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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Okay I thought I had to use the embed feature on youtube not just copy the link. A Cockscomb for your viewing
  2. I would but I can't figure out how to insert a youtube video.
  3. I like the dronescape type of music. I feel the aliens are landing in a Fractal pattern. Hope they are friendly
  4. Nope that will just make we want to post more Ha Ha!!!
  5. Not many people would know what that flower is ? but my dad won awards for his garden and I always search for them when at a public garden. Just something I do. Sorry now I'm way off topic. Maybe that is how Bandlab will keep CbB free. The more we type it gives Cakewalk the energy it needs. Just like in Monsters Inc. Scares and Laughter gave the city energy.
  6. Where are the Cockscomb flowers. It's not a garden without them to me. (My dad when he was alive had an extensive garden with them)
  7. Excuse me. I just put on another pot of coffee and even made some hot chocolate. Now what am I suppose to do???????
  8. Well if we keep posting it will be 9, 10, 11............................................ pages Or maybe like the energizer bunny keeps going keeps going keeps going. Maybe CbB is free because they don't have to pay for any stinking badges?
  9. It will be interesting to see what Version 6 brings. Justin and company have really been holding back on version 6.
  10. I'm hoping the Bakers will add computer/hardware section to the new shiny forum/discussion/hangout place.
  11. Linux for audio. I like the idea but I rather give MS some $ I don't have the time to tinker. Just my 2¢'s
  12. I got the deal on Samplitude Pro X3 suite and I like some things about it. I have used Spectral Layers Pro so the deal was worth it to me. I'm just a hobbyist that use to be more involved with music in church setting. Now I just dabble in some orchestration type music for my own pleasure. Studio One with its arranger track should be what the doctor ordered. I just have to find the time to spend with it. I don't need the gapless engine like some of the EDM crowd and Cakewalk has been good to me all these years that I keep hanging around. I'm not like Scook and some of the other experts but I have used the software for a long time.
  13. Oh sorry where was I? album length. I feel it depends on the album type. I brought nonsecular CD and it was only 40 minutes long and some of the verses were omitted. It was brought to help learn the music because the choir director was out sick☹
  14. I see a squirrel. Sorry doggie sees a squirrel. I see a slug bug??
  15. CbB, Samplitude, Studio One, Reaper. I think I will have to sit down and come to terms with another DAW and learn it better. I like several DAW's but each for different reasons. Time to make a Pro and Con sheet
  16. InstrEd

    "The Arrival"

    I enjoyed it!
  17. I have to agree. I would seriously go in the direction of Reaper myself.
  18. Take care of yourself Mike. I always like that you were very level headed on the forum and your responses were helpful. But your health is most important. I lost parents and a sibling in the span of 362 days. Really hits you hard so do take care of yourself.
  19. Here I thought this thread was about Sister Act III ?
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