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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I tried to make a silly walk but I busted my ankle tryin
  2. Silly Milly Silly Dilly Silly Willy Silly Billy
  3. I felt the same about golf after Tiger Woods became famous at the top of his game. So many were yelling after teeing off. "YOU'RE THE MAN" when someone in their foursome hit a decent shot. You could see the serious golfers getting all red in the face. I just gave up golfing, wasn't worth dealing with the idiots.
  4. @Wibbles You do a good balancing act being stoned ?
  5. Are you passing it around ?
  6. The way it is going I think you will have to adjust it on an hourly basis
  7. Are you shure of that ?
  8. No hardware forum. We have been asking for one but are prayers/requests have not been answered. Let us know how it goes.
  9. My random thought for the day is I'm having Chili for dinner ? Givin as a warning to stay clear of me in a few hours.............................You Have Been Warned?
  10. SLL Stage Left Lucifer ?
  11. Bill you got a late start shopping. I went with wife this past Wednesday night ?
  12. So how many pounds of Becan are you buying ?
  13. SRH Band STAGE RIGHT Heaven
  14. I think you will be having your own band when you move to the retirement community. "The Naked Old Farts " ?
  15. Have to agree on this. Pick something you like to do. I know an Engineer who lost his job at 61 and ending up becoming a Special Education Bus driver. He didn't have to work, his wife who is 3 years younger had insurance. He is so happy doing the bus driving for 10 years now and says as long as he can he will do it for the half day school kids. I hope I'll be able to find something to do part-time as I know I won't be able to sit still at home.
  16. Best of luck to you. Now you don't have any excuse for not posting here more ?
  17. Thanks CbB for taking the time to take care of the details of fine tuning the DAW we love ?
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