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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. So you hang-out at Menards, Home-Depot and Lowes ?
  2. I think I ?spiked the Eggnog a little to much
  3. and if your last names is "Halls" would you want to be Decked?
  4. Let us just make it a "Silent Night"
  5. Thank you for not describing the outcome ? I had White Castle twice and after the first time I most of been nuts to give them another go! And go I did ?
  6. I've never tried those particular plug-ins to give you an honest answer. And no I'm not going to experiment! ?
  7. How did my nice thread on celebrating 4 years of this forum turn. How silly of me this is the Coffee House ?
  8. Nice retro sound. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!
  9. I'm impressed U remembered the leap year ?
  10. I want to laugh but with my wife being a nurse and her seeing countless patients who don't wear the mask properly I just can't. Anyway Ed, hope you stay healthy and safe and MERRY CHRISTMAS unless that offends U then HAPPY HOLIDAYS or just HAPPY
  11. Wished Merry Christmas to cashier at local big box store and she told me I don't celebrate that holiday! So I asked her what she does and says none of my business. So I wished her that she enjoys the holiday as a non-holiday and suggested she take a class on customer service. She wasn't happy with me. Too bad.
  12. Thanks to all the creators of this great DAW and giving us 4 years from yesterday of this GREAT FORUM
  13. Yes LibreOffice for basic needs is fantastic.
  14. If the track is one big clip. You just drag the clip to where you want it to stop. Really no offense hopefully but there are plenty of videos on YT on how to get started with Cakewalk DAW. If multiple clips on a track which is usually the case there are multiple way to do it. I'm leaving for an appointment now so hopefully someone else can explain the ways. Peace and Merry Christmas
  15. But it seems like society as a whole is offended by everything.
  16. Sad faces painted over with those magazine smiles Heart - Dream Boat Annie. Always loved that line.
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