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Everything posted by mkerl

  1. Incredible. Thanks so much. I'm planning to work on some videoprojects with strings - the timing of your announcement couldn't be better. Great!!
  2. This was a strange experience. Yesterday I just hit the update Button in BA (6.0), Nothing happens. So I downloaded BA_latest (what still was 6.0 yesterday) installed and hit the update button again. BA just shuts down. So I removed, restarted, reinstalled, nothing changed. Since I had some work to do I decided to try later. Today I realized there's the new Versions 6.1 available at the BandlabSite as BA_latest, so I again removed BA (6.0), restarted and tried to insatall 6.1. Installation hangs after about 40%. So I stopped and installed 6.0 again. Just out of curiousity I started the installation of 6.1 manually (the file I downloaded before) with BA 6.0 installed and - it's a mystery - it finally works. Hopefully I don't need BA to update Cakewalk next time . . . .
  3. I wouldn't hesitate to pay for it. The app is better than ever before. But I would like to upgrade my z3ta+ . . . . . . ?
  4. As posted before, I just had to reboot the PC to get the Installation working. BLA 5.2.0, but Win 10 2004. I think, it's a Windows Thing, since the next step after this flashing "install . . ." is a small Win10-window, asking if Cakewalk may change your system. Firewall? Defender? Don't know.
  5. I had the same problem. I restarted Windows and then started Bandlap Assistent as the very first App. The Insatallation finished quickly as expected (German Version, too)
  6. Not to mention, a better system will fit your needs for maybe two more years than an average system. Electronics are evolving with tremendous speed. My i5 based system is 4 years old, I pimped it with ram and ssds, but by next year I'll need an upgrade. And that's late in respect of Video and Audio. I 've read lately about a 12K (!!!!) Camera. I heared these rumors too, Hans Zimmer can't read Music. Honestly, I can't imagine. He is an orchestral composer, I don't believe one could do that without craft and skills. But, who knows? And yes, he is a cubase guy, but depending on the needs of the studios he's working with, It's said he's using Pro tools too. Cheers ?
  7. You're welcome ? Yes, I know the Industry Standarts. And no, I usually don't do Projekt's with 100+ vsti . . . but I wouldn't hesitate to choose cbB for a Job like that. Especially since the bakers made CbB stable, solid and reliable as never before. Cubase is great to work with videos, no doubt. And for composing / arranging with Symphonic Orchestras the expression maps are genius. And there is no need to render a Video direct in the DAW. Most Producers would export only audio I guess, and finish the video in the Videosoftware. Me and myself, I usually make vids of 5 to 10 min, some were 20 min, and to me it's great to export a Video directly out of cakewalk. Quality is great, it's quick and my workflow is shortened. Hans Zimmer once said, the best DAW is the one you can use and work with to be creativ. Most DAWs can do the Job, there are Composers who use Digital Performer for years to score Videos for example. But to get back to the OP: The better the Hardware, the more fun you'll have. I think highend Gaming PCs are a good orientation. Cheers ?
  8. I have got the better Video export with Cakewalk, not Cubase. Tested them both. And at some point, Video and Audio got to get together. Always keep in Mind, 50% of Video is Audio. The Audio Engine and the export of cakewalk are still outstanding. Without any ads. HTH Cheers ?
  9. I use PSP, ACDsee and Silkypix. I like the dephts of PSP and I'm quite happy with HDR Editing. Raw batch editing is fine with Silkypix, Accdsee is comfortable and great for Management of your Collection . Aftershot Pro 3 is nice for development , too, Ads is not a real problem, the different Workspaces in PSP 2019 / 2020 are great to speed up your workflow according to your tasks. I like it. Cheers ?
  10. I simply use paper and a pencil. I never use a Password twice. Meanwhile I use 4 Pages of Paper. I don't store any Password on my desktop / laptop and use apps to clear storage / memory / cookies regularly. And I'll never use clouds for storage of passwords.
  11. In the German Version there is no new Command "help < Get started" to start the onboard Wizzard. There is still the old "Hilfe < Erste Schritte" (help < first steps) wich leads to a Bandlab webpage. So, no way to start onboard wizzard without changing to English language. And "Workspaces" is not translated, it still remains "Brennweiten" (what is not the very best translation of "lenses" btw). However, small detail, but the onboard wizzard is quite useful for a newbie in Germany, too ?. No big deal to implant the command, isn't it? Thanks for your steady good work Cheers ?
  12. Genau. That's where we come together ?? Zum Wohl, Cheers, Na zdrávje ?
  13. Yes, Slovenia is a beautiful country, that's very true. Und an gscheit's bayuwarisches Woizen geht a imma Prosit ??
  14. I love sayings. One everlasting is: Don't feed the troll Another nice one: Don't let the door hit you on the way out Cheers (Na zdrávje!!) ???
  15. Acting like a troll. Can't take you seriously.
  16. My themes are at C:/CakewalkContent/Cakewalk Themes
  17. Does she have a Mic? If she not only want to practice with her laptop but will make music with a band / friends too, I think it's a good idea to invest in a better Mic. Kind of an instrument for an ambitious singer, isn't it?
  18. A small Interface like i.e. Focusrite scarlett solo is under 100 € (Europe) and has Mic in, Line/Git in, Monitor output and Headphones. Easy to use, small, nothing wrong with one of that price range IMHO.
  19. Hell yeah!! OMG how embarrassing!! Only Take lanes . . . . I shouldt better take a day off ? Thanks for your patience All the best
  20. You what? My first association is a tender and juicy whopper . . . .
  21. Yes Indeed, this thread is a fount of wisdom. An epic poem meant to last forever . . .
  22. Left Click Rewinds to Clip Start in Lanes’ option - it doesn't work here. I have the latest Update, but I don't know, this feature doesn't work. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
  23. No Problem. Didn't want to offend you. I just like markers and use them.
  24. I don't get it. I played around with loop markers, punchmarkers and now with selection markers. It' s better to have those markers than not IMHO. For example, S1 didn't have punch markers in V3.5 and I was really pissed of with that. What's the problem? You don't need the timeline to set an "Aim Assist" or Now time. So what's wrong with more capabilities?
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