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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Yep Still like my CbB for mixing and even the STAFF view too. I harp on the STAFF view because with a little love... nevermind Yet Waveform has the sampler, chord track, etc...... Have to agree with that it does take a little getting use to the UI but it doesn't take long.
  2. Okay mine is: Cakewalk by Bandlab Studio One 4 Acoustica Mixcraft Studio 9 Older copy of Samplitude, Waveform, Cubase Elements etc......... it never ends
  3. Plus to add it is a Multi-platform so if you ever decide to go to the darkside (Apple) you got a neat DAW to take with you. Also Waveform works on the Raspberry Pi 4 too!
  4. They give you some nice creative tools for the price IMHO.
  5. Everyone needs more then just one DAW I like Mixcraft for some things too. I let Waveform go for the moment as there is only some much time in a day. I did like the Sampler and Biotek synth I brought from Tracktion. I'm sure they will get some of my money in the future.
  6. ^^^^ Watch those videos and decide for yourself.
  7. @Shane_B. My wife is a Nurse and the stories she comes home with about patients is lets just say I never realized how stupid people can be. She also gets yelled at from patients on the phone every day. Just yesterday she got screamed at for a prescription that wasn't filled. Lady didn't care that she called the wrong doctors office. My wife finally had to have one of the doctors tell her they can't send off that script because we don't see you for that type of medicine. The lady was so kind and nice when she finally got to speak to the doctor. So I tend to give the Staff some slack because I know what my wife deals with day in and day out. Anyway when is Amazon coming out with my MIDI controller with Alexa built-in
  8. See what I mean, telling us your deepest inner thoughts
  9. Isn't it nice when folks feel close to you that they tell you all their medical..........
  10. ^^^^^^^^ That is what I get for having a daughter that has tons of art supplies
  11. PrismaColor Of course in a neutral skin-tone shade. If the surgery is botched they can color me back up ?
  12. See you automatically assumed it should be #2 pencil. I don't want this Cassette Surgeon messing around until I know they have the right pencil - aka surgical tool - Heck if they use a Flat Sketching Pencil, I'm as good as dead and shall never play again ?
  13. I don't know if I want that cassette operating on me. He/She/it didn't specify what type of Pencil ?
  14. With the music they are making they don't need layers. One take is all they need
  15. So when are the Amazon Keyboard Controllers that use Alexa coming out. I could really use one of those. Alexa start timer for dinner as I'm to lazy to get up off my A** and start one myself. Besides I'm jamming at the keyboard right now. Also Alexa make a riff in the key of Am (of course) 8 bars long for me. I'm to tired to play right now.
  16. @Bapu You just helped make my point Ed. Those guitars are not being played ?
  17. Wait folks are actually playing actual guitars still
  18. I will say Sears trimmed down the catalog business when they went into the super malls because you know everyone is going to want to shop there and at first the public did. My father worked for a photo studio that did a great deal of the photo shoots for the Sears, JCP catalogs plus others. Sears signed a big contract with them and the photo studio went and expanded. Sears the very next year basically ripped up the contract when they decided to trim the catalog business. The Photo studio and others that my dad knew closed down. So absolutely if Sears would of made the huge investment they would be sitting pretty now instead of basically a shell of a company. I don't mind Amazon it is the small mom and pop folks that are scrapping by. Another example, I was in local music store that sells band instruments and lady comes in with a cheap trumpet from Amazon that needs repair. Lady was mad at shop owner because the repair will most likely cost more then the trumpet she brought on Amazon. When she left the owner was like if she brought the trumpet from me for $150 more the repair would not of been necessary most likley and if it does need repair it would most likely of been a minor cost one. The metal used is so low grade in the cheap instruments that he said they are so time consuming to do repairs.
  19. The second one would be something my wife would say to me and just like that ?
  20. and quite a few of the homeless would rather stay outside and not seek shelter.
  21. Walmart and Target really did step up their game with online shopping so they might not be the only game in town. The mom and pop shop I'm not so sure.
  22. Be thankful you had a house to live in under house arrest. We use to help out at the Church providing for the homeless. The Pandemic forced the Church to close that down and the homeless were literally out on the street for several months with no place to go. Same with the shelters for Mothers. Wife's friend is a Social Service worker and said they were given no direction on what to do.
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