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Everything posted by 記念パピコkinen_papico

  1. Prices will vary depending on the country you live in. If I buy from Japan, there is an additional 10% tax on the basic price in the case of PB. Other local stores don't have that. If someone told me that taxes are a citizen's duty, I wouldn't have anything to say, but since the yen is weak, it's about 10% more expensive than before, so I'd like to buy it as cheaply as possible. When I buy it in PB from Japan, it costs $31.13.
  2. I checked Audiodelux before coming here and it didn't seem like they were doing half price for 2 items. Packs for 3.0 were not sold.
  3. Where is the cheapest place to buy Falcon Expansion?
  4. "Personal impressions" Cube is fun to play? It's not something people would buy if they're looking for everyday sounds to put in a template. There are a lot of spicy presets that people who already own various synths will want to buy next. Since NI's Absynthe has been discontinued, I think it can be placed in that position.
  5. Fall sale ~10/26 40+10=50% off https://lunacy.audio/products/ 1. If you register for Lunacy Audio's Newsletter, you will receive a 10% off coupon. 2.Add Complete Bundle to cart for $249.00-$24.90=$224.10 ・The price of Complete Bundle increases each time a new pack is added. ・If you already own several packs, you will receive a discount from Complete Your Bundle. ⚠️Coupons are not valid for people who have already purchased the item.
  6. What SSL really wants to sell is the hardware SSL FUSION. If you wish you had them all, then the 5 consecutive weeks of low prices means that the promotion was a success.
  7. I also own the Cableguys Bundle. I like Arturia and Cymatics, but I feel bad every time they release similar products. My Arturia giving rule is only when the bundle is a major upgrade and costs $99. As development costs.
  8. Japan(limited) $222.88 €211.18 (33,330円) https://www.musicecosystems.jp/shop/4589473709581-design-promo-dl-11735?category=589#attr=
  9. I got Weiss complete for $441.54 in Japan's exclusive sale in August.
  10. Japan(Limited) $67.06 (¥ 10,030)  https://www.musicecosystems.jp/shop/4589473712659-weiss-deess-12885#attr=
  11. Japan agency (Exclusive) $75.57(¥ 11,300) https://www.musicecosystems.jp/shop/7350075651083-bus-processor-13703?search=Bus+Processor&order=website_sequence+asc#attr=
  12. I purchased all the Cymatics plugins. but, I cannot condone the method developed by the Cable Guy to kill halftime.
  13. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/13971860838173?lid=r5ocphqjyopq
  14. What happens if I accidentally upgrade to the latest version of Komplete Kontrol software? If you accidentally upgrade beyond version 2.9, you can download the 2.9.4 installers below: Komplete Kontrol 2.9.4 (macOS) Komplete Kontrol 2.9.4 (Windows) https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/13971860838173?lid=r5ocphqjyopq
  15. from NI 2016 Dear customers We have conducted close operation verification in collaboration with Apple, and we are pleased to announce that we have confirmed compatibility with our current hardware devices and macOS Sierra. However, the following devices that are no longer in production will not be compatible with macOS Sierra or future macOS releases. TRAKTOR: 1st generation TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 and TRAKTOR AUDIO 2 TRAKTOR AUDIO 8 DJ TRAKTOR AUDIO 4 DJ TRAKTOR AUDIO 2 DJ KOMPLETE: AUDIO KONTROL 1 GUITAR RIG MOBILE I/O GUITAR RIG SESSION I/O RIG KONTROL 2 RIG KONTROL 3 KORE Controller KORE 2 Controller MASCHINE hardware (all products) works flawlessly. If you have any of the above devices, we recommend that you continue using your current OSX version. Please note that we cannot guarantee stable operation or compatibility of your device if you update to macOS Sierra or later versions. Please read our knowledge base for more information. Thank you for your continued support. From the Native Instruments team
  16. Kore、GitarRigPedal、Maschine MK1、TraktorAIFなど、NIからの多くのものを中止してきました。何も学ばない自分はバカだと思う。
  17. I thought the notification 2 days ago was terrible. It's only a matter of time before support for Mk2 is discontinued.
  18. from NativeInstruments Hello, We’re writing to let you know we will be ending software support for MK1 of the Komplete Kontrol S-Series keyboard controller on October 12, 2023. Starting with the upcoming release of Komplete Kontrol 3.0, future NI software releases will no longer be compatible with the MK1. Please do not attempt an update to version 3.0when it is released on October 12. You will still be able to use your MK1 keyboard with Komplete Kontrol 2.9 (or lower), which includes Apple Silicon and VST3 support. However, we will no longer maintain older versions of Komplete Kontrol and cannot guarantee they will be supported by future versions of your computer’s operating system. We occasionally need to retire older products like the MK1 in order to focus our resources and development efforts on building new, innovative products and features. In this case, our decision comes alongside the launch of our new MK3 keyboards. With MK3, we are introducing next-generation software with many new features that require significant team resources. This means we are not able to continue working to maintain older versions. We would like to thank you for your long-lasting commitment to Native Instruments and our Komplete Kontrol keyboards. Below, you’ll find a list of FAQs with detailed information on this change. If you have any further questions, please reach out to Native Instruments Customer Care for assistance. Your team at NI
  19. もし日本の代理店が昨年のように11月のブラックフライデーに30%オフのセールをやっていたら、ドルで支払っている人は円安なので10ドルくらい安くなると思います。 購入価格は変わらないのですが…
  20. I will wait until ver.4 is released, which fixes the factory preset issue. I don't want to pay 99€ for an update from Ver3 to Ver4.
  21. I often get upgrades after purchasing on sale, so I'm wary of that. --- https://waldorfmusic.com/ppg-wave-3-v-en/#faqs Q:I installed the PPG Wave 3.v but a lot of the presets are missing! A:Some of the presets were removed from the PPG Wave 3.v because of incompatibilities with Native Instruments hardware. They are being reworked and will return in a future update of the software. You can find a download link for the entire factory sounds under the FAQ list. ---
  22. Better than upgrade price PPG Wave 3.V – Upgrade99,00 € https://waldorfmusic.com/produkt/ppg-wave-3-v-upgrade/
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