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Posts posted by abacab

  1. 31 minutes ago, Brian Lawler said:

    It is easy enough to kill it in the Windows System Tray, but I am always suspicious of stuff like this that wants to keep running when you are not using it.

    Right! You can kill it, but only if the plugin is NOT running. If you exit the DAW and/or plugin, UJAM continues to run in the background.

    If you try to close the UJAM task while the plugin is active, UJAM politely asks you to close the plugin first. WTF?

  2. Is it just me, or is Usynth always tied to the UJAM app? I have the Usynth "Drive".

    What I have been seeing here is that the UJAM app starts up every time I insert an instance of Usynth in a project. And I cannot fully close the UJAM task until I delete the running instance of Usynth.

    This is strange, and it has happened with every DAW that I have tried it with, not just Cakewalk. Sometimes a DAW's plugin scanner triggers the UJAM app to launch in the background if it scans Usynth. My other UJAM instruments do not do this.

  3. 34 minutes ago, shawker said:

    Izotope Trash 2 has about 400 IRs if you happen to have it.

    Those appear to be mainly microphone IRs. Sound a bit odd when loaded into a convolution reverb, but that might be sound design material for some! ;)

  4. 1 hour ago, abacab said:

    I have Perfect Space installed (as a 32-bit VST) but seem to have lost track of the content here. When I have some time I may try to recover the folders from the Sonar installer.

    Selectively reinstalled Perfect Space from my old Sonar 8 install disk to recover the IR folders. These work great in MConvolutionEZ. :)

    They defaulted to the path: "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins\Perfect Space". So if you are looking for them, check here.

    • Acoustic Guitar
    • Acousticas
    • Bass Amps
    • cRaZy
    • Digital 300
    • Guitar Amps
    • Kicks and Snare
    • Plates
    • Real Spaces
    • Springs
    • Synthesized
    • The Great Outdoors
    • You-1 Piano

    I must have cleaned them out a while back when I uninstalled all of my old versions of Sonar, except for Platinum.

  5. 18 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

    I remember Perfect Space.  In fact, I used it for some experimental textural things way back when.

    I just check some old folders and I have a Perfect Space folder with a bunch of subfolders

    I have Perfect Space installed (as a 32-bit VST) but seem to have lost track of the content here. When I have some time I may try to recover the folders from the Sonar installer.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Keni said:

    Same with these IR's... I’ve now got far more than I have the patience to sample through when looking for a reverb/room so I’m bound to randomly pick a few that I will use by default...

    Just to make your problem even worse, have you taken a look at the free Melda MConvolutionEZ yet? https://www.meldaproduction.com/MConvolutionEZ

    A nice tidy collection of IRs, with rooms and spaces neatly organized in a browser. You can also open your own custom IR folders directly in the Melda browser. The free version is basically a preset machine, with basic controls for dry/wet, widening, hi/lo pass filtering, and pre-delay.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Keni said:

    Very impressive but getting to be more than I need... I've imported the above Lexicon 480 impulses and the H3000 impulses and I think that's already approaching 200 impulses... Patience? Ha! Scanned a number of them and they are all usable and some sound quite sweet.... So it makes up for not finding the Anderton impulses.

    Good find, thanks!

    When I have a spare minute will need to check them out. Lexicon was bundled with Sonar Producer up through 8.5. It was either dropped or replaced by something else in X1. Perfect Space Convolution was also available at the time from Sonar 5 through X3.

    Here's a spreadsheet based on earlier work by members Mudgel and scook, that I updated years ago when Platinum was still king. :)

    Sonar plugins Sonar 3 to Platinum spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNsnKBASsnsALygDDQSQ4jFW6yhZIJZcIpfwH-6qgy0/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true

  8. 11 hours ago, treesha said:

    I think the Anderton IR files are in this


    I own platinum, not sure when or how I got this file but I think they are in there

    That file is not available in the standard Platinum installers as far as I can see. I presumably installed them into a folder in my local drive years ago, but have no clue to a source link for them.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

    It's in the module comparison (Mini Plugin Host). That module is only available for Core and you can't purchase it for any other version. It doesn't even show on the store.

    With all respect, that conversation was over a year ago. All good since then!


  10. 2 minutes ago, Keni said:

    I think Linux is an open source attempt at creating a user interface for pure UNIX, yes? Will be great if anyone writes the code that weds windows & OSx in a common environment. Allowing the use of programs designed for either platform to exist side by side.... I'm dreaming!

