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Everything posted by Grem

  1. HAven't watched the Rockford Files in years. Will have to give them a go. I remember it as a great show. I still laugh at Seinfeld.
  2. Data!! I never knew!! And I watched Night Court all the time. Never put the two together.
  3. Best version of OTR I ever heard!! Listening to Songbird album now. I have heard "Fields of Gold" before. But not like that! Listening to "Walk In The Water" good stuff.
  4. I thought you were talking about moving from one module to another module in PC. Glad to see you got it sorted out! : )
  5. I know some of us 'donated/contributed' to the cause when they first got CbB going. But since then I have not seen any effort to collect any type of compensation for products related to CbB. Something has to be up their sleeve!!
  6. That's exactly how I dance!! To what ever music is playing!!
  7. Dancing is never stupid. Let yourself go!! Dance like no one is watching! The eye I was using, it sure looked sexy to me! LOL : )
  8. I'm with Chuck. Only one I know of.
  9. I thought it was there like Noel said. But when I looked, I could not find it either!
  10. I had a Yamaha and a Vestax. Used my ART SG multi-fx unit for comp, eq, and rev. I have the songs I did on them transferred to digital. Still am surprised what I did with what I had!! But it was all about commitment. Because I knew the more I rolled that tape across the heads I was degrading the high frequencies, I made do. I also practiced a lot before I started to roll tape. I remember doing a lead that I had practiced over and over again and again over the span of a few days. When it came time to record I felt it just wasn't happening. So I did over 5 or 6 re-takes (which was a lot for me back then) and still wasn't happy with what I did. I mean I was p'd off! But knowing that I had to stop rewinding and doing it over or I would loose fidelity. So I quit. Came back next day and listened to it and was wondering why the hell I thought it wasn't happening!! Glad I stopped when I did. It was a great take! I also learned something that day.
  11. I was liking the dancer posts!! Bapu, you may be on to something!!
  12. Agreed. I like this section of the forum. Glad to see some taking on the challenge of doing complete themes. I have tried to do this and it ain't easy! Not having any graphics skills doesn't help I know. So I am glad some are doing this.
  13. I like the look of this theme. Always did like the Mercury theme, but when the darker themes came around, I switched to them. I would try this theme though.
  14. We have been asking for this for a long time. Not long after folders were introduced as a new feature people started asking for nested folders.
  15. Yep..Kenni got it right. You can choose between track and clip envelopes. However, when you choose clip gain on a track, it will put an envelope on every clip on the trk at the current volume level.
  16. After the Gibson fallout, I tried out two different DAWs that I was familiar with. When Bandlab got involved and CbB was introduced, I dropped both DAWs like hot potato's. Main reason? I was intimately familiar with Sonar, and CbB was just an updated version. So even though the transition from 8.5 to CbB will be a bit of a learning curve, it will not be like going to a new DAW. But you will need to be open to new things. The amount of 'openess' you bring to the table will determine the level of difficulty you will encounter. I will sing the praises of Take Lanes all day long. Once I allowed myself to learn the workflow of this method of comping, I won't go back to any previous version of Sonar/CbB, or another DAW for that matter. Does Take Lanes have it's own quirks? Yep. The one that Keni points out about the zooming is an excellent example.
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