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Posts posted by abacab

  1. 1 hour ago, pwalpwal said:

    yes, and then you need to set up a desktop recorder that records "what you hear" to get the output? good luck!

    The free Audacity can record desktop audio as "what you hear". All you need to do is use Windows WASAPI with it, and select "loopback" as your recording device.


    It can easily export MP3 as well.


  2. 1 hour ago, ALC said:

    S1 6 Prime was introduced soon after Pro and Artist were, evidenced by this: https://pae-web.presonusmusic.com/uploads/bronto/files/presonus-so6-compare-versions_1_.pdf.

    I can't find it on the current web page anymore.  If they discontinued it, that is unfortunate.

    Update: actually, the above is evidence that they intended to release S1 6 Prime at some point.  I don't know if they ever did.

    Studio One Prime is now only available in the Studio One 6 Professional demo available from your PreSonus account. Don't understand why PreSonus stopped promoting it with a separate download. It is not explained on the website. ?

    https://my.presonus.com/login (the Pro demo reverts to Prime, or you can revert to Prime at any time)

    https://shop.presonus.com/Studio-One-Prime-Add-Ons (includes compressor)

    https://www.presonus.com/products/Studio-One/compare-versions (lists Prime features vs. the other editions)

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  3. 1 hour ago, Starship Krupa said:

    you have to be kinda out-there to want them in the first place.

    Speaking of "out-there", have you checked out DS Audio Tantra 2 yet? An awesome sound design-y plugin. It's definitely all about altering your sound, but mostly in a more controlled musical way than Glitchmachines. Better UI as well! And the "dice" feature is the bees knees. Generates random patches. :)

    On sale right now at Plugin Alliance for $29. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/ds_tantra_2.html

    Add movement, dimension and rhythm to any track
    Tantra 2 is a rhythmic multi-effects plugin that creates mesmerizing rhythmic sequences from any source material, no matter how flat or dry. Take lifeless basic synth sound, a deep and evolving pad, or even an arpeggiated sequence and instantly reshape it, making it sparkle and come to life with just a few clicks.

    Includes 8 Flexible multi-stage modulators
    Create rhythmic modulations using 8 powerful effect stages including filter, distortion, delay, lo-fi, glitch, and more. Tantra 2 includes two layers of each main effect, allowing you to make independent sub-patterns in your rhythms. A master reverb and equalizer/exciter at the output stage help you finalize your sound. 


  4. 1 hour ago, kennywtelejazz said:

    Later on in life I caught Rick Derringer playing it with his band and I got to talk with him after his show ...

    Further down the rabbit hole we dive... Speaking of Rick Derringer, I just ran across this performance. Bonus: Ringo Starr on drums! Edgar is also there on the keys, but no solos this time.

    This is my favorite song by Rick... Man, that dude has some chops!!! Wait for his solo around the 4:00 minute mark... :)


    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

    EPIC Synth Solo fore sure!!!!  The Alto Sax Solo ain't too shabby, either and the Q/A C/R duet drum interactions are just plain fun.  Thanks for posting!!  I hadn't seen this specific performance before.


    “The original riff for that (came) back when I was playing with Johnny (Winter). As a matter of fact, we played it at Woodstock.

    And that’s a little known fact. I had written that riff basically thinking (how) I wanted an instrumental that I could use as a showcase. I thought of myself as an instrumentalist, though not as a singer at all.

    I wrote the riff just thinking of that particular blues trio. Now what would be a cool, really powerful riff that I could use as a basis for a song? (Sings opening riff.)

    I said, ‘That sounds really powerful and sort of bluesy.’

    And I was playing Hammond B-3 and alto sax. And I also played drums as a kid. Played all of those instruments in various bands that Johnny and I had together.

    And I said, ‘Well, I’ll just use this instrumental as sort of a platform. And I’ll play a little organ and play some sax.’ And then we had two sets of drums onstage. And I did a dual drum solo with Johnny’s drummer, Red Turner, and we played that song all over the world and then completely forgot about it. I didn’t think of it for years.

    Then, with the advent of the synthesizer … I had just seen the synthesizer in various music stores. Manny’s in New York was the most popular music store. And I’ll never forget walking through the store and looking at these new synthesizers.

    Basically, there were Moogs and ARPs back then. And the Moog was a built-in unit with the keyboards being a part of the control unit itself. But the ARP-2600 had a separate keyboard, a remote keyboard that was attached to the brain or the guts of the instrument with an umbilical-type cable. I looked at the keyboard and I said, ‘Wow, that looks pretty light. It looks like you could put a strap on that thing like a guitar.’ That’s exactly what I proceeded to do. The rest, as they say, is history."

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  6. Kymera is for your "horror" toolkit. Not my cup of tea, but I have several others that I do like, Atma, Huracan, UDW, and Orakle.

    I just wish that Mntra would implement a better preset browsing and tagging system. If you have several of their libraries it is a challenge to locate a sound that you want, other than by browsing and auditioning the presets. They are a mixed bag of interesting sounds, so it's not easy to guess what you will get when opening a preset.

    It's like having a big library of special effects with generic names... the Character and Preset name fields are not always that helpful, but you can search on a part of a preset name if you know what you are looking for, but only after you have selected an instrument library in the browser. The search bar does not access multiple libraries at the same time.

