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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Looks nice Larry. Seems by the pictures you had a wonderful time.
  2. Just be careful when you leave the parking lot of these places that are "holy" They are a war zone ?
  3. So did Mark or Ed resolve it Don't worry I already have my winter coat one again............ ?
  4. Larry was chasing all the girls around the Strip! Way to go Lar ?
  5. InstrEd

    Spectral Layers

    Well really not free as you're paying $$$ for the package ?
  6. Simple way is copy one of the tracks and paste at the end of the other track with what ever silence space you want too. Then just export that track out. Done Do what you want afterwards with the modified track.
  7. Either that or they want to torture my pets
  8. So tell the truth Lar, how many pounds did you put on Oh and WELCOME HOME!
  9. InstrEd

    Spectral Layers

    I don't know if I should thank you or ********* you I have to check when I get home what version I have.
  10. InstrEd

    Spectral Layers

    On my wish list too to upgrade my copy but not an urgent as I have older version.
  11. It is a Zoo when we go on Sunday morning when they open up. I think they should provide protective gear ?
  12. I've dated a few women who turned out to be evil ?
  13. So are they worth the cost of 4 lattes
  14. Wow! Getting a little personal talking about the mans belly like that ?
  15. BIL calls our Black Cat the Evil one because she hisses at him ? I tell him she is not evil but just a great judge of character ?
  16. You convinced me to leave my Avatar ?
  17. I'll keep my Rowlf as mine as I don't want to take the chance of cracking all of the wonderful forum mates screens ?
  18. Then never ever look at Dave's posts.
  19. Didn't realize this. Thanks for the heads-up.
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