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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Unless your WUP has run out (mine ran out Jan 1st). At $240 to WUPgrade I'll be staying where I'm at for the foreseeable future.
  2. SSL EV2 Channel is included in SSL 4000 Collection and Studio Classics Collection
  3. An ale would be fine, but it twasn't on me mind. At least not until now...
  4. I'm holding out for when it includes a free beer
  5. It's Jan 11th in Brussels, Belgium. WHERE IS IT? (5.5 - not Brussels)
  6. TheSteven

    electric guitar

    If there are any music stores in your area check out the models that you're interested in and find one that speaks to you (feels right). The rest is a couple of plugins and/or pedals and 10,000 hours of practice. Try to avoid going down the rabbit hole of equipment or plugins - it's too easy to end up spending all your time chasing gear at the expense of mastering your instrument. Re: Cables - Monoprice or Musicians Friend Stupid Deal of the Day. At your stage anything fancy & expensive is a waste of funds.
  7. My mother told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say that maybe I should not say anything... But I feel that I at least need to say this: Pigments cost me less and IMHO is a vastly superior soft synth.
  8. These particular updates provide a 'better subscription experience'... meh, I'll wait. Oh and one of them has a bug fix for an issue I don't have.
  9. You can configure SC to only download so you can manually install, then using SC to manually activate to target of choice. I had problems with the default settings installing to the wrong folder and activating to both my C drive and iLok 3
  10. Really?? 2008 is still jailbait in my book. Forgive the slightly offcolor joke, NOI. It's GOG (G.reat O.ld G.ames?) where you can find DOS** versions of some games, Not the place you look for cutting edge releases. **modified to run on current Widows computers
  11. BTW at GOG -89% Tomb Raider: Underworld on GOG.com $0.98 that's 98 cents Aniiversary Edition and Legend are also both under $1
  12. That original post is hypnotizing... I can't stop staring at his... um graphics.
  13. Thanks Piotr, same goes for you. Happy New Year to all!
  14. Turns out I needed to update. "All Torpedo Wall of Sound versions prior 4.4.0 are no longer working in Online mode." which, at least in my case, means the older VST fails the license check and it won't run. You can download the latest version here: Torpedo Wall of Sound downloads
  15. My Geosonics 2 upgrade was $49 which I think matches the intro price. Codes don't change price. I've only play with it briefly - been a real crappy year for my creative output... I really haven't spent enough time with it to do it justice but my initial impression is... It has very nice nontraditional evolving pads / textures as well as a number of interesting nonpitched strange ambiences that could add some flavor or sparkle to a project. If you're looking for something different or do soundtracks for film you'll probably really like it. If you're looking for a bread & butter & butter library (bass, keys, pads, etc.) probably should look elsewhere. While there are number of other libraries that mine from this similar territory this collection feels well curated. YMMV but I like it and I can definitely see using it in a couple of my projects in the future.
  16. I have found that using PayPal and not using the Friends option is perhaps the best way, you pay a little more but it's like paying for insurance. If seller won't cover the fees (insists on Friends option) I'll either cover them or steer clear. I've had a couple of issues over the years - bogus listing, warez sold as legit, etc. but I've always (eventually) gotten my money back. I realize that some areas have problems using PayPal but that doesn't invalidate it everywhere else.
  17. Of course - give it a week or two after that feature is added. Human nature being what it is maybe sooner. I see it causing a loss of forum integrity.
  18. Corrected above link in my OP. I had double checked it and still got wrong... ? There are other people selling these items at similar prices too.
  19. Hi Zo, no offense intended but KVR Audio is the appropriate place for such posts...
  20. At KVR: Softube items... Softube Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555 - 9$ Softube Time and Tone Bundle -9$ The Time & Tone Bundle includes the Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor which I think I paid around $40 during the previous (2020) BF.
  21. Question re: PA amp sims - how do you get the presets for the VST3 versions to show in Cakewalk? Edit: Never mind - remembered how... This works but it's a bit of a PITA to cycle through presets. They really should update the GUI to let you manage presets directly from within the plugin...
  22. ^^this worked. 15.1 GB to redownload everything.
  23. Be sure to back up the library before updating! The update hosed my installation. Thankfully I had a backup of 2.1. Have tried upgrade multiple times from v2.1 and an earlier backup - and the 2.2 upgrade messes things up as shown below. Before: After:
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