not just let everyone post anything they want in any language they want? Music is international, no? EDIT: Apparently this is a function of Chrome on Android. Soon it will be ubiquitous.
  16. A few weeks ago I enabled the Group Policy Editor on my Home edition PC (not my DAW) to play with it, but yesterday I got upgraded to 1809 Build 17763.292, and -- surprise! -- it's no longer enabled. I don't really care, but I believe MS polices this with such rigor because in the profit-based community, if you are a "pro," you simply have to pay more, and if you are an "amateur," you simply get less. I ran into a version of this when I started my half-inch 8-track studio in the 70s, in the same neighborhood as Gold Star, Sunwest, Wally Heider, etc. With my Tascam 8-track I wasn't paying the price required to be a "pro," so the guys at those places mocked me for using "home" equipment, and wouldn't speak to me at AES shows. At least in that case I got the last laugh, because I was still booking sessions after they all went out of business. Pretty sure none of those schmoes would have been able to tell the difference between the quality they were producing, and mine. These days I don't have paying clients, so I leave Window Defender running, and a bunch of other background services that I should probably turn off, and I rarely have a glitch in my projects.
  17. Try making sorting changes in the browser. The browser and the "Insert|Manage Layouts" command are related in some way. There are buttons at the top of the browser to change the sorting, and the changes you make there are reflected in the Plugin Layout Manager (I think).
  18. Whatever recording mode you select from the button in the Control Bar (at the top of the window), it will apply to any subsequent tracks you record -- but you can change it whenever you want. Generally, your default recording mode should be comp. You'll see why, and you'll also find out why you might want to use one of the other modes
  19. Sound on sound mode will record on a track without erasing what's already on that track. Don't use it to record vocals. Use Comp mode to record your vocal. You won't lose anything on any other track as long as you don't arm them for recording. I don't follow the rest of your post. Maybe you should get started by looking at this tutorial on YouTube, which will tell you what all the buttons and controls do. Part 2 will walk you through your first recording. Good luck.
  20. Yep. I tried it. It does kill it right away. So it's one of your plugins. Turn 'em all off (bypass) and then bring them back one at a time. This isn't exactly a "fix," but at least you'll know which plugin to avoid.
  21. If it's just data (for example, project folders) I think you can just copy to wherever you want it. Then in Cakewalk Preferences you can tell the program where everything is. You may still have to "find" missing files when you open a project, but you'd know where they are, and that would only happen the first time you open an old project.
  22. ^^This is how you get the files. In the export dialog take note of the format you are exporting. Your collaborator might want to know. For sending I don't recommend email, because the files are so large. Get a free Dropbox account, or OneDrive, or use a service like WeTransfer.
  23. Maybe you can work around this by creating a symbolic link from where CbB was originally installed to where it is now. More information here.
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