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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Oh yeah.....ASC is always sooooooooooo slllllllllooooooooooooowwwww at doing just about anything. I never bother to allow any updates any more for that reason.
  2. I would imagine that a lot of customs officials kids will be getting a guitar for christmas.
  3. I watched that earlier.....quite an achievement to get what they did done in a day with having to work around press and film crews too. George Michael looked so shy and nervous and proved that he really didn't need to be and I never realised how much of a short-ar5e Bonio is. Small man syndrome.....now I understand what it is about him that has always grated on me.....
  4. October........lucky you......the first radio ad I heard here was in June.😠
  5. It's ok to admit that you miss him.......😀
  6. Many moons ago I was in the US a couple of times during the Thanksgiving period and found it to be a far nicer experience than the enforced and fake jollity that next month brings. 😀 Enjoy!
  7. Would it be too much to ask that they're fixing whatever it is that offers customers special discounts to buy things that they already have? Yeah, probably.......
  8. I'm looking forward to the credible alternative mental gymnastics competition 😀
  9. Probably because people are just used to it by now and also know that there's no point in reporting it anyway seeing as it is no longer a supported product. It happened to me last week, so whatever it is that causes it is still there. I've come to accept it as just being part of the joy of being a long term Cakewalk user. 😀
  10. It's almost like those who get chastised for having offline DAW pc's somehow knew something.....
  11. No. I'm not allowing you to take me there....stop it right now!
  12. I heard that someone else attempted to market a Bob Marley replica guitar, but it didn't really take off because too many people noticed that it was actually a repackaged sitar.
  13. Rain getting a happy ending.... Gee, thanks a bunch for that mental image.
  14. Where I used to live there was an old guy busker in town with a guitar that had maybe three strings on a good week, none of which appeared to have been tuned in any musical way or even relative to the others. He would do "requests" for any song you wanted, which basically amounted to him thrashing at the strings and la-la-la-ing in a way that suggested that he maybe he just didn't fancy being a straight covers guy. I was new to the area and although I used to laugh a bit, I also felt sorry for him. He seemed to get given a fair amount of money all things considered, which I put down to people like me just basically feeling sorry for him. It wasn't long before several people, who as far as I knew didn't know each other, all told me the same thing.....don't feel sorry for him, it's an act. He lives in a big house in the best part of town overlooking the beach. I wasn't convinced as the general grubbiness of his appearance looked quite authentic. Then one day I saw him looking much cleaner and getting out of a nice silver BMW that he had just parked. An early lesson that things aren't always as they seem.
  15. I can't think of a worse instrument in terms of the difference in the sound it makes between someone who can play it and someone who can't.
  16. paulo


    I thought that was just me..... ....or is it me that this was written about?
  17. As an AL Pro licence holder I was hoping for a real no brainer personal offer for Pigments. What I got was a 69euro offer to buy the thing that I already have....... I want to love you Arturia, but you do have a certain knack for making that difficult....
  18. Which is about as useful as a handlebar mounted ashtray on a motorbike. 😀
  19. Maybe it was filmed on his birthday?
  20. Yep.... the OP obviously never grew up in a household where someone was learning to "play" a violin.
  21. I can't wait to see the meltdown when they announce the new updated UI for the thing that shall not be mentioned..... Coming soon...... Hello Studio Kitty.
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