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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. If your guitar samples are loops you can drop them on an audio track in Cakewalk then put Revalver in the FX Bin. If the samples are of individual notes you need something that will allow you to control & play the samples then you can send that output to/thru Revalver i.e. samples > sampler(MIDI control) > Revalver (or any other effect)
  2. Hi Mibby, I'll check it out this evening. I just got back in town Saturday and I'm still playing catch up.
  3. Not just plugin creators but most software developers. Never heard of 'virus total' before today. If they mass test software against the majority of a/v programs and the service is free it might be something to check out. Cudos to them is they can stay on top of it, it's a formidable task as the better A/V programs update regularly & often. The popularity setting... Yeah fairly worthless for most plugins and small vendor software. I deal with this with my MenuMagic software - since I don't have 10 million people installing it most A/V programs that use popularity rankings warn people about my software <sigh>. Unfortunately popularity doesn't mean that the copy of the software you're downloading is clean, only that a lot of people have used use it or used previous versions of it. Yes signing is expensive which is why small shops and many not so small shop don't use it / can't use it.
  4. 'adjusting compilation' is not how it usually works... False positives happen all the time and A/V company may need to tweak their algorithms. If you're getting alerts you need to notify plugin creator about it so that they contact the A/V company about getting it corrected. They'll need to know what plugin gets what error with what version of the A/V program.
  5. They might be doing multiple things to sweeten the pot because the initial Retrocade email had bad PayPal links where prices were coming up at $49.99 or similar and they had to resend the email and with new links. But your guess is as good as mine...
  6. Just a bump in case you previously missed Starise's post. Highly worth your time if you have Murcury Elements. Linked video has installation instructions and a walk through of the new patches.
  7. If you picked up Audiority's Tube Modulator via one of the recent sales you may not have the latest version. You can download the latest version here: https://www.audiority.com/shop/tube-modulator/ Changelog v1.2.2 (June 2020) – FIX: Ableton Live 10 crashing when loading a project with HQ enabled (VST3 only) – FIX: unipolar output for some LFO waveforms v1.2.1 (May 2020) >>> the version that currently download's from pluginboutique's web site – NEW: XY Scope display modes – FIX: XY Scope reduced framerate v1.2 (May 2020) – NEW: HQ Mode – NEW: VST3 plugin format – NEW: Newsfeed – FIX: Signal processed if Amount is at 0 – FIX: Phase cancellation mixing dry and wet signal – FIX: Parameters not correctly initialized in Reason – FIX: Silence triggered randomly in some configurations – FIX: Mac OSX Catalina support – BREAKING CHANGE: Dropped 32bit support
  8. and if you're looking for something to purchase (that you might actually use) to get a free copy of Reason Rack...
  9. Not as good as the $10 sale, but currently $22 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/33-Modulator/4123-Tube-Modulator
  10. PET SHOP DRUMS for Kontakt! for FREE! Requires full version of Kontakt. Here are the main features: * Recorded with Studer A812 Tape Recorder * 24bit/48khz * Wave files are included if you don't use Kontakt! * Easy to use simple Kontakt interface! * Many RR and articulations for each drum! * GM Mapped * Kontakt 5.4.3 Available for free at; www.gumroad.com/pasttofuturereverbs Note: Go to their website and type pet shop into the search and you'll find it. We are proud to bring you sounds you can’t find anywhere else. Every Friday is Past To Future Day!
  11. Had to hit refresh button before it would show
  12. This is what happens when you let your kids help with the house painting!
  13. Yes please! and could you purchase it for me too? Just PM me the license info. Just noting that if you (in this case not you, unless you're in the mood to take nondirected comments personally) are going to post information then please include the relevant information i.e. price, if sale - the expiration, if Kontakt - is full license is required, etc. It just makes things easier for your fellow forum members.
  14. You mention intro pricing - but then don't list it...
  15. It could be that the Helix Native prefers a 'fuller' tone as it's source. In the video at 5:50 he has the pickup selector in mid-position, typically I use the bridge which may have been why I never previously cared for the results(?). The Traveler guitar only has a peizo pickup and it's tone is more full acousticish than normally suitable for a rock amp. Just conjecture until I get back to my audio computer but food for thought.
  16. If you haven't gotten around to upgrading Play 6 - it's now free. Other upgrades? No idea, I haven't been tracking prices.
  17. No Details on EastWest's downloads page http://www.soundsonline.com/Support?section=updates They usually list something... Maybe they'll update it with more info later. Maybe they just want to remind everyone of their current sale (up to 60% off). The following is all they list. PLAY 6.1.9 PLAY 6.1.9 upgrade is for Mac users running OS X 10.7 or higher, and for Windows users running 7 and above. PLAY 6.1.9 is now available for free to all EastWest customers. If you are a current PLAY 6 user please use the Installation Center to get your update.
  18. Here you go Reid! (no sarcasm implied or intended) I like content. I like not NOT having to go the vendor website to find out if I'm even interested or if it's an update should I bother?
  19. Or as previously suggested once you buy it don't activate; use it to upgrade to 11 when it comes out. So you'll go from 10 to 11 for $36
  20. If I recall correctly D16 Sigmund was listed as a favorite delay among a number of respected forum users a couple of year back.
  21. While I like the AXE I/O I don't know to what degree it contributed to the whole. The previous time I used it was with a BC Rich Warlock and I spent a while tweaking the various parameters. I tried the Helix, meh , moved to IKM Amplitube where I got an decent 80's-ish rock lead / rhythm tone. This last time I grabbed the traveler guitar, a no-name clear blue guitar cable, plugged it in and adjusted the input gain on the AXE I/O then sampled some of the first 10 Helix presets with the ideal of throwing down some tracks to capture an idea and if it sounded like crap I'd rerecord it later with the Rich or my Les Paul; but I was very pleasantly surprised. I've tried recording the Traveler before but didn't care for it but as a non plugged in practice guitar, love it. So I don't know if it's the full combo or not that yields the mana, this happened just before all my free time got diverted into finding & moving dad to an Assisted Living Facility. Still dealing with that, but I pop here in the forum now & then for a mental break.
  22. @ensconced similar to what I went through. I own crapload of Line6 stuff and frankly I was insulted that after investing so much in their company and gear that the best upgrade price they offered was $299. And I wasn't impressed at all with it when I demoed it. Then I tried Helix Native with AXE I/O in combo with my Traveler Guitar Ultra-Light Acoustic and the waters parted, a choir of virgins started singing, my tinitus went away... I was dumbstruck. I've been trying to find the holy grail guitar / direct box / amp sim combo and while some have close none really had more than a small set of tones I could tolerate. This guitar only has a friggin piezo pickup but the combo rocks & and the clean tones chime. The only reason I tried it is because it's my to go lay about practice guitar and I had an idea I wanted to capture before it evaporated. Haven't had time to really debug why it even works, too many things right now want to go sideways but thought I take a moment to share. BTW I ended up buying a used license from someone on the Line 6 forum. Upside cost me $150, downside license is now NFR.
  23. There are if you sign up for Line6's newsletter (which you probably already are) at the following link: https://line6.com/allure/ Can't testify to the quality, haven't had a chance to do more that figure out how to use them in Helix, but can't argue about the price.
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