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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Already got SplitEQ & SP2016. Updates are usually free. When I chatted with Eventide support about upgrading the only potential benefit they mentioned was everything would be under one license. So no compelling reason for me to spend $39.
  2. Anthology XII = Anthology XI + H9 Plug-In Series or am I missing something? For $39 I can upgrade to Anthology XI + H9 Plug-In Series to Anthology XII, but no new plugins.
  3. He has a number of excellent Cakewalk videos tutorials. Creative Sauce for example:
  4. ADSR Sample Manager updated to 1.7.2 This was actually released in Sept 2021 but I missed it and a number of previous updates. I checked this forum for a mention and the most recent one I could find was "ADSR Sample Manager updated to 1.5.2" so I figure maybe others missed it as well... ADSR Sample Manager updated to 1.7.2 Info from web site: The optimal starting point for every production session, ADSR Sample Manager makes organizing, finding and auditioning samples refreshingly simple. The most effective way to access all your samples at once, ADSR Sample Manager keeps your project in the flow. Work in standalone or keep all the action right in your DAW with the plugin. Search all your local samples or your purchased ADSR samples in the cloud by type, genre, bpm or key. Best of all… it’s FREE! ADSR Sample Manager features Apple silicon native support (new in 1.7.0) Expand your library – Browse a near-unlimited library of sounds Find sounds with similar tags Automatically tags all your samples in a flash All your samples (local or cloud) searchable in an instant Standalone or VST/AU/AAX Hear samples in the context of your music with MIDI input Sync key and BPM to preview samples in context ADSR Account integration – browse your purchased samples in the cloud, preview in real time and download what you need. Ableton LINK – sync your loops and one-shots with others using multiple devices running Link-enabled software / mobile apps Tag by sound type, genre or label Favourite Collections (new in 1.7.0) Multiple searches in one instance with search tabs (new in 1.7.0) Frequency analysis with waveform display (new in 1.7.0) Detect duplicate samples Drag samples directly into your project (raw or processed) Key detection and transpose to key Use multiple instances directly in your project Loops sync to your project tempo Quantised start points Trim sample start and end points Play samples forward, reverse or ping pong Order by sample info : type, key, bpm, tag, length, file size and date Order by sample info (new in 1.7.0) : file path, library, effective length, bit depth, sample rate, channel count & codec Save your favourite sounds and searches Use with services like Splice, Noiiz and Loopcloud Instant inspiration with the random button Unlock your sample library and find the perfect sound New in ADSR Sample Manager 1.7 Added Favourite Collections Added Search tabs Added frequency analysis to waveform display Added new columns: file path, library, effective length, bit depth, sample rate, channel count & codec Added Apple Silicon native support Improved add tag dialogue Improved stability Improved zooming when using the +- buttons or pinch gesture Fixed folder list closing when files dragged from Sample Manager Fixed tag panel not showing at startup Fixed missing tag buttons in sample view Fixed crash when editing BPM for multiple samples Fixed problem with all tags disappearing after restore from settings panel Fixed issue with selecting tags from the auto-complete list when in AND mode and the text partial excludes the tag selected Fixed issue where downloading files from website purchases would ask for library refresh at every startup Various small bug fixes and UI improvements New in ADSR Sample Manager 1.6 Sample manipulation controls: HP/LP filters, fade in and out, gain, normalize and meter Zoom waveform with snapping for start / end points (zero crossing and note division) Looped previews with quantized start points Ableton LINK enabled – Join the same network and sync your loops and one-shots with others using multiple devices running Link-enabled software / mobile apps ADSR Account Integration: login and browse your purchased sample packs. Search and preview samples from the cloud like you would your local library. Listen in sync with your track (key/bpm) – download everything or just what you need. New sample info columns: length, file size and date added, with the ability to show/hide what you need. New genre and label tag types. Find the right sound at the right time. Dragging into your DAW renders the sample with all of your selected settings (fades, tempo etc) or drag the raw sample by user choice Midi mappable controls; random/random back, filters, fades, gain AAX Support Duplicate sample detection with hide duplicate function Resizeable waveform display (drag up and down to resize) with added retina support Collapsible left panel and reduced minimum size allowed Various performance improvements and bug fixes
  5. (text form email announcement) The Unfinished 10th Anniversary Twenty Twelve Eight re-released soundsets now available to download for free! Note this link takes you to The Unfinished freebie page where there are 11 other free libraries offered! Back in 2012, I started my journey as The Unfinished. To kick off my 10th anniversary celebrations I have decided to make the eight soundsets I released that year available to download for free. All eight were removed from my site a little while ago in a clean-up operation but, were still available as part of either the Massive Bundle or the Absynth Bundle. Now, they are available to all and absolutely free! The soundsets are Absynth Geometron, Absynth Heliopolis, Absynth Metatron, Massive Ammunition, Massive Darkscore I, Massive Darkscore II, Massive Darkscore III and Massive Stratosphere. There are over 900 sounds in the collection. These are the soundsets that inspired my first forays into bespoke programming and also gave me the confidence to quit my job, move to London to live with my then girlfriend (now wife) and begin this whole mad adventure, so they all mean a great deal to me. Take care of them! To reflect their free release into the wild, the prices for both the Absynth and Massive Bundles has been reduced. If you have bought either bundle recently, get in touch and I will be happy to provide a partial refund reflecting this. Right, I'm off to create some wallpapers for the website, so you can enjoy some of your favourite The Unfinished artwork on your desktop. All the best, Matt
  6. In the current installer you can change the install location for VST2 versions by clicking on 'VST2 plugins' and then the 'Browse' button as shown in the image below. the installer will create a 'ToneBoosters' folder in the location you select or create. You can't change the location of the VST3, AAX or Standalone versions - although you can opt to not have them installed.. The VST3 versions will be installed at C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\ToneBoosters The Standalone versions are installed at C:\Program Files\ToneBoosters
  7. Critical Bug Fix Update 1.3.2 for Kazrog's True Iron Full True Iron 1.3.2 has been released, which resolves a serious issue affecting wet/dry blend and internal bypass in 1.3.1. True Iron 1.3.2 is recommended for all users, and True Iron 1.3.1 is now considered a deprecated release. Stable releases of True Iron (1.3.2 and 1.3.0) are accessible via the user area. Registered users should have received an email from skypilotall.com with links.
