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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Question. Why is Syntronik Deluxe only $99 and regular Syntronik is $199 when I'm logged in. I don't need them as I have them both. It was in the group buy last year and I already had Syntronik. It was part of my freebie to get Syntronik Deluxe as they were not doing upgrades. Anyway it just seems strange to me but it is IK after all ?
  2. Now that would be a nice if it was such a deal. Yep Such A Deeeeeeeeeeeee-al
  3. That only means you didn't make your coffee strong enough Ed
  4. Hmm Why are you getting chemistry involved. The math is hard enough ?
  5. Simple. Status. Now for me I Could care less.
  6. If you want thee Bass aka rear-end you have to come up with the dough ?
  7. Hey Larry I think you should of used Bill & Ted. More younger ( the kiddos) would understand your time machine reference. Plus it would make us old farts feel a little younger than we are ?
  8. I calculated that the IK group buy has to get up to 6 free to have me take a serious look.
  9. Now we have to do math while we shop? who would of thought ?
  10. You have a point. That is why some stay on radio and don't venture onto TV ?
  11. Hey my Avatar was just hungry Pete. ROWLF has to be kept happy ?
  12. Ed haven't you learned that you never say Brick when talking about computers
  13. Do you ever sleep Larry? Nice to have you back ?
  14. Yep you're right. Of course that person is Management Material ?
  15. Who ever approved of that graphic layout should be fired!
  16. Sure you had to slip that in there to wet our appetites Any new keyboards wink, wink.
  17. It is okay Peter I forgive you this time
  18. If it does go with 20 to one I don't think it would help me. I have ST4-max and I think after 6 to 1, I will only be getting duplicates ?
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