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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Beautiful! Reminds me of the style of Lee Ritenour & Dave Grusin. ❤️John B
  2. Another original. No religion or politics this time. Hope you like it. https://johnbowen.bandcamp.com/track/how-will-you-know ?John B.
  3. Yes. And that's OK. I appreciate your trying to help. ?JB
  4. Just so you don't misunderstand. I don't mean I'm having trouble accessing Aria. When I'm working on the open project it's right there where I need it and I can move it anywhere I want it. My issue is when it's LOADING at the point where all the project and the plugins are loading and the little blue rectangular box is on the lower right saying whats loading. I guess this isn't a big deal. In fact, the only ones I've seen actually loading at that point is Kontakt Player and Aria. Trilian Bass never comes up there nor does EZ Keys or EZ Drummer. But, like I said, in the open project everything is there and can be accessed fine. Thanks for your help. ?JB
  5. My current resolution is 1920 X 1080 ?
  6. When I'm using virtual instruments and they load into a project upon launching the project file most of them load in the center of the screen. The exception is the Aria Player for my Garritan instruments. For some reason this load at the top left hand corner of the screen and I can barely see the progress bar. It's not real important, but I'm wondering if there's something I can do to bring this at least where I can see most of it. I tried just "grabbing" it with the mouse but it won't budge. Is this something that can be controlled in CbB or Aria Player, or is it something that can't be resolved? Thanks for any suggestions. ?John B
  7. If Noel mentioned the Hotfix for the Hotfix the other day, then why wasn't that included in the update I installed yesterday? I still don't get it. ?JB
  8. I installed the latest update (or so I thought) yesterday (10/10/2019) and today when I launched CbB there was an announcement for another update. I checked the version that I have and it's definitely 2019.09 Build 68. So what's going on here? Nobody else seems to be talking about it. Is there another small fix (just two days later) or is something wacky going on in my system? ?John B.
  9. But 1489 was an even better year for home computing!!! Chris Columbus would soon test the newly developed navigational software for sailing vessels (about 3 years later. ? ?) ?
  10. Right. I was responding to the OP's question as to if anybody else was having issues with CbB on start up. I had none, even after performing the latest update (10/9). I don't use GS synth, but rather the drivers that came with my Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 interface. ?JB
  11. The tech told me my PC has the capacity to go to 32 gigs. I might expand further later on but for now I just want to see what 16 can do and I'm impressed with even that much. ?JB
  12. Revisiting this thread: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/6922-cpu-performance-meter/ Today I took my music PC to a local PC repair guy and he upgraded the memory from 8 to 16 GB and the difference was WOW!! When I got it home I ran 9 plugin instruments which would've KILLED the system on 8 GB and ran the performance meter up to about 76%. With 16GB the 9 plugins hit about 32 % usage and didn't burp at all. Also, plugins like Kontakt Player and Trilian Bass loaded much faster. The tech put in 2 4 gig sticks added to the original 1 8 gig stick so I still have a free slot but for right now it's like having a new computer!! Oh, BTW-my PC tech, who has his shop about 3 blocks from my home has a plaque on his wall that looks like a Platinum record with a Platinum CD where the label would be and it's autographed by Taylor Swift. This is Reading PA and Taylor grew up here. I asked him if he knew Taylor and he said he was her first guitar teacher. The dude's also into home recording/songwriting but uses a Mac (he mentioned Garage Band). He said he used to use Sonar years ago, but not recently. When I told him about CbB he was surprised about the takeover from Gibson. His shop is somewhat of a museum of old recording gear. He has a vintage Teac 3340s 4 track reel to reel among other bits of old classic gear. Small world! ?
  13. S'Ok. I probably would like them too, if I ever take the time to learn them. ? BTW-I got the info today of yet another update. I went ahead and installed it, but I didn't see anything different on this issue. ?
  14. I updated about an hour ago. Just did what you said freezes yours and I have no problem. Hope you find a solution. ?John B
  15. Yeah. I got the email too. Does it pertain to Windows users or just a Mac fix? ?
  16. I appreciate this. But it is a bit vague to me, especially the second paragraph. ?JB
  17. "Aim Assist" or whatever you call the function that is toggled by the X key is very important and useful to my workflow. It helps me line up clips exactly where I want them and more important, it helps me set up "punch in/punch out" points. The Auto Punch function was new to me up until about a year or two ago. It was not new to Sonar, but I just needed to take the time to learn how to use it. Then, it became useful to me. I'm sure this "S" and II have their usefulness too. Actually, I don't use markers much. I guess I should learn how because I can imagine how useful they are, but at this particular moment I don't feel like learning them, but they don't get in my way if I choose not to use them, unlike the "S" and the II things. ?JB
  18. And what problem do you have with just asking for the option to DISABLE it?! Nobody here is saying that it's not useful, but it's getting in the way for some of us and we don't want to have to endure another vague "learning curve" to learn to use it or cope with it. I'm in the middle of working on a project and I'm used to working a certain way and I want to finish it, but now, all of a sudden, I have to deal with this "new feature" that gets in my way of doing something the way I've been used to doing it. When I finish the project I'll look into how this new feature works, but for now, I'd rather just do without it until get my current project done. If they give us this new feature, they should also give us the option to choose if we want to use it OR NOT! ?JB
  19. Thanks for all the info. The creative sauce guy seems pretty adamant about the order. Guess I'll experiment to see how much of a difference it makes in my world. ❤️JB
  20. Amen to that! Please work on an option to disable it. In fact, I don't remember it being a problem before the last one or two updates. ?John B
  21. I've been watching the Creative Sauce tutorials for CbB and he's done a great job on them. He's teaching me some things not only about CbB but audio engineering in general I never knew before. The new fact that stands out so far is how an audio signal makes its way down the channel, through the various effect modules till it gets to the fader then out to the Master buss (if that's where you send it). What I found interesting is the order you have your effect plug ins stacked effects the overall sound and I've been thinking that this may be the problem with some of my mixes. Currently, I've been just randomly throwing them anywhere because I never knew until now which order was the best. So, help me here. Going down through the channel, is it best to EQ first before compression, or vice versa? And then where it is best to place the effects? I use them (reverb, delay) mostly on Aux/Send busses. Give me some of your thoughts. Thanks ?John B.
  22. That happened to me this past spring when I tried to DL it to my Windows 10 machine as a second to my main Win 8 in my music room. I just let it go for a while. Just because it seems to be stuck on" Downloading ...0/1% doesn't mean it's not doing anything or it's stuck. I just left it alone and in about 10 to 15 minutes or so it went from 0/1 to 100%. I'd say just be patient with it and give it time. Worked for me. Good luck. ?John B
  23. Chuck; Your first example with the "S" to the far right is what I'm talking about. This gets in my way when I'm trying to use what you point to in your second example as B. I'd like to disable the "S" because at least initially, this S comes up on the timeline and temporarily makes it so I cannot place the cursor for the Aim assist (B) where I want it. ?JB
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