  8. I like PSP's stuff and but even with the combined discounts - don't know if I need yet another saturator... Be interested in hearing the opinion of anyone who has actually tried it. My current favorite saturation plugin at the moment is Thermal by Output
  9. PSP NobleQ update 1.8.1 released (announced Feb 18 2022) Changes: Cubase 11 (macOS and Win) accidentally crashed - fixed incorrect Peak Freq scale on PSP NobleQex GUI - fixed minor bugs - fixed Update is free of charge for the current PSP NobleQ users. PSP User Area Link
  10. I have several Spitfire libraries and as far as I know 0 credit... what/how?
  11. Is this just a one day sale? I'd be a lot more interested if I had a bet more time so that I could demo some of these. I find many of the SSL video demos are great at just how little they actually show you. For example XValveComp No A/B comparison, no hearing it manipulating isolated tracks, just someone twiddling knobs over a mix I'm unfamiliar with. Edit: I've just watched it again and must conclude that the soundtrack is not tied to the actions shown. If I don't get a chance to demo it, I'll probably pick it up anyway because of what I think it should do. Re: XPhase - video demo sucks, I can't tell squat from it other than it has a pretty GUI. "X-Phase can also be used to create a comb filter by applying a filtered signal to an unfiltered version of the same signal." If this is a big selling point - then why no wet/dry mix control? As an alignment tool if you're trying to align/fix the combination of 2 tracks you might be able to do wonders with it (providing you have the patience to manually dial everything in) but for combining / fixing multiple tracks - for example poorly done multimic'd drum tracks, I just can't see it working.
  12. Just tried it out - this one can play VST2 & VST3 plugins at the same time! One thing that vPlayer 3 could really use is the ability to drag & drop plugins on to it. Note Kushview Element supports both VST2 & VST3 as well as drag & drop
  13. Surreal Machines plugins - Free Update with Apple Silicon support and Resizable UIs Surreal Machines Email text: We're happy to announce the wait is finally over! All of our plugins have now been updated to support Apple Silicon natively (no more using rosetta). If you are on a new M1 Mac, that means huge performance gains and one step closer to worry free start and go music making. RESIZEABLE UIs! Yes, we heard you. Sorry for the wait. Just like on Impact and Crack, Diffuse and Modnetic now both can scale their interfaces via a menu in the preset menu to set your favourite size. To get the free update, visit our site Surreal Machines and login. Then go to account/downloads and re-download and install your plugins
  14. or you can use this deal ( code PRESDAY) to get Keyscape for $322.15
  15. The installer does tell you what needs (or maybe better phrased - what will be) updating... but I agree that details would be nice.
  16. + updates for DS-10 Drum Shaper, Additive Keys & Addictive Trigger. Mine says 6 updates requiring 1.7GB
  17. Sorry to hear. I was interested as well. Hopefully they'll open it up again.
  18. D16 Group updates all SilverLine plugins All SilverLine plug-ins have been updated to following versions: Antresol 1.3.1 Decimort 2.3.1 Devastor 2.3.1 Fazortan 2.2.1 Frontier 1.2.1 Godfazer 1.2.1 Redoptor 2.2.1 Spacerek 1.2.1 Syntorus 2.2.1 Tektruon 1.2.1 Toraverb 2.2.1 Following issues have been fixed with the update: Issue with native ARM M1 support (macOS, Audio Unit) No sound in FL Studio (VST3 format) You can download the latest installers from your User Area account +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Previous update from Jan 17th, 2022 All SilverLine plug-ins have been updated. The new versions provide: Added: Native Apple Silicon support (macOS) VST3 plugin format Additional GUI sizes HiDPI / Retina support MIDI assignability for Prev / Next (Main Presets) Fixed: Problem with not displaying newly saved preset on the list Changed: Improved compatibility with the latest macOS versions (Big Sur and Monterey) Preset export / import via drag'n'drop Slightly improved GUI layout Code maintenance
  19. May not be related to this particular plugin - but any plugin that uses opengl will crash any DAW on my main computer. My system doesn't support opengl. If the plugin uses opengl as it's default setting and I can manage to turn that setting off, I'm good otherwise it's a no go for me.
  20. PA Black Box HG-2MS 76% OFF today only! $329 >> $79.99 Black Box HG-2 MS: Add colorful, frequency-selective tube saturation with M/S Processing. Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 PM PST on February 3, 2022. BB-HG2MS-7999 This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase. (Anyone have a $50 PA voucher code they are not going to be using?)
  21. There is, but I don't think it's advertised - if I recall you have to sign in to see it. Signin in on web site then go to Use Coupon and you'll see your discounted price in your shopping cart. BUT this sale is cheaper ($247.40 vs $299) than the upgrade path! Essentials has different patches than full version so it's nice to have both.
  22. Demo: Mirror | UnitedPlugins
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