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Cobus Prinsloo

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About Cobus Prinsloo

  • Birthday May 25

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  1. Thank you, this is very helpful. In most instances, I have the TTS-1 loaded before adding other VSTs anyway, because I use it as a quick starter in my templates to get up and running with each new song. To those who may query the wisdom of using such an old synth -- I use it mostly for planning. It has a few grat drum kits which work well with the Step Sequencer. One instance of TTS-1 has 16x instruments, which is very easy on system resources. It's easy to record midi tracks with no latency, with all of the FX "on". Once I have the basic song with all of its tracks and instrument groups, I start to explore alternative, more modern synths. Sometimes, one or two TTS-1 instruments even remain in the mix. If anyone is interested -- I have the Step Sequencer set up with all the drums already loaded from the TTS-1.
  2. Thank you, I will look into it. I can just say, that this problem had already been coming up in Cakewalk before I upgraded to Sonar.
  3. Since working with Cakewalk, it would crash now and then while loading a project. Each time it would refer to a vst plugin used in the project (Korg Wavestation) with a "Crash Code: C0000005 (Access Violation)" note and dump file. After 3-5 efforts, it would eventually load. In Sonar, it's not getting any better. Now, I don't even get an error notification most of the times after a crash. Initially, I would get the "Crash Code: C0000005 (Access Violation)" crash notification, but now this doesn't even happen anymore. While loading, Sonar quits with no error message - nothing! It simply quits. Initially, I thought it may be a problem with the vst, but today I had a crash while working on another project that ONLY uses the Cakewalk TTS-1 synth. As I was working, Sonar crashed, with the usual "Access Violation" referencing the TTS-1 (see attached). So, this persistent problem does not seem to be related to any specific vst plugin. I am getting desperate now...I contacted Korg support, and their response is as slow as a sloth. I contacted Bandlab support, but thus far they haven't been able to determine the cause of the problem. Please, if anyone can share ideas about this, I'll appreciated it dearly.
  4. Excellent! Thank you very much for this link.
  5. I agree 100%. But, sometimes the note velocities simply don't translate well when recording Midi play from a keyboard.
  6. Most definitely. Especially for a bass line, to make it sound more organic. Bass with a constant velocity setting tend to sound artificial. Or, when playing a piano, you want to keep it sound as natural as possible. The velocities don't always translate well when recording Midi play, so velocity adjustments afterward in the piano roll are a must for me.
  7. Hi, is there a way to quickly match velocities between notes? I'm thinking of the facility to use "smart guides" as used in apps like Adobe Illustrator and MS PowerPoint. This forces cursor movement to snap to an object in close proximity and greatly increases workflow speed. I included an example that I quickly compiled in Photoshop: you'll see where the cursor is, and a temporary smart guide appears to snap the movement to the height of another velocity bar. If there's no such option, I think it should be added as a feature request. I constantly have to adjust velocities after recording play via my Midi controller, and this will really help with productivity.
  8. Thanks - that makes a lot of sense! 🙂 (blush)
  9. Is it better to work with a sampling rate that matches one's audio interface, (which in my case is a Scarlett 4i4 at 48 kHz), or does it not matter?
  10. Thank you for the link. I was hoping it would be possible to just change a project setting within an existing project that is still being worked on.
  11. Hi, I've been trying to change the sampling rate for one of my projects from 44 kHz to 48 kHz, because I want to copy wav files from another project file. Now, I cannot copy those wav files because Sonar won't allow files with different sampling rates to get copied between projects. Is it possible to change an existing project's sampling rate? I tried changing it in Preferences (attached) but it looks like the project reverts back to its original sample rate Advice please!
  12. Can one get similiar results with the new Pro-Q4?
  13. Thank you -- that is good to know and keep in mind!
  14. Oh -- I'm afraid I cannot check because I deleted the synth from my project! It had been sitting there unused anyway. But if I remember correctly, it was one of the presets that come with the free download of A Lab.
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