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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Nice! I didn't get that wonderful of a deal but I'm glad I got it even if I'm brain dead figuring this synth out And now with Modulation upon Modulation I think they want my brain to explode ?
  2. Sorry to hear about your family Scott. Hope you're not suffering long term covid. My wife is a nurse and she has experienced patients with it and she basically says it is nasty.
  3. Which Version of Exactly are you talking about ?
  4. Just because you have a spankin high end new Apple doesn't mean you have to rub it in Let us know Fleer how the M1 handles the new Pigment update.
  5. No they are using those tools for better uses!
  6. Well I don't think the Who would do such a thing ?
  7. I think of it as the Garage Band for Windows version. Okay not free but if you catch it on sale it is a very user friendly capable DAW and the video is one of their strong points. YMMV
  8. Really $49 isn't to bad of a price. I think the $25 is only if you have a previous version of Pro.
  9. Thanks Larry! I'm one of the ones who didn't know
  10. Question because I know others will need to know. Is that a Mocha Latte?
  11. "Wool for hound treatment" But what if you have a Poodle?
  12. Eeyore is sad ? ? or is it just his disposition
  13. Everyone wants to be a comedian! Good joke but the delivery needs improvement Wait you were joking weren't you?
  14. But the marlboro man jacket was always worn so sorry be a man and suk it up. ?
  15. You really needed to get your wool coat on with that one! ?
  16. Stop it Larry! I didn't bite last week but you're making this one hard to resist
  17. Just wait it out for Studio Max 4.0 version. Really how much of this stuff do we really need? Especially after the Group Buy. I still haven't discovered all I have from going in three times.
  18. As a non-guitar player I can live with Mesa 1.
  19. You forgot about the Bowl of Grits
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