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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. So I guess that means I better start posting and posting and posting
  2. Always about Bapu? I figured if I post 20 times a day for 12 years I can reach his post count ?
  3. Good that the date was the 28th, this way you can use it for all of the months of the year
  4. Maybe they are moving the old forum onto a new server?
  5. Glad you were able to carve out a niche and make a living in this crazy life of music.
  6. You oldie's always complaining the youth of the world are not listening. Now you want me to repeat it. Nope, not going to happen. ? Mainly because I don't remember myself ?
  7. Please do ? and report back on your findings
  8. They just turn down their hearing aids
  9. you realize now you have to talk about the top now LOL ? aa we are back on top
  10. Thanks, I learned another thing about the forum software today.
  11. I know I want to get it eventually and only the basic version but I'll wait to they have a sale on it.
  12. As a piano/keyboard player I am a little jealous of all the colorful choices guitar players have. How do you choose a guitar or does the guitar choose you?
  13. Well you never want the misses(Sonar) to feel abandoned do you? If not, do your part and keep posting on and on and on............
  14. Yes I did The question now is, was the vibrato natural or was it learned over years of................................................................
  15. Have we established Leprechauns are Irish?
  16. Hope it has lots of Repeats and Multiple Endings. ? Oh and how do you handle the turn-arounds? (Remember this is a family friendly Forum)?
  17. Growing up our neighbors had a Boston Terrier and the dog definitely loved to be around people. One time the owners were out and somehow he got into the refrigerator pulled out the dozen eggs opened it and had the unbroken eggs lined up in a row on the kitchen floor. I wouldn't of believed it if I didn't see it myself. I was helping them bring in supplies that they went shopping for. Maddie, our Multipoo , has to be on top of one of us most of the time. My wife had to give up using her laptop on the sofa. Maddie just pushes it away so she can lay on my wife's lap.
  18. Here is puppy and one of our cats helping my daughter study and another with the two kitties bonding
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