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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. ^Except Invigerate, but that wasn’t update.
  2. Luftrum (the developer) is cool. Top quality instruments & patches, fair prices ~~~~~~~~~~~ More info on Lunaris 2 Compared to its predecessor, version 2 improves and expands with sample drag and drop import, a freshly redesigned and larger interface, and the core sounds library is now brimming with over twice as many sound sources. Lunaris 2 is made for and licensed to the free Kontakt Player, so you don’t need the full version of Kontakt. It is installed directly in Native Access, just enter the serial key and click install.
  3. In case any of you are wondering (for example why it wasn't in the OP) here's the link. https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloads/ and for you nearsighted dears... https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloads/
  4. ^^same here. That loud font left my eyes ringing...
  5. Hi Reid, sorry to hear that you're having issues. Really doubt if it's NI related, sounds like you may have had one of those system updates that change your computer's hardware ID. Always a major pain in the rear when this happens. Probably just a bad coincidental timing - you're running late for an appointment, your burn your toast and then the car won't start. Not the toaster's fault. Probably not the Komplete Kontrol upgrade's fault either in this case.
  6. Danelectro longhorns always looked a little to stabby for my comfort. Could easily picture losing an eye or ***** due to a stage accident. ?
  7. Synplant still sale at Plugin Boutique Just checked and this is current price on Sonic Charges web site... https://soniccharge.com/products
  8. Sonic Charge updates all products - VST3 support and more Dec 1st,2022 Sonic Charge has updated all its products, including the free Cyclone, with bug fixes and some new features. Most importantly, all products are now VST3 compatible. They look and sound identical in all three formats (VST2, VST3, and AU), and they take up about the same amount of CPU. Echobode and Bitspeek now allow MIDI mapping of knobs and support program changes with MIDI notes or MIDI Program Change messages. The graphics resolution of Echobode, Bitspeek, and Permut8 has been increased to give you full "retina" quality with 200% zoom. A few bugs have been eliminated and a bunch of compatibility issues have been resolved. Cyclone, the free TX16W emulator, has been updated for the first time in almost ten years. It now works on Mac again (and Windows still) in all three supported formats. It now has high-resolution graphics and a few new features (right-click for a menu). Sonic Charge says: "We recommend everyone to update to the new versions. The only reason you would not want to update is if you are running 32-bit Windows, as we removed support for this now." Detailed information on the VST3 ports: In hosts where VST3 replaces VST2 (e.g., Cubase), Sonic Charge has made every possible effort to ensure that everything sounds the same when you load old projects. MIDI out (notes only) should work in Microtonic and Synplant. MIDI Program Change messages are supported, but many VST3 hosts do not seem to implement the support. "Learning" of MIDI CC numbers is supported, provided it is implemented by the VST3 host (at the time of this writing, it is not supported in Ableton Live, for example). Because of limitations in VST3, you cannot assign the same MIDI CC to more than one parameter in Microtonic. The following features in Microtonic do not work and are disabled: "MIDI CC operate on selected channel", "MIDI CC generate parameter automation", "Improved scaling of MIDI CC values" and "Knobs and buttons send MIDI CC". You cannot turn the individual pattern steps on and off with MIDI CC in Microtonic. A .vstpreset file is the complete program bank, not a single preset. Edit: Here's a direct link to the download page: https://soniccharge.com/download The group installer is near the top of the page.
  9. @PavlovsCat here's what Glenn is playing in the video. Danelectro Longhorn Baritone Electric Guitar - Copper Burst | Sweetwater
  10. Cakewalk 2022.11 Update 1 Early Access [Updated to Build 21] Update Dec 1 2022: 2022.11 Update 1 (build Enhancements: Quick group support for track effect bin Delete command Delete All now available in effect bin menus Improved app startup and shutdown performance when running on local network without internet or with a slow internet connection Improved project load performance Show clip stretch amount to 2 decimal places Bug fixes: Crash when quick group bypassing FX Chains when other effects are in the bin Don't require SHIFT for quick-group recursing FX Chains, if you're invoking from an effect already within ProChannel FX Chain Quick group delete (CTRL+SHIFT) FX Chains across multiple tracks fails to remove the plugin instance in the other track FX chains Quick group replace/delete (CTRL+SHIFT) effect from track effects bin should also affect ProChannel FX chain Quick Group insert FX into ProChannel FX Rack inserts into track bin instead Additional support for quick grouping in FX Chains Incorrect plugin menu behavior ProChannel can be empty after inserting a new audio track
  11. Haven't heard this since my kids were little listening to Radio Disney ages ago. Ugh, never realized how bad it really is...
