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Everything posted by 記念パピコkinen_papico

  1. Meta bought only the technology and threw out all the plugins...
  2. I checked this plugin. PA does not respond quickly to inquiries, so we have not received confirmation.
  3. I received a reply from the developer. "There are no practical sonic differences between the two. There might be academic differences, but for all practical purposes, they sound the same. However, there are architectural differences, for example, UAD doesn't support sidechain. I don't think that it can run in the unison slot, as that is more for preamps and related, where changing input impedance migt be beneficial."
  4. It seems that YAMAHA has not been able to sell pianos due to the epidemic. Demand for low-priced synthesizers has decreased, which also seems to have led to a decline in sales. Since Japan imports semiconductors and parts, the cost will be added to the price of the hardware. We cannot buy new hardware in Japan at a low cost. Going back to the topic, I sent an email to the development company asking about the differences in the behavior of the plug-ins, so I will let you know when I receive a reply.
  5. Since the company that produces the plug-ins is the same, I think the operation is the same except when recording with UNISON. I think the advantage is that it doesn't put a load on the computer's CPU. If my thinking is wrong, please let me know.
  6. What you are saying is correct. The Japanese people are suffering from the weak yen. It may be easier to understand if you imagine that a 30% tax is added to the dollar sales price. If the yen had appreciated, I would have upgraded without any hesitation.
  7. For example, I purchase the Chandler Limited® Zener-Bender on softube, but I don't want to pay $298 for the same item just for Apollo. By the way, does softube's "BUY AGAIN" button want me to buy the same plugin??
  8. from UAD Get an Unreleased UAD Plug‑In Free When you buy UAD Ultimate 11 right now, you gain access to Ultimate 12 free next month. This means you'll get... All of our newest plug‑ins AND the new unreleased title That's $1k of savings instantly. Offer ends 10/31. https://www.uaudio.jp/uad-plugins/plug-in-bundles/uad-ultimate-11.html
  9. There is no sign of that happening at all. Plugins provided by other companies are not native at all. UAD's recent trend is to make money by distributing their own single plugins cheaply and encouraging people to upgrade to cheaper bundles.
  10. I don't want to pay again with UAD for plugins that I have already purchased from Pugin Alliance, softube, etc.?
  11. UAD Complete This Bundle Month, save over 75% on the best collection of plug-ins in the world. Ends 10/31 Complete also includes plug-ins from other companies that are not included in Ultimate11. First, log in to the official website and check the "My Offers" page. The price changes depending on the number of plugins you have. https://www.uaudio.jp/uad-plugins/plug-in-bundles/uad-complete.html
  12. If you have many UAD plug-ins, you should first log in to the official website and check the "My Offers" page. It can cost a few dozen dollars.
  13. https://sonicwire.com/product/C1847 ``KAWAII SHAMISEN'' is a Kontakt library containing the traditional Japanese musical instrument ``Tsugaru Shamisen''. This product was developed with the concept of ``authentic shamisen sound at a low price'', and each note is carefully recorded, and round robin is also implemented. The open strings (C/G/C) are also arranged to make it easier to play, and can also be used for phrases that make use of the shamisen characteristics. Equipped with three types of articulations: "downstroke", "upstroke", and "playing with fingers", it is possible to perform realistically with simple but varied variations. *Paid version KONTAKT ver 6.7.1 or higher is required to use this product. The free version of KONTAKT PLAYER is not supported. Contents Total number of DL size1.58 GB (1,699,872,768 bytes) samples : 1779 Articulation Down Stroke (594 samples) Up Stroke (594 samples) Finger (591 samples) KeySwitch C1 = Down Stroke (C3 to A5, *C2, G3, C3 are open strings) D1 = Up Stroke (C3~A5, *C2,G3,C3 are open strings) E1 = Finger (C3~A5, *C2,G3,C3 are open strings)
  14. Soundiron Vocal Suite 2 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/pricing/soundiron-vocal-suite-2/
  15. It seems that the browser automatically translated it.?
  16. Of course THE LEGEND has good sound. It's great that they prioritized the UI and operability over making it look like the Minimoog. There is a MODEL REVISION switch and a 50Hz and 60Hz selector switch on the back panel, allowing you to pollute the sound. I think it would be a good purchase at the sale price.
  17. 8月1日にJRRshopでDUNE3とThe Legendを$115.92で購入しました。
  18. I purchased DUNE3 and The Legend on August 1st at JRRshop for $115.92.
  19. vienna recorded with lots of microphones and robotic equipment. Pianoq or EZkey sound source with light operation. I'm satisfied with the NI and kontakt libraries, so I don't think I'd want one right now. I might have wanted it if it was compatible with NKI2. I might buy Pianoverse MAX when it comes out. I already have multiple subscriptions, so I don't want to pay any more running costs.
  20. In Japan, "samplab", which generates stems, chords, and midi from songs, has become a hot topic. https://samplab.com/
  21. Of course, it's not a high priority for me either. After seeing UJIIE's demo performance, I found out that it could do something similar to heviocity, so I got a little interested. I'll consider it when I can buy it at a bargain sale price.
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