    I guess what I'm saying is that they need something like an NI Komplete Kontrol browser (or chatGPT) to assist with locating a target sound. ;)

    • Like 1
  7. That was a freebie from the Focusrite Plug-in Collective from Jan-Mar 2022.

    Parallel compression and saturation...

    "The plugin hosts three parallel busses internally: Dry is your original signal, Spank is heavily compressed duplicate, and Heat is a heavily saturated duplicate of the original audio signal. Combine all three signals to squeeze every drop of sonic juice out of your track."

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

    Last time I checked Guitar Players don't care about no stinking songs ! All most of us really care about are Epic Guitar Solo's .

    Hey , wait a minute! What about Epic Synth Solos?

    For example, "Frankenstein" by Edgar Winter? FYI: ARP 2600 with remote keyboard.



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  9. 5 hours ago, MarcL said:

    To me the install of a simple plugin is not an "application install", vs. a real program like a DAW, an editor or the like! Most plugin installs could be a simple copy of 1 or a few files and not more, really! I appreciate the developers that still support this (Klanghelm, Toneboosters, ...).

    I think that brings up an important point: many modern plugins are no longer "simple", for example with complex virtual instruments, that usually require many additional support files and/or sample content to be installed elsewhere from the plugin path itself.

    A simple copy of a few files might still be true for a simple effect plugin, such as an EQ or compressor, or even a simple synth with just a .dll file. If that's a requirement, then stick with the devs that still support such minimal installs. But for better or worse, it appears that the industry trend has been moving in the other direction for years now...

  10. 1 hour ago, dubdisciple said:

    I got my plugins to work by following the advice posted, but I find myself hesitant to use them. Losing that weekend left me very unmotivated 

    Funny you should mention that! I was just realizing yesterday that I had not opened up a single Waves plugin since getting them working again in the latest Waves Central! ;)

    • Haha 2
  11. 2 hours ago, TheSteven said:

    Installed v3.3 because I was missing updates.
    I now have the updates but gaaawd...
    They must have it running in debug mode - I'm using a i7 with abundant resources and it runs sooo slowly.
    No excuse for such crappy performance in a publicly released app.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Bapu said:

    Even John Lennon once said he'd like to re-record the entire Beatles catalog to do it right.

    "Let It Be" or "Let It Be... Naked"?

    John had Phil Spector bling up the original tracks because John thought it was a piece of s*hit. Years later Paul re-mixed it without Phil's additions. Clearly a difference of opinion of "finished" there... ;)

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, User 905133 said:

    Just so you know, several long-time users who have paid for the older plug-ins have requested they be updated. Many long-time users might even be willing to pay for updated versions.  If Bandlab chooses to do this, I hope those of us who already paid for the the older version, will get a large discount.

    As a long-time user who paid for Sonar Platinum (lifetime), and years of Sonar prior to that, I can still access all of my legacy plugins in Cakewalk by BandLab. :)

    But as mentioned, it is up to BandLab if they are ever going to release the plugins again. Meng, the BandLab CEO, stated during the forum Q&A in 2018 that he was mainly interested in providing a quality DAW for free to his existing and growing BandLab user base. That is his main business model. So he gave Cakewalk by BandLab to the world for free. When he responded to forum questions about the plugins at the time, it was a qualified "maybe". Since then, nothing...

    My impression is that Meng really had no interest in getting into the plugin business. Since it has been 5 years since then, I feel that if BandLab were going to do that, it would have happened by now. Those old plugins are 5 years older now than they were then, plus the developers that wrote the code are probably long gone, and it would require a lot of resources and time to bring them up to date now. If you think about today's business model for selling enough plugins to finance that effort, it's pretty grim. Just look at all of the current plugins selling for $29 or less (e.g., Waves, Plugin Alliance, etc). Doubt that the plugin market outside of a few old-timers are really interested in that legacy Cakewalk stuff anyhow. Most of them probably already own them already. ;)

    • Like 3
  14. 2 hours ago, MarcL said:

    This is also the reason why I think that a Windows installer for each little plugin is overkill! It is much overhead and many times there are things installed with it that you never use (Avid, ...). Why not just have a zip-file for simple plugins? IMHO it does not take more time for installation that way, if you have a clear organization.

    It's been years since I had my hands on a MAC, and I seem to recall that application installs/uninstalls were much more straightforward than with Windows...

    • Haha 1
  15. 5 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    What has happened in the US is that the quality of journalism available at no cost is all over the board and sometimes often comes from publishers with very strong political agendas who've created pseudo news publications with the intent of promoting their agenda. As someone who appreciates quality journalism,  there are two excellent news agencies that provide a great deal of news stories at no cost -- and are regularly rated by top j-schools as two of the least politically biased news outlets,  Associated Press (AP) and Reuters. 

    Continuing down the rabbit hole... ;)

    AP & Reuters are on my regular news rotation (no cost) when I just want to know what's going on, and I don't care to have someone tell me what/how to think.

    I value quality journalism, so I also subscribe to the digital edition (online) of my local newspaper. Plus I can access it from an app on my mobile. Not cheap, but they dig into the news spectrum quite a bit (local, regional, national, global, & special topics) and they provide a lot of excellent local and regional coverage (the stuff that may actually affect me the most).

    I do miss the days when most of the big city newspapers could be read online for free, but those folks have to eat too, so I understand that good journalism is not free...

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