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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. It's worse if you take a literal meaning. I should definitely be more careful with how I word things.
  2. Ha! Despite beating me to the post by seconds, Strummy fails to bugger up mine for once.
  3. Hardfloor - "PELF" (Hardfloor vs DBS ft Egyptian Lover)
  4. No matter how low the bar is set, Notes finds a way to sidle underneath it.
  5. Off Topic You can hear some of Sam Larner here. If you have difficulty in understanding him, the subtitles are hilariously wrong.
  6. The next one is largely based on the life of Sam Larner (1878 - 1965), a fisherman from Winterton-on-Sea (just north of Great Yarmouth). This is pretty much the life that my great grandfather lived. Although I'm not genetical related to Sam as far as I know, I do have a family connection to him. His 2x great grandfather was a chap called Robert Brown. Robert's first wife, Elizabeth Green, was my 5x great aunt. The Shoals Of Herring - Ewan MacColl
  7. Not finished yet ... John Doyle - North Sea Holes The Pogues A Scottish-Norwegian take: Boreas - North Sea Holes
  8. Here's my chance to post what this thread has been crying out for, a folk song about herring fishing. Back in 1960 Ewan MacColl was involved in a series of "Radio Ballads" . The radio ballads were the joint creation of Ewan MacColl, Charles Parker and Peggy Seeger. A radio ballad is a sound-tapestry woven of four basic elements: songs, instrumental music, sound effects and the recorded voices of those with whose lives each program deals. One of these radio ballads was "Singing the Fishing" about the rise and decline of the herring industry on the east coast of Scotland and East Anglia (Great Yarmouth in particular). My great grandfather was a herring fisherman from Great Yarmouth, and I have many fisherman and other mariners in my ancestry. Here's one of the songs that Ewan wrote for the program: Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger - North Sea Holes
  9. ... she's a waterfall, indeed. The Stone Roses - Waterfall
  10. I was quite surprised at what came up when I googled that.
  11. Hmm ... I think I might have done that before. So I won't go to the KLF via Kick Out The Jams.
  12. ... which borrows heavily from: MC5 - Black To Comm
  13. Off Topic: There's a whole album of remixes (follow to YouTube for playlist) Babylon's Burning (Black Star Liner Remix)
  14. Not Genesis ... Armando - Land Of Confusion (Confusion Mix)
  15. It must be a few months since you last rolled that old chestnut out ...
  16. I hear that Phil Collins is very popular in Mexico. There's a church with a 21 foot tall statue of him.
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