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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Stick to it Kenny, we need your humor around these neck of the woods. The really world isn't safe anymore.
  2. Or "I've Been Deflated and not by my Misses" ?
  3. No should be "My Balls and I are Chillin on the Couch"
  4. Glad it went well. Hope you have some frozen peas if you know what I mean Had Surgery for Enlarged Prostate several years ago. Thankfully it wasn't cancer and only BPH. Recovery took longer then I would of liked. Quick recovery my Dupa.
  5. I'm at a loss for words and that doesn't happen very often and I lost my appetite.
  6. what type of cooking? I love to learn new dishes to.prepare
  7. Better hurry with Brexit. Don't want to short change the British folk?
  8. I agree on this. I made the mistake of giving mine away thinking a new Power Book was coming
  9. Noooooooooooo! I had to wear Speedo swimsuit in high school. Thanks for bringing back bad memories. At least it wasn't as bad as my older brother who had to take swimming in high school in the buff.
  10. So if you have a ukulele you have nothing to hide.....................................Hmmmmmmm.................?
  11. why am I even responding in this thread LOL
  12. A man's got do what he has to do. Besides my hands don't work like they use to??
  13. What tape was used in this endeavor ?
  14. I'll take the bait. What's a Blue Ray????????????????????????? Is it related to a Sting Ray????????????????/
  15. Acronym. Definition. DVD. Digital Versatile Disc (formerly Digital Video Disc) Because I believe you are serious and don't know what they are. Which I can believe from seeing pictures of your studio ?
  16. Where can I get me one of those spiffy hats.
  17. Seems like a nice place to make a recording.
  18. Seriously Steve nice pictures. I do agree the color one draws me in more but the B&W is still excellent.
  19. No it will be called Can I take a D*** Hear
  20. InstrEd

    Thy Kingdom Come

    I think you did a wonderful job on it.
  21. I have IK Syntronik and it is as others have said a collection of older analog synths. They did a fantastic job on them. Glad I brought it. Omnisphere is another type of beast. It is on my wish list to own someday.
  22. well up here you get a bill for everything ?
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