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Rave Sbor

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Everything posted by Rave Sbor

  1. I want to wait a bit for the new sound packs to appear.
  2. Don't know is it possible to register this pack let's say in the middle of 2025? Or it's gonna be vanished soon.
  3. What is the coupon code? I remember it's something like: Graffio-free-for-24hours. Can't get it work!
  4. As I understand I can not use it in Reaper for example?
  5. How do you think guys ? Is it going to be appeared as a free one on Pluginboutique? I'm on Win 8 and not able to install this disaster called UA Connect.
  6. Yeah it was a surprise for me, FL became really attractive in my eyes after integration in its ecosystem all those useful things. FL keeps staying "young and fresh" in term of further development.
  7. No updates since 2021 , a candidate for abandonware but anyway still rocks. Many thanks to Dear Satya. Keep it up!
  8. Not working for me. I faced problems during plugin scannig on Cakewalk, Reaper and FL. Its a pity .
  9. This info initially appeared on BPB. We've teamed up with the fine folks at MOK to bring you an exclusive Patreon gift - a Free copy of their Miniraze dual oscillator wave-slicing synth. FREE MINIRAZE REDEEM CODE: E5T6-21GW-XYU0 Not only that but we've also got a 20% discount code for the FILTRYG dual filter performance effects plug-in., Use the same instructions as above and use the code: Instructions on how to redeem your FREE ODE: (*you have until Sept 30th 2024 to redeem) To use the redeem code: 1. Navigate to: https://mok.com/redeem.php 2. Enter your Coupon Code and MOK account info (or create a new account if you don't have one already) 3. Installers can be downloaded from "My MOK Account" in the section "My Software Products" 4. When you first run the plugin, you will enter your MOK account information in the Settings-Registration (gear icon) to authorize the plugin https://mok.com/miniraze.php
  10. better if they could offer a synth, too many fxs' go these days
  11. Mastering.com is giving away for their subscribers. For the next 48hrs you can get the Waves OneKnob Driver plugin for free. https://createco.acemlnb.com/lt.php?x=3DZy~GE2I6LM6KCvzNHHVORvAHygiAPvj-1jYHLGUFbL6s75_Ey.0OJy13Rzj_L2jfY0bHHIIFKa
  12. Did anyone try to use K7D?, Whats your impression?
  13. By the way they announced the new daw already 3 or 4 years ago
  14. I lost my licenses on the previous (closed) site of this developer.
  15. Oh by the way even the famous plugin developer from the past xoxos was banned on KVR.
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