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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Maybe Meng can start a new service ?
  2. With Covid-19 it has become apart of my vocabulary
  3. I'm trying to be but I would get all this even some doubles but I would get this all for lower then what I almost was going to spend on Miroslav Philharmonik 2 late last year. I held off because I knew I wouldn't have the time to play with the software.
  4. Stop it! You're really making me figure out my budget here.
  5. Are you happy now we got the post count up for you. You can sing and dance and play some music
  6. Are we there yet? I know it was already asked but I'm impatient ?
  7. Hey any news on the new version of Studio One V5?
  8. Okay I'll confess..........................................................
  9. And those pups could use some water
  10. No! The pups make whoopie to each other ?
  11. What is there to come plane about
  12. So the question is how many pounds lighter is Dave now after his haircut
  13. A little too much information ?
  14. At least IK is doing something positive and for that I am thankful.
  15. Sad part of all this to me is the people refusing to wear a mask. If both parties where a mask and one has the virus, the chance of giving it to others is under 2%. What is so hard about doing your part to help health-care workers cope with this outbreak and protect people around you! We personally know 4 people who have got it. 2 survived and 2 didn't. The 2 that survived had it pretty bad but they didn't need to me ventilated. The other two that need to be didn't make it. I think one will have long-term health issues. Might only be a few percentage that get it bad but how would like to be the one that brings it home to your family. You only have mild case but by time you know you passed it along to your spouse and kids or parents. A little precaution for the loved ones around you. Sorry about my Soap-box here. My wife is a Nurse and has seen first hand what this virus can do . Sad to both of us is the leadership in this country. I'm talking all of them that they can't stop the bickering and actually do the job they were voted in office to do.
  16. Then it would be worth it for the price.
  17. Shouldn't Bapu of been on the #2 engine?
  18. He's a very useful Engine. A little Cheeky at times!
  19. I just washed the bedding?
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