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Everything posted by joeletters

  1. It would be a tough choice between HOOPUS, BBCSO Pro, and SSO 2024. Gun to the head I guess I'd go SSO 2024.
  2. damn.... thank you for pointing this out. I'd taken the steps to get the license (because fomo is a thing) but I had this strange feeling to not install it yet. Now I know why.
  3. I think I wouldn't mind at all if Total Studio Max 5 came out in time for BF, including Sampletank 5, Amplitube 6, Tonex 2, Pianoverse and T-Racks 6... $199 upgrade and you can use jampoints. Make it happen Santa edit: in hindsight maybe a Total Studio MAX 4.5 is more likely, and Amplitube 6 / Tonex 2 are next year.
  4. Which synth? I recently moved my NI folders to another drive, so as a test I launched the OG Massive (not X) as a standalone app and watched as it deleted (lost) all the expansion banks... %$£#... However, all I needed to do was go to options and point it to the root folder of all my NI stuff (Kontakt libraries, etc, it's the same folder where all the expansions were stored) and Massive then (slowly!) filled up the preset banks as before.
  5. Cheap enough to make me think about it but so far that's all. 160GB of ooh's and aah in lots of mic positions, is what I'm getting from the demos. Heck, I bought Genesis recently and haven't even downloaded it yet. Shucks.
  6. I need time to arrange for a new mind to be delivered because I think Zebra 3 will blow my current one. No rush
  7. damn I'd forgotten that. I think Urs said Uhbik 2 comes before Zebra 3, right? But he did say that MPE/CLAP would be before either of those things, so...progress.
  8. Woohoo hopefully this means they have more time to spend on Zebra 3 now!
  9. You don't if the one you have is any good... but is there actually such a thing as a good chord detector? I just use Melodyne when I need to know the notes of a chord. Apparently Scaler 2 can do this kinda thing, but I don't have that. I tried the demo for the DDMF one and regretted the experience. I wouldn't recommend it. $5 wasted on this one is $5 you could spend on Melodyne or perhaps another tool that works.
  10. I was amazed that they put it in with the rest of the Hollywood Orchestra, which is legendary... but their solo strings are so bad.
  11. As @Fleer said, much of the EastWest catalog is tip-top stuff. Personally I love the divisi in the OG Hollywood Strings and the fact that Hollywood Brass goes LOUD. Also, Spaces II is a superb convo reverb. I still haven't tried the singers yet but I'm looking forward to that. And another vote for the OPUS player. Unfortunately I would say Hollywood Solo Violin is probably the worst EW instrument I've tried by a long way (along with the solo cello) so while you've had a bad introduction there is still so much to love out there from them.
  12. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    Oh, I'd forgotten that! Good Call! Thank you. edit: signing up and starting a trial was effortless -- no card required, simply download the app and start exploring. A good start.
  13. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    Thanks. Hopefully I'll find something that shows Musio in a better light.
  14. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    because...? I was quite excited for the general buzz around Musio 1, and was looking forward to getting it, until I went and listened to the demos. To my ears it sounded like flabby overcompressed mush. Maybe the demos were badly mastered....?
  15. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    What's that? Have the World Health Organisation released a Spitfire Appassionata competitor called Big Legatos And Hairpins?
  16. aaaaaaaaand they're mine. I didn't find any codes, but reasoned that they're probably not gonna appear while this offer is on, it's too much of a steal already.
  17. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    I'm tempted to try eating the VSL Symphonic Cube, but I'm scared it will get stuck in my throat, and it will be too dry!! Maybe I need to wash it down with plenty of liquid (sonics!)
  18. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    I need to know your opinions on how the BBCSO taste.
  19. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    because you shouldn't! Wait for an SSO sale. It was recently 50% off and I'd think it highly likely it will be on sale again before BF.
  20. I've tried about 10 codes that I've found googling, but they've either expired or their allocation has been reached. Keeping this thread alive in case a magic new code appears.
  21. joeletters

    BBCSO Core

    That may well be, but to use BBCSO Core's "one-mic-mix-only" approach, you'd actually need to be a DE-reverb ninja. All that to say; BBCSO Core is very wet, and there's nothing you can do about it - it's baked into the samples - although I'll tip my hat to you if you think you are brave enough to negotiate that. Personally, I have BBCSO Pro, which I got in the aforementioned time of one of Christian Henson's one-off 50% sales - I also owned BBCSO Discover which counted towards an upgrade discount back then, so my price was £425. As noted, Pro includes a plethora of mics allowing you to run the gamut from fairly dry and close, to wide, far, and even Atmos. Having said all that, Spitfire Symphony Orchestra is now a very viable alternative. It could well come down to which room sound you prefer, although it's worth noting that while BBCSO (Pro version) comes with solo string instruments (so called "Leaders"), SSO does not. Finally, 2024 seems to be the year of the ever-changing-perma-sale from Spitfire, so in no way would it make sense to hand over $449 for BBCSO Core. Research a little more, listen to more demos, watch more videos, and allow a little more time to pass before coming to a decision
  22. Audioplugindeals was down last night for me (I'm in the UK) but it's back up this morning and I was able to get this. And yes, Tonex is being slow at downloading the patches, but I'm not too concerned about that, the main thing is that this nice freebie is attached to my account, and I'll play with it another day when IK's servers are in a nicer mood.
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