  12. It was under my Nugen upgrade offers** for a Modern Mastering bundle upgrade. I owned Visualizer v1 and ISL v1 and the latest version of Master Check. It was an upgrade to Visualizer v2 and ISL v2 (didn't end up with a 2nd copy of Master Check). **you need a treasure map to find 'em. Here's a copy of that map... Login to your account you get taken to the Downloads page - click on the hamburger (what web designers call the item with 3 horizontal lines) above the word 'Demos' In the popup menu that opens select 'My offers and upgrades' Here's the list of all the upgrades you qualify for. Click on one of the "Upgrade to XXXXXX" labels to see what your upgrade offer is. When done triple right click on the hamburger again to locate the secret tunnel under Nugen headquarters that takes you behind Disney's It's a Small World ride. This is where they secretly test their plugins on unsuspecting Disney customers. One of the above steps may be a fake - 4chan says otherwise...
  13. You left guitar stuff in the cart?! OMG. Didn't know that was possible...
  14. My BF booty.. Spent more than I wanted but didn't go too crazy**... **compared to what I've previously done or could done Software: Eventide - Invigorate Heavyocity Punish2 Vanguard 2 upgrade (debated this but Vanguard1 compatibility and all the included free libraries swung me over) Tracktion Novum & Biotek Nugen $41 - update to Visualizer2 & ISL2 (probably a great price but still have mixed feelings on this as I haven't used the v1 versions in ages) Edit: forgot about Neural DSP's Tone King - wasn't even on my radar until someone mentioned it in regards the 50% off sale (which expires Nov 30th) and I tried it out. Loved it, bought it. Hardware: New set of glasses from eyebuydirect.com (been on my todo list for way too long) Yamaha PSR-EW310 keyboard w power supply (upcoming holiday present for my son) PRS locking tuners for SE Custom (hey they were on sale) Really wanted to pickup a Fender baritone guitar but it was either get my son his 1st piano or another guitar for me. On my wannabuy list but decided to opt out on:| ********************************** Audio Damage: Quanta 2 upgrade (opted for Novum, besides my upgrade price was better than the BF price so if needed this can wait) Continua - opted for Bio Tek (yes, they are not the same but to get one the other had to go) Photo, Publisher, Designer - all for $99 (barely used the previous version, can't justify buying an upgrade it) Krotos Dehumanizer 2 $150 upgrade from Simple Monsters (fun but no practical usage in near future) Vocoder by Xli (it's mine when price hits $29, otherwise it waits) NI Ultimate - KOMPLETE 14 COLLECTOR'S EDITION $499 - Oh I want it... but can't say that any piece of it will make or break me when I already have similar or in some cases better. Studio One 6 Pro update - should be cheaper around New Year's Image Line $85 Upgrade to All Plugins EDITION (no need when all this upgrade gets me is additional locked in plugins) PSP Saturator $49 (got Punish instead)
  15. At one point this was highly regarded. It probably still compares well with most of the stuff out there with a couple of exceptions.
  16. I vote 1, meh, meh Didn't like 2, and with 3 i didn't really care for the FX; would rather add my own chorus if I felt it was needed. Forgive me for not reading all 6 or so pages; I got hungry around page 3, lost focus to the kitchens siren song and succumbed to temptation.
  17. I'll agree to disagree and retract my claws (or at least switch to decaf for now). Though the horse is dead the audience would probably appreciate that we'd stop beating on it.
  18. Sorry I don't buy that at all. If Steinberg weren't such @sshats about the VST3 rollout; if VST3 wasn't the buggy wonder it is; etc. then I'd say you had a valid argument. Many devs have resisted implementing it (or still refuse to) because they resent(ed) being strong armed into adopting it.
  19. So ... you're saying your ears like the sound but that's not good enough? Lol - 1/2 joking though it does remind me of the guitar player saying his pedal sounds better because it has more knobs. Sylenth has a warmth/presence/pizzaz that I find missing in so many synths. To me that was enough for me to buy it when I did and enough to still be a favorite.
  20. If you own other devious stuff your best deal may be a combo upgrade through their shop. The only plugin I'm missing is Infiltrator 2 - my upgrade cost for the full bundle (to get that + Percusive Layers for Texture) is $70.33
  21. https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion-biotek $41.16 w code group updated OP
  22. Was checking it out - tasty! Killer price right now https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion-particle-motion-novum-expansion-pack Code: GROUP
  23. As developers update their SDKs to move their apps out of the stone age (fix non-resizable GUIs, etc.) and to either not run into Win11 issues or take advantage of its features - the graphic libraries get updated as well. And sometimes crap like this happens - it's not the audio developer deep state working in cahoots with GPU developers to force you to upgrade your hardware so that they can get kickbacks. NI is probably checking it out and weighing their options. Fix may be relatively easy or involve a major rewrite to use an older graphics engine with their new code or just not do-able because the graphics code may be baked into one or more of the programming libraries they use.
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