    Linux (technically GNU Linux) is a UNIX-like operating system. MacOS is a UNIX-certified system. Windows is neither.

    Windows programs can only be native to UNIX or Linux  (or vice versa) if their program binaries have been compiled specifically for the target OS. That part is up to the  resources available to a developer to develop cross-platform applications. Not all choose to go that route. That's where dreaming is likely the only answer! ;)

    In fact Gibson/Cakewalk made an attempt at one time years ago to make Cakewalk cross-platform, but that project got cancelled early as there were too many issues to overcome. Obviously those were business resource constraints, but it illustrates the additional challenges if a program is not originally written from the ground up as cross-platform. But then add 20+ years of Windows-only baggage to the problem and there you have it! Cakewalk is Windows to its core.

  11. 3 hours ago, John Balich said:

    any tips for optimizing my windows computer to run bandlab cakewalk?

    Just FYI, you are posting a computer and Cakewalk question here in the "Instruments & Effects" forum, so not as likely to get as many views as you would in the general "Cakewalk by BandLab" forum.

    In any case, you probably should post your system specs in your signature to better inform those who are trying to assist.

    • Great Idea 3
  12. 1 hour ago, OutrageProductions said:

    Also consider disabling any services that may not be necessary.
    Things like Search Indexing and background virus/malware scans can really chew up CPU time slices.
    Consider excluding your Cakewalk program & audio storage drive locations from the virus scan path.

    Great advice!

    Take a look at the "Startup" programs in Task Manager (programs that launch every time you boot Windows), and disable any that you don't absolutely need.

  13. 4 hours ago, scook said:

    OK, if the drivers are properly installed then try

    1. changing the driver mode to ASIO in CbB Preferences > Audio > Playback and Recording
    2. selecting the focusrite device in Preferences > Audio > Devices and
    3. verifying the entries in Preferense > Audio > Driver Settings

    That's the setup that I used a while back when I got my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Should work fine!

  14. That Mello-Fi is an interesting plugin. Got it the first time! That tape stop effect can be fun.

    From the manual:

    "Tape MELLO-FI is a powerful lo-fi effect plug-in derived from our Mellotron V software
    instrument. It allows you to impart the unique sonic character of a vintage Mellotron to any
    audio track in a recording project. Exceedingly simple to use, it provides instantly audible
    results and can be just the thing to make a track stand out and cause your listeners to
    wonder how you got “that” sound.

    Essentially, Tape MELLO-FI makes any audio track sound like it is being played from vintage
    analog tape. (Note that Tape MELLO-FI is not a virtual instrument itself. You’ll want Mellotron
    V for that.)"


    • Like 2
  15. 3 minutes ago, AndyB01 said:

    Btw - I'm with you on the Genesis thing - been a massive fan since I first discovered their music back in 1980. 

    I had a friend introduce me to Genesis during the mid 70's. Selling England by the Pound, Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, A Trick of the Tail, etc.

    Good times! :)

  16. 2 hours ago, Magic Russ said:

    For people like myself who are working on their keyboard chops, it saves a lot of time and makes it possible to create things we might not have been able to play.   I can't speak for how useful these compositional features are to a competent keyboard player, but if you have a guy named @abacab touting them...

    Still working on my chops too, LOL!!!

    I have always admired many of the legendary progressive rock keyboardists, such as Emerson and Wakeman, but Tony Banks of Genesis was a favorite of mine. Been a Genesis fan since long before there were only three of them remaining, but grabbed that name as a nod to them.

    Less obvious fact: A-B-A-C-A-B was an early song structure used for the song, and it stuck as the name. ;)



    Guitarist Mike Rutherford explained in an interview in 2006:

    [There are] three bits of music in "Abacab" and we refer to them as 'bit A', [correcting self] 'Section A', 'Section B', and 'Section C'. And at different times they were in a different order. We'd start with section A and then have section C and then have section [pauses] and at one point in time, it spelt "ABACAB". And you've got the final version where it's not that at all, it's like "ACACACUCUBUBUGA".

    Maybe I should actually change my name to ACACACUCUBUBUGA??? LOL!!! ?

    But how would you pronounce that?


    • Like 2
  17. 53 minutes ago, AndyB01 said:

    You are only really constrained by the number and variety of midi packs you own.

    The important thing to consider here is that you are not constrained to only purchased Toontrack MIDI packs. If you have your own collection you can import them as well!

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