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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I hope you didn't use the restroom. George's spirit might of got you ?
  2. LOL! So far my kids have been good. My problem with them is that they are obsessed with getting A's. At the parent teacher meeting , multiply teachers brought up that my kids are really hard on themselves. My wife and I told them that is them not us. We want them to do good but don't have to kill yourself's on getting all A's . Right know in Advanced math my younger one got mad because she only got a 94% in her last test. Mind you she is overall at 118% in the class because she does all extra credit given. Last year at the end of the semester she wasn't feeling good but still went to school and had a bad math grade. She did the extra credit the last week of school even though the teacher told her it wasn't necessary. Her response was I want to finish your class at over 100% and she did. My wife and I keep asking, are they really our kids because we both were average students ?
  3. My kids High School told them, leave the building and it will count as unexcused absence. Which my one child thought was humorous and sad as she is a leader in environmental club and wrote an article for the school newspaper on environmental concerns. The school wants them involved but god forbid we stand up for what we believe in! Anyway, I'm glad teens are voicing an opinion.
  4. We had the wife of a police officer who would call us on the intercom for problem puppies. She would use the code I have a "96" at the register.
  5. 100% agree. Being in Red Rock, where you know what is legal, the crowd probably thought it was PF ?
  6. I'm sending "Emmett Lathrop" back/forward in time to correct your mistake. You must have the wrong date as October 23 was wiped off as of 2025. This is a pre-recorded message, don't try to respond -------- Beeep!
  7. User Error. User Error, User Error.............. That is what I got years ago from Alesis support. After I proved the issue the response was oh we don't make are own drivers. We will send over the information. Never heard back from them 'll always remember that. Of course I get emails routinely from them on hey look at are neat new products.
  8. After that I think you need to put this on and relax ?
  9. How much does Pro Tools charge you for being, using LAME ?
  10. Behringer are like the Borg. They probably assimilated CE ?
  11. You know I come here everyday and look at Bapu's Random thoughts for the day and he lets me down. Bapu please come back from the Presonus forum and participate in your thread.
  12. I had hot bowl of Oatmeal with brown sugar and ground up flax seed . Sorry if TMI ?
  13. Who me........................ Never ?
  14. Breakfast blend please with a low fat milk and some sugar. I'll be right over!
  15. In that case you nailed it. I always think of Christmas carols more upbeat and Easter sad minor keys. Don't know why but that is how my brain works. I never heard that before. Thanks for sharing.
  16. @craigb Do your warning carrying over from thread to thread ? for I Am trying to find my place in the coffee house V2. Even with 2100+ posts I still Am a newbie ?
  17. I Am trilling that the beam police will have me repeat my exams. I hope I find my way to the finale and end on time in a big crescendo ?
  18. Seemed a little sad for a Christmas Canon. Did you want it to give a sad vibe?
  19. Using Fake Books leads to Fake Bands ?
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