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Everything posted by GoncaloL

  1. I have all their other pianos, but debating this one.. not that convinced by the sound of it tbh i get the point of the product just not hearing enough character for what it tries to achieve. …unfortunaly im a completionist??‍♂️?
  2. Now to complete de collection we need Alicia’s Congas. Where is K15 NI????
  3. From my understanding you can go kontakt way with that same code
  4. 99$ from Collection 4, tbh doesnt seem to be worth it. korg needs to up their game in their comunication/commercial department at least on the software side of things. their synths are great, but almost a week on, since this is out, and are basically zero videos about it. you can demo it… but even to install a demo it needs a little bit of convincing
  5. Yep you’re right, they cross resonate between resonators within a layer but not between layers
  6. I dont know for sure since i dont have chromaphone 3 but i think i remember seeing somewhere that those 2 layers cross resonate
  7. If you own Shaperbox 3 you get a price to complete the Cableguys collection for 69€ It includes Curve 2, Filtershaper XL, Halftime and Midishaper
  8. I suspect it was my wife who helped them design their voucher strategy...sorry guys
  9. Ordering sea food and expensive wine! Right now!!
  10. Please god dont send me a voucher! ?? Im hungry… … for tape effects at 29.50$ Humm delicious!!
  11. Bapu i have a doubt about their Flow Mastering system rent-to-own program, maybe you can help. From my understanding you earn 2 credits for every dollar spent, credits that you can then use to buy the included plugins from the credit store. In other words, as they state, you get a 50% discount from the plugin list price. Taking the Opto Compressor as example, in the credit store, it is listed as 149 credits (75$), so you can exchange your credits for the compressor. The same compressor is at the current time on sale, and you can buy it for 49$, but not on credit store. What i get from this is that with credits you cant take advantage of bigger sales and are stuck with 50% off all the time, is that correct?
  12. From my understanding you can install the old way but only v16.11 and the old content install app it seems that it isnt available anymore this new manager wont install on my Mac… so i am waiting that they iron out most of the bugs to try again
  13. That is not the case in Europe it seems Hearth and Hollow libraries are 99€ their usual price
  14. Oh i see they are individualy on sale too.. i stand corrected, if you remove one item from the cart they go up to the respective sale price
  15. You can delete some of the instruments in your cart and preserve the discount in those remaining I didnt buy it but it seemed to work that way
  16. What a steal!! … in the true sense of the word?
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