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Everything posted by 記念パピコkinen_papico

  1. It looks like something between Pianoq and SYNCHRON piano.
  2. I also got Skaka and Pipa. This company's work has a nice UI. The preview tracks are also great. I have also become a fan of KLEVGR. I would like to get some effect plug-ins at the next sale.
  3. I contacted multiple stores for prices, and EveryPlugin offered me the lowest price.
  4. mail from softube We’re getting a lot of questions about the future of Console 1 Mk I and Mk II, and I just want to let you know that we will continue to support Mk I and II. You, the Console 1 users, are some of our most important users, and we won’t abandon you. During every step of the development process for Console 1 Channel Mk III, we have focused on existing customers, making sure we are backward compatible and that as many new features as possible will be available for Mk I and II users. I’m quite certain you will enjoy the software updates with your Mk I or II unit. We’ve implemented a lot of requested features, such as the ability to access more parameters (for example, Knee and Range on Bus Processor) via shift, optional Auto Make-up on compressors, and a plug-in user interface that allows you to work without having the unit at hand, and many more improvements. We appreciate your continued support and feedback. Please keep it coming! We're listening.
  5. I purchased it from Plugin Alliance and received an email when I registered my first code.
  6. The specifications of WUP have changed from before. In the past, several new items were added when a new version was released. Currently, new plugins are added at the same time as they are released. I'm happy. It's not much different than a subscription.
  7. For CV1 users, update to CV2 and new pack for $39  50% discount. The offer ends October 23, 2023. https://www.applied-acoustics.com/portal/offers/
  8. https://klevgrand.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=a5bfc9e07964f8dddeb95fc584cd965d.44&s=bad97c655476f96a390a72c05a742011
  9. That's right, this really nice deal is for iOS. The headline is correct.
  10. If you made a purchase yesterday, your thanks coupon"$25" should be in your cart within a few days. Please calculate the price by adding the $50 coupon that will be distributed next. Please check "My Offer" in your account frequently. There may be a sale just for you. If you buy the plugins included in the Diamond Bundle piece by piece, you can upgrade at a very low price. I recommend collecting slowly.
  11. A small thread on a Japanese bulletin board apparently said that starting yesterday, it would be free for $100. However, it was also written earlier that it became unusable soon after it was posted here.
  12. I was able to purchase tomofon for $11.99. thank you. Tines are $3.99. https://klevgrand.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=a5bfc9e07964f8dddeb95fc584cd965d.44&ref=twitter&hash=
  13. When I buy Tomofon, I sample his voice and put it in Tomofon.
  14. Why they gave away Philharmonik2CE for free.
  15. I used to have SY85 hardware. Hearing the sound brings back memories of those days.
  16. A famous chiptune artist in Japan is named YMCK. The members of this band are distributing a free chiptune plug-in called ``Magical 8bit Plug 2''. song: https://youtu.be/jhSYdR5w2vo?si=k0TJLwRrD9PDV-J6 Plugin: https://ymck.net/app/magical-8bit-plug
  17. Recently, various chiptune sound sources have been released. There was nothing outstanding about the sound source this time. More tones for users using Usynthe. That's all. The Arpeggiator pattern with fewer others was good. The people who should buy it are those who listened to a lot of NES and SNES game sounds at the time. Even if someone who doesn't know how to create a three-dimensional sound image with a small number of chords buys it, they won't know how to use it.
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