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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Actually I'm looking to try my hand or should I say lips at playing the horn again. Been looking for a decent used trumpet to give it a try. I had the chance several years ago to take a Baritone horn for free. Should of took the offer as I'm sure I could get my embouchure in shape for a baritone compared to the trumpet. Thinking if I make it to retirement it would be fun to play in a community band. Don't want to be first horn like I was in school but heck I'm sure I could play 3rd or 4th low parts
  2. It is so real tha,t you feel a ruler hitting your hands when you don't play the right notes ?
  3. I played trumpet in HS band but alas life got in the way and haven't play it for 30 years now I reaken. Still love to hear a good horn and even not so good horn section ?
  4. You don't have to show us your math skills ?
  5. Yikes! That means I'm 5 years older but not wiser
  6. Where most of the DP's who lost their land from the Russian invasion landed up in the great windy city. My dad came over from England with one of his sisters to make a new life. Refused to go back to Poland as long as it was communist run. For history anyone interested, the book "The Mass Deportation of Poles to Siberia" is a very telling book . A Historical Narrative Base on the Written Testimony of the Polish Siberian Survivors. My Aunt wrote one of the short stories about the ordeal. My dad couldn't talk about it until he was in his 70's because when he tried to tell me about it he would have night terrors. Anyway back to Chicago I love the horns
  7. You can't hear his Bostonian accent?
  8. Okay tell the true now. Did you date her? I dropped off co-workers who were Mexicans close to there neighborhood because it wasn't safe for me or the girls to be seen with a Polish dude in the '80's You gotta love Chicagoland where you can drive a few miles and enter a whole new "Country" ?
  9. come on give Larry his credit. It is all his fault! ?
  10. up late at night, nah I'm too old to stay up late anymore
  11. Larry who ? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Oh - that Larry
  12. So that is where Larry disappears to when he is gone. A trip to the home office to make sure production is running smoothly.
  13. That is not right! You forgot to picture your beverage of choice
  14. There is only so many times I can do Mr. Roboto ?
  15. Now that sir is actually not wanting me to upgrade as I really don't have any singing/lyric talent in me ?
  16. InstrEd

    Dune 3

    Does it come with the movie too
  17. That is me waiting for the Staff view rework ? I think the Chord Track will be in the near future. Besides I have SO version 3 and 4 at the moment. I skipped 5 and still might get version 6 if I end up getting one of Presonus's control surfaces. So all in all I don't need the latest and greatest as I'm just a hobbyist
  18. If Cakewalk gets a chord track I think I'm set without SO
  19. Listening now with my nice headphones on. Thanks for sharing the score for us novices to learn.
  20. As always Jerry, Great!
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