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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Just asking here, what if you're color blind? Does it sound the same?
  2. I came here expecting:
  3. Dave I see your post count isn't very high. Look on the bright side you have time to chat here in the Coffee House. Sorry I meant the Lemonade House? Do you like it with raspberries?
  4. Always protecting the girls MIke?
  5. too late I already put in the time. could use EZguitar though ?
  6. I want to go an record that it wasn't me?
  7. Maybe that was my problem when learning classical pieces. I should of been smiling when I was going over and over and over tricky measures?
  8. Why have I been at it so long when according to this I should of learned my instrument in 7 days! I feel so depressed now?
  9. I hope it didn't hurt you too much?
  10. I think we can make it. To where sir. The left fork where we totally derail this thread?
  11. I forgot the original subject has long been forgotten. Continue on derailing the Dam?
  12. I don't think that will plug up the hole
  13. Did you ever wonder how in the heck they decided to call it humpday. In today's world hey "lets call Wednesday Humpday". Are you kidding we can't call it that?
  14. Dave I just got word from the main publisher upstairs, he wants you to write a whole new book?
  15. What about her starboard side.? And just think this all started because I posted a nice picture. How did we get here again?
  16. Nice video and playing! Skipped on the intro pricing so I'll have to wait for a sale to upgrade. It took Sampletank 3 a while before it was usable for me. Didn't want to go through this with Sampletank 4.
  17. So Ed you have been there and checked it out???????????
  18. No! He goes to the Wizard of Oz like the tin man and gets a magnesium alloy. Unfortunately the Oz hasn't found a way to coat his privates to prevent rusting?
  19. Thanks for the update Mike. Hope all progresses well for you.
  20. Bit you still have a couple more chapters plus the epilogue?
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